Drabble: "Only"

by Larkspur


"Ano.. Sasuke?"


"Are we....?"


"Are we... you know..."

"No, I don't know. What?"

He could feel the nervousness resonating from the boy lying next to him. Naruto normally wasn't one to be hesitant and shy...

"Are we... homos?"

Initial shock had him twitching.

Sasuke inwardly groaned. He never could figure out just exactly how the other boy's mind would work. It never seemed to follow a practical or logical route, instead, it was always jumping from one point to another. Erratic and irrational.

Much like their current relationship.

"What the hell are you asking that for?" he answered, exasperated. He rolled over to his side, his back now facing the other boy.

Jesus, they weren't even doing anything at the moment.

Sasuke closed his eyes, trying futilely to calm the urge to hit him over the head. It was quite possible, no it was pure fact, that Uzumaki Naruto was the most annoying and irritating ninja to have ever come out of Konoha Village.

Why would he ask that at a moment like this?

They were only lying next to each other peacefully, enjoying each other's presence. No words needed between the two of them.. That was the way he liked it most. No small talk. No pretty words. No stupid questions. Especially not questions like this.

"Because... I'm a boy. And, so are you."

"Yeah, I noticed, dobe."

As soon as the words left his mouth, the smaller boy abruptly sat up and threw him an angry and hurt glare. Sasuke belatedly realized his mistake in answering so indifferently.


Naruto wasn't the type to muse over things quietly in his own mind. Instead, he was more of the type to yell whatever thoughts he had aloud to anyone within a thirty yard radius.

But, then again, that was one of the things that he loved most about him. Naruto was pure and innocent, in that way. He was everything that he wasn't: open and uninhibited.

Some things just couldn't be helped, he supposed.

"Does it bother you so much?" he asked finally, turning his gaze upwards to face him. Naruto looked wounded, slightly pouting.

"Iie.. demo...."

Sasuke knew when to take the other boy seriously, so he sat up to face him directly. Eyes black and shining, voice low and steady.

"It's only you."


"I said, it's only you, dobe," he whispered, reaching up to touch a whiskered cheek, "it's only with you that I'm this way."

He watched as a chin started to quiver, blue eyes glistened. Naruto really was too emotional for his own good.

Really, they were only words..

"I won't be like this with any other guy. Or girl," he continued, now cupping the other boy's face in his palms, "only with you."

Naruto grabbed onto the sleeves of Sasuke's shirt.

"Me too, Sasuke! I only like you!" he declared. A feral and determined light shined in his eyes.

Really, what was he thinking?

Sasuke leaned down to press his lips against the other's, softly and reassuringly so.

I know that already.

Date Completed: 11/22/03


So yeah, this is mostly just a shameless self-plug for my site, blue-black. The link is in my profile. It's a shrine to Sasuke/Naruto. Go check it out. And review, please.