Love is Pain

By: Freewater

Pairings: Gh-Tr

Rating: Pg 13, Shonen ai

Disclaimers: I do not own DBZ, never have never will yada, yada, yada. Please don't sue me!

Warnings: Male/Male relationship. Swearing

Archive: Sure, anything's good! Just ask me first k? ^_^

Feedback: Definitely! Please, yes!! I want to know if I did a good job or not writing this! Please review me!!

Notes: A bunch of these little stars **** Means a change in time or scenery. ''These things here indicate thoughts.


Three months later, in a small brick church in the countryside, Gohan and Trunks were married. They could've had a large and expensive wedding with the money that Trunks could provide, but in the end they wanted something simple. Only close family and friends were invited, and happily Pan acted as the flower girl. Gohan finally got joined custody of her, and he was so proud when she put aside her little tomboy act for the day to be a little lady and wear the pink frilly dress that came with the job.

It was such a beautiful day. They both had to fight back tears when it came time to say "I Do". Trunks never felt happier in his whole life when his mate slipped the ring on his finger and he did the same. He was practically in heaven when Dende pronounced them married that he had to be snapped out of his trance in order to kiss Gohan, who only grinned in amusement.

The scars on his wrists were now gone. One quick trip to collect the dragon balls and he was completely healthy again. Gohan was very thankful for that. When he ran out to him in the hall that day, he had to carry him back to his room due to the weakness in his legs. Thankfully, now he was strong enough again to dance around with him on the grass with complete ease. They were all celebrating their union outside the church under a see-through white canopy, decorated with flowers.

"I love you y'know." Gohan whispered into his ear while they slowly danced, their bodies hugging each other as they moved with the song.

Trunks snickered slightly with his eyes closed as they danced, his head was currently resting peacefully on Gohans shoulder. "You just married me, you'd better love me!" He said sarcastically.

Gohan gave him a light squeeze in amusement. "Your beautiful too." He whispered lovingly.

Trunks' eyes shot open when he heard that, and narrowed them playfully at his new mate as he faced him. "If you're gonna start thinking of me as a girl then I'm going to be leading our dances from now on!" He said before lightly kissing his snickering Koi.

"Fine with me aisuru." Gohan replied while he kissed him back. His lips were so warm and inviting, that while he never wanted the night to end he still wanted to get out of there soon so he could make love to his koi.

Trunks dominated the kiss with ease, and soon Gohan found that his mouth was being occupied by his tongue. He just chuckled. He was such a good kisser that it should've been illegal. Of course he would never tell him that with the fear of being called corny, even though it was. He decided to make sure that he would only say truly romantic things to him all the time. That way, when his Koi called him corny he would know that it was just for a joke.

Once they realised that they were being watched by a smirking Piccolo, Vegeta, Yamcha and Goku, they broke off the kiss gently and sent playful sneers in their direction. They all just laughed before going off somewhere to get some more food or start up a new conversation with someone.

They both then chuckled before resuming their dance with everyone else. Gohan took a look around the makeshift room that they were dancing in while he led his mate around. It was such a beautiful place. He was glad to have found it. There were round wooden tables with white cloth covers to sit at, with pink, white and sky blue flowers for the centre pieces in small baskets. Long white candles were lit everywhere, and with the sun almost completely set and the crickets chirping and the fireflies out with the stars starting to shine, the place truly could pass for heaven.

Pan was off somewhere at this point trying to catch the fireflies that were roaming about. He couldn't help the soft chuckle he let out once he saw her. 'I guess I should've known better than to think that she would be my little lady for the *whole* night!' He thought as he watched her run around in her dress in amusement.

From what he'd heard, Videl had been extremely pissed off that she'd lost to him in court, and due to the evidence that Trunks and Goten dug up, she even lost most of her rights to her daughter. Now Pan spent most of her time with her father. Much to his delight. It was weird hearing about the fit she threw since she seemed to have taken it so well in the court room.

"I love you, Go-chan." Trunks said dreamily with his head back in its resting place on his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Gohan leaned his head down to kiss his soft lavender hair affectionately. "I love you too." He whispered to him in just as much of a dream state.

"So how soon can we get out of here?" He asked while looking up at him with a sexy smile on his face.

Gohan blushed when he heard that, but that look was quickly replaced with a sexy smile of his own with the idea of being with his aisuru. "As soon as you want to, Koi." He said while leaning in closer to his face.

Trunks grinned before playfully reaching behind him and giving his ass a light squeeze. "How about now?" He asked almost impatiently.

Gohan chuckled again before kissing his prince softly. "We should slip out of here quick then, before my kasaan starts crying again." He whispered against his mouth hotly.

Trunks grinned through the kiss before quickly breaking it off, grabbing his hand and leading him away. "Lets get out of here quick then." He said while practically dragging him away.

Gohan smiled brightly when he heard his Koi say that. "Whatever you say, love." He said happily while he quickly followed him. There was only one thing on his mind at this point, and that was how much he loved his wonderful Koi and how great and hot their wedding night was going to be.


A.N:So what do you all think of the last chapter? The ending sucks, I know, but as usual I'm pressed for time. I could write a final one with a lemon in it but................I'm not too sure about what I'll do about that just yet (evil laugh). Review it if you liked it please! Reviews are always good!^_^ please review me!!!!!!!!!! I'm begging here!

P.S. Thank you to all who reviewed! Thanks majin Bulma! I especially liked your review! ^_^