Disclamer: I don't own Legolas but I do own everyone else. Set before the War of the Ring which is why there aren't many references to LOTR in this story. Two girls, Leila and Shí disguise themselves as men and join the army. It's an elvish sort of Mulan with two heroines. Shí/Ahora. Legolas/Leila. (For once none of the characters are based on me!) The original version of this story was a swap story between me and my mate Liz. Ada means father and Nana mother.

The way I'm doing the elves ages is that 500 is the equivalent of a 5 year old so 1500 is a 15 year old. Basically minus the 2 0's and you got the age they look like. And I'm having it that they stop growing at 2000 or 20 so that's why they always look so young. Got it?

To all those who flamed about Éowyn already doing this...she is a human! These are elves. Éowyn fought in one battle, these two fight in lots and train for years. If you notice the whole of the elven army is male so I thought this fitted. Éowyn may do the same but this is set a long time before Return of the King OK? I know Éowyn is a cool character, one of my favourites actually but this is totally different to her. One small note which had been pointed out to me, the reason the girls have joined the army is explained later on because I know it says they wasn't girl power basically but later on it is explained why girl power is so important to them.

This is dedicated to Liz who helped me start it and has told me in person that she loves the fight scenes and ended up cheering out when she was reading it (causing her parents to look at her).

Thanks to whoever it was that informed me about the kids name problem. This Tinw( is supposed to say T-I-N-W-E but the e has 2 dots over it but it doesn't work sometimes.

This contains FemSLASH ok? Hidden Identity

A/N I know everybody keeps saying Leila and Elrohir instead of Leila and Legolas but I had planned on the latter. Therefore I need a vote, which pair. Oh and because of this the chapter I planned is on hold and instead theres this short one...so please pick a pair! So I can get on.

Chapter 28, Filler Chapter

"You don't want to be my wife?" Elrohir asked hurt.

"Oh I do, I do, but i don't think I'll make a very good wife, especially not with my reputation and my sons and..."

"Leila I don't want to marry you for your reputation or your saons, well I would like them to be my sons, I want to marry you for you."

"Not just for your babe in my belly?"

"No, I love you Leila. Will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes I think I will."

Leila sighed in a very very bored way as Arwen and three other women stood around her making her dress. The basic form was there but now they were adding sleeves and patterning and it was taking hours and hours and hours.

"Is this gonna take much longer?" she asked, her patience finally giving up. The other women glared at her and continued to sew. "Sorry I asked."


"I want Leila at my wedding," Risen said quietly to the group of people. Eriaur nodded but his father, King Thranduil frowned. That woman had caused allot of trouble for his family and kingdom but her sister was the perfect Princess...just without a title.

"Well..." he began.

"Father she deserve to have her older sister there," Eriaur said, noticing the frown on his fathers face.

"Well I'm sorry my son but if you wish to be married in 2 weeks there simplt isn't time to send a messenger and for her to return in time. Plus we can't spare anyone," Thranduil said. Risen felt tears brimming in her eyes and looked at the floor. "I'm sorry, now of course the wedding shall take place in the great hall and invitations have been sent to all the officials..." Eriaur put a gentle arm around his fiancé who smiled up at him, wiping her eyes discreetly.

Shi fired her next arrow at the target and smiled as it hit the dead centre mark as it did everytime. The raw recruits in the line down from her being taught by Dallas stared at her as she walked to her target. She was dressed in a tighter shirt than what she used to wear with a belt around her waist, outlining her figure. She pulled the arrow out and walked back to the line to take another shot or two.

A/N This is literally a filler chapter because I need to know the answer to the question in the first A/N.