A Thread of Gold

Disclaimer - The characters in this story are owned by Lucasfilm. I'm only borrowing them for my amusement and hopefully yours. My thanks to JT, Angela and Mona for suggestions and help. This story is for Sheyla as she once told me she liked it.



The anonymous building, amongst a myriad variety of anonymous buildings, must have rocked on its foundations at the frustration and anger coming from a bland exercise hall on the sixty-fifth storey of the topmost level. That is if anyone knew where the foundations were. Coruscant was a world consisting entirely of buildings. A city built upon a city. No-one knew how far down the buildings went.

Mara Jade lunged viciously at the practice droid – her lightsaber missing him by the narrowest of margins. Flipping over the droids head, she landed agilely on her feet and skewered his torso. The mechanical crumpled in a shower of hissing sparks. Anger gripped her in its iron fist. That 'man'. She made it sound like the strongest derogatory epithet in the entire galaxy. 'That man' made her madder than a starving bantha or a Krayt dragon with menstrual cramps. Dark side or not – Luke Skywalker had really done it this time.

Mara stood motionless, her saber arcing before her. The droid brought her to her senses as it finally spluttered and died, lurching drunkenly to the floor.

'Great'. Now she'd 'killed' her last droid and they weren't exactly cheap. A live opponent might have been preferable, but the way she was feeling the preferred opponent might not have lived long enough to make it worth her while. 'That man' had a lot to answer for. Mara kicked the blackened metal, her mouth firming and her green eyes snapping with unreleased fury. The vanquished droid hissed impotently and she turned away, her red-gold braid swinging wildly behind her, ignoring its final death throes.

It had only been a couple of months previously but they'd had an argument of sorts. Nothing new there, Mara thought disgustedly. Luke had mentioned the subject of her Jedi training again. He never forgot to bring up the issue when they were together. She'd come to expect it, but at that time Mara had just not been in the mood and had refused to discuss it point blank. The ease they usually shared was awkward with strange new tensions Mara declined to contemplate.

Luke had tried to be reasonable, but in the end had given up and vanished stiffly from her apartment, his blue eyes strangely blank.

Mara left the next day on a few trading runs in the core systems. They were the most profitable and helped to banish the Jedi from her mind. He would call - it was only a matter of time. He usually did - his cheerful face would appear on her viewer suggesting exercises for her to try. He wouldn't mention the tiff and she would come round. Luke somehow managed to charm her from her sulk without using the Force.

However, Luke Skywalker was no longer the impetuous, reckless youth he'd once been. He was a man now and as such had learned to bide his time. They'd been friends for such a long time, Luke and Mara, but they could still, and did, argue fiercely. She, the aggressor - he the pacifier. It was comforting in a twisted way to have someone close enough to argue with knowing that they would still be there for you in a crisis. There had always been this connection between them – even from the very first moment they had met. The reserved, gentle man had become different with the beautiful, fiery trader. He was more open, fun loving and passionate about the things he believed in, but only with her. It was then that Mara saw another kind of man, one she'd begun to unknowingly care very deeply about. Mara had come to rely on him more than she knew. But this time, there was no call. 'He's sulking because 'I'm right and he knows it.'

Mara had stormed back to Coruscant, green eyes hard, barely keeping her infamous temper in check. She'd contacted him to arrange a lightsaber practice session and met him in a small gym near Luke's empty, lonely, flashy Coruscant apartment. Luke had tutored her patiently with Mara sniping at him verbally in return. The training exercise had been more antagonistic on both their parts, Mara becoming careless in her anger, until with a decisive thrust, Luke easily won the encounter. Emotionlessly he'd closed his saber down with more of a snap than usual and fixed it to his belt. "Something's gnawing away at that temper of yours, Jade. What is it?"

"You usually get in touch."

"Why, so you could point out all my faults as you've been doing lately?" He tried to hold on to his own calm. "If I annoy you so much, why do you bother?"

"You're imagining things. You always call."

"I was busy."

"Oh." The little word crept out and sat pathetically between them.

"I have a life, although you don't seem to acknowledge that fact. You may not want to join the Jedi, Mara but it is my mission to return them to the galaxy."

"That's harsh…" Mara's voice stalled. Unsure of what to do she glared at him.

Luke cleared his throat briskly. "I've only booked for a couple of hours. We'd better do some more work."

He was keeping something from her. She didn't know how or why she knew – but he was. Perhaps it was the way he shifted from one foot to the other not meeting her eyes and with his barriers firmly in place. She'd once found him so easy to read. Her mood darkened sourly. She didn't want to read him she told herself, ignoring the little voice which laughed at her.

Mara closed her hand tightly over her own weapon glad to have its reassuring weight. Assuming a classic posture she flashed him a defiant look from keen green eyes. "Continue."

Luke's saber flew from belt to hand and matched her position. They maintained that stance for a moment before Mara attacked. Luke smiled grimly as the sabers buzzed and clashed. The classic thrust and parry of their practice was not unlike the struggle for equality and balance in their relationship.

Luke shut down his saber and the only sound was their tortured breathing. They'd been fighting vigorously for well over two hours. The unresolved 'something' just simmering between them. Luke wrapped a towel round his glistening shoulders. The famous blue eyes darkly alive with turbulent emotions.

"What is it, Jade? There's more here than just a missed holo-message."

"You always assume something is wrong, Jedi Master." She shot defiantly back. "I could ask you the same thing."

He raised an eyebrow in a manner he'd perfected indicating disbelief. "I'm quite calm. You on the other hand…"

"I can be as boring as you, Skywalker. I'm fine."

Luke recited the little list he'd been keeping in his head. "You've a lot of stuff whirling round your head at the moment, Jade. You're tense, angry and frustrated."

"You would know about that then, Skywalker." She gibed nastily. "The frustration part?"

Luke removed the towel from his neck, attached his saber to his belt and picked up the casual jacket he'd been wearing. There was no reasoning with her and he'd had enough of being her whipping boy. "I have to go," he said stiffly.

"More people to scout the galaxy for?"

As soon as the words had left her mouth, Mara knew she'd said the wrong thing. What had Luke done to her that was so terrible that she could belittle him and be intentionally cruel. There was no getting away from it. She was being thoroughly horrible and she'd hurt her best friend.

A flicker of hastily concealed pain screamed briefly in her mind then fell silent. "I…"

The Jedi Master stood solemnly, not Luke or even Skywalker, but the Jedi.

"You could be right. Goodbye, Mara," the words sounded so formal. Then he hesitated on the threshold as if he was going to ask her something.

Mara retreated, bringing up her mental barriers and backing away a few steps, appalled at her own behaviour and Luke thought she'd retreated from him. Deeply hurt although unsure why. He built his brick walls around himself and offered her his oddly formal little bow. Mara remembered Leia once telling her how she'd had to coach Luke and Han in formal diplomatic etiquette for the Bakuran Treaty. Leia had laughed softly, remembering, her brown eyes shining at a treasured memory. "Luke did it beautifully, but Han always bordered on insolent.

The door hissed shut. Mara jerked her head towards where Luke had been, but he'd gone. Mara was alone and felt her isolation keenly.

Three days she called his apartment but received no answer. Three days she'd sent apologetic messages through the Force to him. Three days she even went to sit outside his apartment at weird times waiting for him to show up, all to no avail. Finally, inevitably, Mara caved in and contacted his sister.

"Mara! You're not…?"

Mara frowned at Leia Organa Solo on the vid-screen. She would swear on the grave of Darth Vader that Leia hadn't expected to see her. "I wondered if Luke had contacted you recently? He is still on Coruscant?"

The former Princess of Alderaan shook her head. "Luke's gone off planet. I thought he was going to ask you to go with him. He muttered that it was something the Intel boys wanted information on. You know that Luke can get in and out of these places easier than a fully trained commando squad. But he was going to ask you to go with him." She smiled. "Just as back up. Han was rather put out," Leia confided, not noticing that there was no answering smile on Mara's face.

"When do you expect him back?"

"That's just it. I don't know. Luke wasn't supposed to be going at all. I don't think it was an operation that required Jedi but apparently he was at a loose end." The expression on her face showed how amazing it was for Luke to be without something to occupy his time. "He needs a break. If he'd asked me about it I would have forbidden him to go in any case."

A small smile crossed Mara's face. "I can't see you having much luck there."

Leia sighed. "Have you spent any time with him lately Mara. I know he feels he can talk to you?"

"Not much I'm afraid. I've been on a few supply runs recently. We had an argument the last time we met for saber practice."

"Another one?"

Mara grinned. "Another one. He just makes me want to spit without doing anything half the time."

"I used to be like that with Han."

"It's not that kind of feeling, Leia," Mara put in dryly. Han and Leia's arguments had been full of sexual tension.

Leia smiled politely in return but inside wasn't so sure. "Next time you see him, Mara, really look. He's tired, a bit thinner and irritable. Luke was never irritable before. I could always depend on unfailing good humour from my brother. But now…. And he's become so secretive. I could tell once what he was thinking – the proverbial open holobook. But he's closed his thoughts, shielded them so well that now I cannot."

Mara's eyes widened in surprise. "I feel that way too," she whispered.

They made a tentative arrangement for a saber practice session between them the following day before Mara cut the connection.

Mara thumped her pillow irritably. Skywalker was keeping her awake. She couldn't get round the look he'd given her just before he'd left. She thought about him often and that was beginning to scare her. He'd not contacted her this time either, still - considering the way she'd treated him. Was she surprised? She had to see him to make amends. "As soon as he returns to Coruscant," she vowed.

The sheer sleeping shift she was wearing slipped off one slim shoulder as she pulled herself into an upright position. By all that was working in the galaxy, it was hot. She surveyed the pillow. It didn't look any less comfortable than it had over the previous weeks.

She slumped back against the headboard and closed her eyes. A forgotten memory of Luke, his chest bare as he duelled with Corran Horn rose to the forefront of her mind. Corran was a well-put together man, but he did not have the presence in the Force that Luke had gained. Both men had been breathing heavily and covered with a thin sheen of sweat as the result of their duel. Luke had flipped, somersaulted over Corran's head and greeted her with a cheeky grin as she entered the room. He'd given her a level stare, the smile fading from his lips and strangely, she'd felt her cheeks flushing. Her eyes had drifted over his firm chest and they'd stood in silence just gazing at each other.

Mara and Luke hadn't noticed the time passing but Corran had. The Corellian Jedi had crossed over to where his wife awaited him.

"I predict troubled times ahead." He murmured sotto voce to his wife. Mirax had laughed.


"What do you think?"

"I don't think. I know."

"Who's the Jedi in this family?"

"You, but I'm the one with the sense."

Mara recalled hugging the memory to her of how his eyes had warmed just by seeing her. But that didn't explain why he was still keeping her awake. A faint nagging worry over him tugged at the edge of her consciousness.

The com beeped unexpectedly, waking her from an uneasy doze. Mara didn't need to see the chrono near her bed to know that it was the middle of the night.

"Luke!" she whispered knowing. But the voice at the other end belonged to Leia.

"Mara, its Luke. He's disappeared." The words were flat - unemotional. Still, something in Leia's sense spoke of real worry and fear. "I'm probably being completely paranoid over this… but…"

Mara's heart plummeted. Sitting up she switched to receive holo "I'll be right over."

Leia's white face viewed Mara with concern. "No. Don't do that. There's nothing you can do at the moment. He went on this mission for the New Republic, just not the one I thought he'd gone on. He's gone to somewhere called Varnahk I've never heard of it before apparently it's still…"

"Varnahk," Mara echoed, the nagging worry changing into dread. "What the hell did you let him go there for?" she shouted. Diving out of bed she lunged for her robe. "I'm coming over now. I'll meet you in your office."

"I'm not in my office – I'm at home. It's the middle of the night." Leia blinked at Mara's strange behaviour. "I didn't know he was going - I told you. According to Wedge, Luke blasted off Coruscant in a hell of a temper. You told me I couldn't control his movements and I can't, more's the pity. Mara - there's nothing we can do until I hear more from the military. If we act we'll only put Luke and the rest of our people in danger. If I need you I will call. Please stay put." She shrugged. "You know I had trouble convincing Han to do exactly the same thing."

"That doesn't surprise me," Mara put in a little dryly.

"I'm really worried about him. All I ever want is for my family to be safe."

"I can still come over." She hesitated… "If you want?" There was silence between the women. "Leia - Varnahk?"

Leia lifted her dark eyes from the piece of flimsy she was shredding. "It's that bad." Her voice held knowledge, it wasn't a question.

Mara nodded, biting her lip. "I'd rather do something to help than just wait. Luke wouldn't want me to just wait."

Leia shook her head. "Patience is a Jedi trait. What good would you do him by rushing out there? We don't even know if he is there."

"I'll know."

"No, as I said there's nothing you can do. Just wait and pray"

"I'm not very good at that, Leia," Mara snapped.

"For Luke's sake you'll have to learn that skill. If you're close to him."

Mara decided not to go back to bed anyway. How could Luke do this to her when she was starting to think she might care… "Oh no! I'm not heading down that direction with a blue eyed blond idealist from a tenth-rate world that nobody wants to go to."

The more she thought about it the angrier she became. Mara Jade was not going to give in to Luke Skywalker's dubious appeal. They argued too much, he wanted to change her too much, heck she wanted to change herself. She didn't go for men with eyes of that particular clear shade of blue and tousled fair hair, which continually needed cutting. It called out for you to smooth the errant curl that developed when it went too long without a barber.

"Dammit!" She glared feverishly at her own image in the reflector. "Get out of my head." But he'd never been there uninvited. She'd placed him there herself. Quickly she grabbed her clothes and dressed. She had to forget about the man before she did something stupid like fall in love with him. Or go and get him out of Varnah and was well aware of what he did. He had responsibilities to the Jedi and the New Republic and had to stop behaving like a reckless fifteen year old. Jedi Master or not he could be a dead man.

"Hark at me." Mara muttered grumpily, but she was worried too. She opened the door and moved slowly to the balcony to stare out at the breathless view of Coruscant, but Mara saw none of it. Her green eyes were cloudy and unfocused as she tried to see the man she'd become so close to. "Please be all right, Luke, please." She whispered. But Varnahk was too far away for him to hear her.

A large knot of something formed in her stomach and the tiny seed of anger she still carried with her began to grow. Mara herself couldn't have known, but it was a defence mechanism she employed especially when dealing with Luke Skywalker. If she was angry, then there was no room for other more treacherous emotions to invade her thoughts and her heart.

The wave of tiredness finally washed over her. She had to stay awake just in case Leia contacted her about Luke once he turned up. The stipils would keep her awake. Where had she put them? But the cabinet in the refresher held none of the sleep suppressant tablets. Oh yes, bloody Skywalker had stolen them, saying she took too many of them and they weren't good for her. A sensible diet and natural rest were what was needed instead.

"Natural rest! With you in my head I don't think so."

But she lay down on her bed fully clothed in any case and slept.


That had been a month ago. Without compromising New Republic secrecy or Luke's identity, Mara had tried to find out anything she could from smuggler contacts who visited Imperial space, but the Jedi Master had simply vanished. Varnahk was governed by a fanatical Imperial Moff who still had hopes that the Empire could rise again. As far as he was concerned, the war hadn't ended. But there was still no news of Luke. Mara got angrier and angrier as the days passed with still no news. Talon Karrde, after meeting with his second-in-command, had contacted Leia to find out what had happened and to offer his aid. He was concerned about Mara; she had the look of dry kindling with the match already lit. If Skywalker wasn't already dead, Karrde concluded that Mara would kill him when he returned.

"If he does return, Mara will have to get in line." Karrde muttered under his breath. He was a shrewd observer of human nature and what he saw between Mara and the Jedi Master gave him cause for concern. Underneath the anger, there was fear. Luke had become Mara's anchor without her realising it.

Present time

So here she was - futilely poking at her last practice droid with the toe of her boot. Data gleaned from the military had been sketchy but had given her somewhere to start. Luke had volunteered to go on something resembling a suicide mission. Information had been needed and Luke had agreed to go into a top secret Imperial base and extract it. Or as Wedge had put it. Luke had been in past Rogue Squadron's headquarters for a swift visit and Admiral Drayson had been talking to General Cracken about something as Luke had passed by. Result - one Jedi Master disappearing off to the Imperially held sector only to vanish without trace. The same fate had already befallen three of the New Republic's top undercover agents. That wasn't an encouraging piece of news.

Luke had managed to infiltrate a top security installation, got some of the required information out, and hadn't been heard of since. There had been no news of what had happened to the NR agents. That was when Mara had decided to go and find him - Imperial stronghold on Varnahk or no. She'd made the mistake of first running the idea past Karrde. He'd made sure that she hadn't made it off Coruscant. The port authorities had refused to give her clearance. Something had gone wrong with the Jade's Fire's hyperdrive, and Mara was left cooling her heels in the Wesport. The annoying thing was that the hyperdrive really had developed a fault and had nothing to do with Karrde's machinations.

Therefore Mara was left feeling strangely frustrated and madder than a Yuzzum during mating season. It was all because of 'that man'. She stomped around the demolished droid. Her ire visible as pure energy which crackled in her green eyes and fiery head.

"Okay!" She exhaled the word forcefully. "I'm going to go get him."

The door hissed open and the cautious, bearded face belonging to Talon Karrde peered around it. The atmosphere in the room buzzed. He could feel it and he wasn't a force sensitive.

"I hope this is important, Karrde," she said coldly. "I have things to do - important things."

"Mara," his face was serious, his voice quiet. "They've found him."
