Disclaimer: I don't own lord of the rings, and also there is a scene in here which I got the idea from called a book called dancer.so I don't own that either.

AN: I know that elves are not affected by the cold..but it had to happen for this story to work.so bear with me people.

Aragorn patted the horse on the nose, "So Mellon nin, are you ready for your first ride?"

Beren was a young horse whom Aragorn had been raising for the past few years in Rivendell. His mother had passed away during a hard labor so Aragorn had become his caretaker. And today would be Beren's first outing with a person on his back.

"You really think he is ready?" a voice behind him spoke.

Aragorn turned from Beren's stall to see Arwen entering the stables. She wore her thick, wool riding coat that hung down over her riding boots, winter breeches and shirt. Her face was slightly flushed from the cold outside. Aragorn walked over and placed a greeting kiss to her lips.

"Of course he is ready." Aragorn said wrapping an arm around her waist. Looking down at her clothing he added, "Will you be joining me and Beren for a ride?"

Arwen nodded and walked to the stall next to Berens', "I figured that Asfaloth would want to play in the snow. He hasn't been out much now that Glorfindel is in Lothlorien." She pulled down the necessary tack from the wall and pet Asfaloth on his shoulder, "You miss Glorfindel don't you?" she whispered to the white stallion.

Aragorn turned back to her as he adjusted Beren's girth, "I'm sure Asfaloth doesn't mind. Now he has a much prettier rider to carry around." He said with a grin. Arwen blushed and within a few minutes the horses were tacked and ready to be ridden. Hand in hand Aragorn and Arwen brought them out to the paddock,

There was a good foot of snow in Imladris. The already beautiful haven was now mystical and more enchanting as it glittered and shined with decorations for the winter festivals. Arwen leaned against Aragorn's strong shoulder as the looked at their homeland around them. "Beautiful isn't it?"

Aragorn squeezed her hand, "Not as much as you."

Arwen laughed as she swung into Asfaloth's saddle. "You enjoy saying that."

"Just as much as you enjoy hearing it I can assure you."

Arwen's jaw dropped in mock anger, "Are you saying that I am full of myself?"

Aragorn put the reins over Beren's head and smirked, "Maybe."

The Elven Princess scowled, "Well you seem extremely confident that Beren is ready to take a rider."

"Certainly he is." Aragorn said proudly, "I've been breaking him into the saddle and bridle for months."

Arwen nodded as she put down the reins and quickly braided a few strands of her hair to keep it from falling in her face, "Yes that may be, but you began breaking him in a year early. He is still very young."

Aragorn walked in front of Beren and stood next to Asfaloth, looking up at his Evenstar, "Are you saying that I'm bad at raising horses?"

Arwen tied off the last braid and smiled, "Maybe." she leaned over towards Aragorn to adjust her stirrup, her breath catching in her throat as he pressed a kiss to her pointed ear. Aragorn smiled against her cheek when he felt her shudder. "Aragorn," she spoke softly. Not moving from his lips, "do not try and weaken me with your little games." She sat up in the saddle and smiled at her love.

Aragorn made a face of false hurt, "Why would I EVER play that sort of game with you?"

Arwen laughed, "All right, there is only one way we are going to end this debate on Beren." She said changing back the subject.

Aragorn stared up at her curiously, "And what would that be?"

Arwen grinned, "A bet."

"A bet?"

"A bet."

"And what exactly are we betting?" he asked.

"If Beren ends up dumping you in the snow, then."she smiled evilly, "you have to jump in the pond down the hill at midnight."

Aragorn's eyes almost popped out of his head, 'How on Middle-Earth does my innocent elven love come up with these ideas?' he kept a mental not to speak to her friend Maranwe about this later. He swallowed his fear about the frigid lake and said, "And what if I stay in the saddle?"

"Then I jump in the pond at midnight."

Aragorn, quite amused at the thought of Arwen jumping in a freezing pond smiled, "All right. I agree."

"I don't want your word." Arwen spoke. She leaned down and brushed her hand over his cheek, "Seal your promise with a kiss." the ranger nodded and tilted his head up to meet her soft awaiting lips."

"Agreed?" he spoke when they separated.

Arwen smiled sweetly, "Agreed." Sitting up again she said, 'Now get on Beren so we can pursue this bet."

Aragorn turned to face the horse that would determine whether or not he would have an icy end with the pond. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Arwen was occupied saying something to Asfaloth. He took this opportunity to look Beren in the eye and whisper, "Beren, my friend. I have raised you since Day 1. I beg of you, so not let me end up having to go in that water. If I win you get carrots for a week." Aragorn then realized that he was trying to make a deal with a horse and shook his head. Carefully he put his foot in the stirrup and mounted the young stallion. Beren took a few uneasy steps but made no sudden moves with the added weight on his back.

Arwen smiled at Aragorn's worried expression. There was no way that she would be going in that water, especially at this time of year. Turning to Aragorn she said, "Ready?"

Aragorn steadied himself as Beren shook his head up and down, "Ready as you are." And they couple took their horses and trotted across the field.

New chappie coming soon.think this will be three chapters!!! Who do you think is gonna end up having an icy end with the pond????