Yay!! Two chapters in one day. I'm so excited. I hope they aren't too bad. I know they skip over some time but that just made it easier for the story to be told. I hope you enjoy! r/r please.

Chapter 7

A new addition

I woke up the next morning still feeling the love and emotion that both Legolas and I had shared the previous night. I rolled over with a smile on my face only to have that smile turn into a frown when I saw that Legolas was not there. Nor was he the next morning or the morning after that. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and sadly those months turned into years. Over this time I began to see Legolas less and less. Sometimes he would go on long journeys without telling me. It was during these times that my mind drifted back to Lothlorien and would land on the face of my Aranel. I would ponder what he was doing and if he was ever thinking about me. Sometimes I would write him letters, only to burn them out of fear that Legolas would find them.

Every day came to imitate the previous. I would awake four hours after the suns rising, get dressed and go to breakfast. Then I would either go to the library to get a book or to the gardens to sit and read until noon. Then I would go to Thranduil's throne room where I would either stand next to my husband or by myself and listen to the problems of elves or laugh quietly to myself at the foolishness of some of them. Then I would walk to dinner and eat with Legolas before returning to our chambers where he would give himself to me.

Then one morning I was woken up by a shocking sensation in my stomach. I immediately got out of bed and dressed before making my way to the healing chambers to see if they could tell me what was wrong. Sure enough, I was with child. I wanted to tell Legolas but I knew I would not see him until much later in the day. So I decided to have a messenger bring letters to Lothlorien and Rivendell explaining the good news. After doing so, it was already noon so I went to Thranduil's throne room hoping that Legolas would be there. He wasn't. As we walked to dinner I inquired as to why from Lienilda.

"He left early this morning with a party for the White City where he has business to attend to with their king," she said, a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Do you know when he is to return?"

"He did not say," she said looking at me. " Is something wrong?"

"No, my Lady," I replied as my hand glided up my chest and came to rest on the leaf pendent dangling from my neck.

" I know how you feel, Tinánia," she said taking my hand in hers. "I felt the same way when I was first married. Trust me, it only gets better from here." Her words made me smile as we entered the Great Hall. That night I ate and quietly went back to our room. I changed into a camisole and short pants before slipping under the covers. My hands gently slipped over my stomach and I fell asleep dreaming of the elfling growing in my womb.

But Legolas was not home the next day, or by the end of the week. Four months passed and slowly the elfling inside of me grew and I began to show. Not having told anyone yet, I hid my pregnancy under bigger dresses and long flowing cloaks. During those four months I became depressed, constantly thinking about Lothlorien and my dearest Aranel. How I wished that was his child. I longed for his loving touch and the warm look in his eyes that penetrated my soul.

By the fifth month of my pregnancy I was barely eating. I did not want the elfling inside of me to be born and I was so unhappy with everything that I did not even want to live. I was sorrowful and lonely, dying from a broken heart. One day I woke up and put on a long flowing green dress with yellow embroidering, a high round neck and a loose fit to hide my slightly bulging stomach. I then took my book and left the palace.

I began wandering through the woods of Mirkwood and ultimately found myself sitting in the same spot I had sat in many years ago when I first arrived in Mirkwood. I was on the banks of the Forest River once again contemplating my relationship with Legolas. My mind strayed to my family in Lothlorien. They had sent no response to the letter I had sent regarding my pregnancy five months ago. Then to my mother who seemed to be excited about the little elfling inside of me, but was sad to say she would be unable to visit for several months. Then back to Aranel, my sweet, dear Aranel.

As that thought crossed my mind I felt the tears begin to well up in my eyes and trickle down my face. It was the first time I had cried since the day I was married. Soon afterward I felt a familiar presence behind me. I heard a horse trotting closer and stopping several yards away. I heard the rider dismount and begin to walk towards where I was sitting. He came around the other side of the bench I was sitting on and sat down.

"You look troubled, Melamin ," I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and realized that it was in fact Legolas.

"I am fine," I replied quickly looking away. He then took my chin in his right thumb and index finger, forcing us to make eye contact.

"My mother says you will not come into the court room have not been present at meals for weeks. She is worried about you, as am I." He reached over his lap and picked up a bundle that sat on the bench next to him. He opened it up and showed me an assortment of fruits and vegetables that he must have gathered from the palace kitchen. "Please, eat something" he said with a pleading look in his eyes.

"I am not hungry," I said pushing the food away. As he retied the bundle in defeat a violent pain shot through my womb causing me to jump back and grab my stomach. Legolas reached over and placed a hand over mine.

"What is going on, Tinánia?" he asked as curiosity and anxiety filled his eyes. "I am pregnant," I said staring down at the two hands resting on my stomach. I then looked up at Legolas, and he appeared to be speechless.

"How far along are you?" he asked as he delicately stroked my stomach.

"Five months."

"Oh Tinánia," he said resting his head on my shoulder. I gently wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer. "Why did you wait so long to tell me?"

"You were not here," I whispered into his ear. He lifted his head and quickly kissed me in the lips.

"I'm here now," he said wiping the tears from my face. He then stood and offered me his hand. "Come, Melamin, you should be in bed." I placed my hand in his and stood, letting him lead me to his horse. He then helped me get on before mounting the horse himself and securing his arms around my waist. We then started back to Mirkwood in a leisurely trot. During this time my body, deprived from food, slowly went limp and the world around me faded to black as I passed into unconsciousness.

A/N: I didn't want to mention this at the beginning but I dont know anything about elves and babies so you'll have to bear with me.