Author's notes-This story is a sequel to another one of my fanfics called "Crowd Of Stars" This story also connects to "As Beautiful As You" and was inspired by some of the reviews I got for both. Please don't flame me too hard if the characters are a little out of character, but I am basing the characters more on how they are in the Japanese version. I have to admit I am rather fond of Seto Kaiba from the anime and find him an interesting study. These characters do not belong to me, except for Serene, of course. Thanks in advance for reading!


Once he thought the description of his eyes being the color of cold blue steel had been a compliment. That had been until he had met her. The woman he had decided he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, the one that he had fallen in love with. She had always told him that his eyes were beautiful, like pale blue windows into his soul. She had been the only one that he'd ever let see his softer side, besides his brother, and in the end, he had lost her to another.

He had been too inexperienced socially to realize that he had probably moved too quickly, that she hadn't been ready to get married to him. There was no doubt in his mind that she had loved him at the time, or even that she still cared about his welfare even now. Even after all the time that had passed and attending the wedding where she had married someone else, he harbored no ill feelings towards her. He actually felt worse for his teenaged brother Mokuba, who'd become attached to her in that time and still maintained a close friendship with her.

The trio's friendship had endured over the years, as he and his former love were still business partners, her with the New Sight Learning Center, he with his privately owned, multi-billion dollar corporation. No matter what feelings he felt then or even now, he respected the pretty young woman as a shrewd businesswoman and her name change from Wheeler to Taylor wouldn't change that. Besides, he had a new agenda. He had met someone new.

Her name was Serene, he remembered fondly, the lady friend of one of his most despised rivals. He had never tried to hide his distaste for his former love Serenity's brother Joey when they had been together, and he wasn't about to start now.

He had met her at Serenity's wedding, and he had been instantly smitten with her. She was Serenity's best friend, a massage therapist from the states. She had gotten involved with his rival Joey during her visit, but somehow he knew there was no way that could possibly be serious. A woman like Serene would never settle for someone like Joey Wheeler. He had already set a few wheels in motion and now only had his brother to inform of his plans.

"So, why are you sending for me so formally to your office? That's not like you. What's up, big brother?" Mokuba asked.

"Weren't you the one that told me that Serenity and her friends planning an overseas trip to the states this weekend?" he asked.

"Of course I was. It just happens to coincide with the charity dinner that has been scheduled with your international investors." he told him.

Seto smiled. "Oh yes, the ones that want to expand our ideas into learning centers nationwide. I also seem to recall you telling me that there was a young woman you'd met who said she lived in the states?" he asked.

Mokuba blushed furiously, recalling the dance he'd shared with the girl in question at Serenity's wedding. "I vaguely remember saying something like that." he told him.

"That settles it then. Have the servants prepare our suitcases and the arrangements this minute. I want not a moment wasted, little brother." he said.

Mokuba smiled. "No problem. I'm on it." he said, walking away.

Seto smiled again. For such a mischievous teen, Mokuba certainly was dependable. Now it was only a matter of hours before the ever determined Seto Kaiba could put his newest plan into action to win the heart of the girl that had stolen his...