Author's Babble: *-sniff sniff-* Barley any reviews!!! Oh well! I don't care if no one likes my story. I am going to write it anyways. So ha! I like where it is going, so I am continuing. Hee hee hee! OOH!! Guess what??? I was on, and they have this contest for the hottest non- celeb guys, and OMG!!! I am in HEAVEN!!!! Wheee! ! Hee hee hee!!!!! Lol, ok, on with the story! Ok, one more thing, I cant believe how much stuff is in the book, but not in the Movie of LOTR!!! I mean, there are some awesome parts in the book that so should be in the Movie. I mean, that bath scene in the first book!!! If you've read the book u know what I am talking about. !!!! :D !!!!! OK, now really on with the story.

"Jack! Something awful happened!" Ana Maria exclaimed.

"What is it?" Jack asked, standing behind me.

"It's Will! He's-" She was cut off by Jack.

"What is it? Is he dead? Hurt?"

"Slow down Jack! No, it's worse! I saw him with Norrington!"

Jack looked confused. "And? He was probably delivering a sword.

"Oh, Jack, you can be so slow sometimes! He wasn't just delivering a sword, he was witih him! As in, Wills a redcoat now!

"What? Why would Will betray us?" Jack was looking at Ana Maria with hurt in his eyes.

Vic came up behind Ana Maria, and asked, "What's this 'bout dear ol' Norrington?"

"It's Will! He's betrayed us all! He's with Norrington! And I thought he had pirate blood in 'im! Don't know why he'd betray his friends, and his sister of all people!" He gestured to me, waving his arms like a madman.

"Oh. Not good. But first, who's Will?"

"He's my brother!" I almost squeaked.

"Cap'n? You've a brother?" Vic asked, looking even more confused.

"Yes! I found him just a couple days ago! He was rescued by a naval boat when our boat blew up." Vic had been the one who had found me after our boat had exploded. He went around my little town asking everyone who I was, and who were my relatives. Then he delivered me to my Grandfather. But after we found my Grandfather, he disappeared. Until I was needing a crew that is.

"Aye. Now, if I be correct, this brother of yours is now with Norrington. Why would a pirate all of a sudden become a pirate hunter?" AB: I know! The moment u has been waiting for! Will has turned around!!! Mwa ha ha ha! I am evil. Hope u like it.

"Be damned if I know!" Jack said, anger searing in his eyes.

"Well, Jack, we'd better get you dressed, then go see how Elizabeth is making out. She'll be needin' some friends righ' now."

I led Jack to my quarters, and when I had shut the door, I pulled Jack's shirt over my head. I handed it to him, and he took it, but didn't put it on right away. I guess he was kinda shocked that his dear friend had become a pirate hunter.

"I don't know why he's done such a thing! I mean, why'd he..." He trailed off, and I wrapped my arms around him.

"Hey, it's OK, we'll survive. Besides, we've got the two fastest ships in the Caribbean. We can outrun him any day. Plus, we've got each other. What else could matter?" I was getting mushy, and I knew it.

"I 'spose so. It's just so- so..."

"I know. But right now we should be seeing 'lizabeth and see how she's doing." I wasn't too hurt, but I thought it was mainly because I hadn't known him for very long. Even if he was my brother. I mean, I didn't really care. Just another person to look out for. Not really a big deal. But I could see why Jack was so upset. He had known Will for who knows how long.

"C'mon, let's go see Elizabeth." Jack threw his shirt on, and I grabbed one out of my shirts out of my drawer.

Ana Marie seemed slightly embarrassed at the sight of me in my bra, cause I hadn't thrown on my shirt yet, and I quickly threw it on. My crew had seen me in my bra before, and the only reason I didn't worry is cause I knew if they ever tried to attempt to touch me, I would slice both their hands off. I was quite skilled with my cutlass, and they knew it. I quickly threw on my shirt, and Jack, and Ana Maria and I set off. Ana Maria left us, and went back to the Pearl.

When we got there, I knocked on the door. A maid answered the door, and led us to Elizabeth's room. I knocked on that door, but there was no answer. I tried again, and again, but no answer. Governor Swann walked by, and commented that she wasn't going to come out.

I opened the door, and found Elizabeth sitting on an elegant chair, and staring out the window.

"Uh, Elizabeth?" I asked quietly.

She didn't say anything.

"Liz? Hey, you ok?" Jack asked, stepping closer.

"No! I'm not ok! What do you think? My fiancé runs off and becomes a pirate hunter, leaves me, and ruins my chance of leaving this dreadful place, and you ask if everything's ok?" She turned back so she was facing out the window again.

Jack stepped back, almost as if he'd been slapped.

"I- I'm sorry, I just thought maybe you wanted to come 'board m' ship still." Will and Elizabeth were gonna become crewmembers of Jack's after they were married.

"I don't know. Just leave me alone!" Elizabeth buried her face in her hands, and Jack and I stepped out quietly.

We went down to the tavern, and I ordered us two rums.

Jack downed his quickly, and seemed deep in thought. Suddenly he stood up, and almost knocked down his chair. "Best be goin' now." He put some money on the table, and walked out.

I sat there, feeling rather deserted. I swallowed the rest of my rum, and paid the man at the bar. I walked slowly towards my ship, and noticed a man was following me. He was big and burly, and when I tried to lose him in the crowd, I couldn't.

Finally I turned around and stopped. He didn't realize that I had stopped, and almost ran into me.

"What'd ya doin'?"

"I don't know what you're talking about sir."

I almost laughed. "It's Cap'n Bobby to you." I put my hands on my hips. "Now, what do ya want?"

He glared at me. "I don't want nothing. Is a man not allowed to do anything in Port Royal anymore?"

I swiveled on my heel and walked off. But I did notice that he was still following me. I rounded a corner into an alley and stood behind the wall, hiding my small body. I drew my cutlass, prepared to frighten the mysterious man.

Just as he rounded the corner, I stepped out. "Now, Mr., tell me what you want!"

He quickly drew his cutlass, and looked at me.

"C'mon, you can't fool me. What do ya want?" I stepped closer to him, and he put up his cutlass in defense.

"Well Cap'n, if you want the truth, I was looking for yer ship."