1) FireKali

2) Kiina

3) Feelin Glayish, TechnoRanma, eternal radiance

ME: Here's my next story!!!

CS: It's…different.

ME: 'Cause its fantasy and romance.

CT: It's still TyKa right?

ME: If I ever change the pairing, Kai will have my life!!

CS: And your bike.

ME: And my---wait a minute!!! KAI HIWATARI!!!! GIVE MY BIKE BACK!!!

Kai: Damn.

CS: Anyways, here's the first chapter of 'Sealing of the Myths' And Timmy, you can't kill him, you need him for the story!!!

ME: Awwww…

DISCLAIMER:  The only thing I own is the plot line. I don't even own my muse!!! If I did own her, I wouldn't be here right now.

CS: You make me look like a psychopath.

ME: You mean, you aren't?


The Brethren—Tribe of People who serve the Storm Lords

Fire-Born—Tribe of People who serve the Fire Lords

Earth's Children—Tribe of People who serve the Earth Lords

Water's Creations—Tribe of People who serve the Water Lords

Ice's Adepts—Tribe of People who serve the Ice Lords

Metal's Brood—Tribe of People who serve the Metal Lords

Sky's Chosen—Tribe of People who serve the Sky Lords

All the Lords are Mythicals (Bit-beasts)

All the Tribes are human.


Chapter One

Meeting the Angel

He leaped onto the branch, dodging the blast of flame that was launched at him.

His long wild blue hair hung limply on his face. His smoky grey-blue eyes darted from side to side with some unknown fear.


He yelled as the flare caught him off-guard and he tumbled onto the ground. He landed headlong onto the ground, causing him to have a splitting headache.


He tried to get up before that man came back. Breathing heavily, he tried to lift himself off the ground. He winced, feeling the pressure on his ankle.

Just great.

"Going somewhere?"

He looked up to see a short man with flaming red hair that pointed towards the sky.

He got up and stared solemnly at his attacker.

"Not likely. What do you want?"

"You support the Children; And We don't like the Children."

He groaned. These feuds got very annoying. None of the Mythicals like to declare their dislike or contempt for each other. So they send humans to do it instead.

Fight after fight after fight…

He straightened himself; not wanting to show any weakness.

"So you want to kill me," He said, his voice flat, hinting at some deadly menace. 

The Red haired teen shrugged, "Not exactly."

He only had time to blink when the man hurled him onto the ground. He landed on his back.

The Red Haired teen leered at him. He shivered. He knows now what his attacker wants with him. Not An Option. He slowly slid his dagger into his hand.

The Red Haired Teen proceeded to remove his clothes.

"You're mine Dragon,"


He immediately plunged the dagger into his attacker's soft skin. He saw the body slump and fall down. He breathed a sigh of relief.

That was too close.

He looked at the moon.

Why on such a peaceful night that things get scary?

"I guess that's the way life is," he muttered to himself, "Time to go Tyson."

And he walked off, leaving behind the night and a body.

Kai stared at the horizon. He loved watching the sunset. The colours it sets into the sky are remarkable. The whole world is submerged in reds, yellows, oranges and pinks.

It was breathtaking.

As usual.

"I see you're gathering your thoughts again? You spend a lot of time doing that lately."

Kai didn't even turn around, "Hey Chris."

Chris pouted, his turquoise eyes glimmering, "Only 'hey'? Can't say anything else?"

"I can. Just not to you."

Chris laughed. Kai smirked. Among all of the Fire-Born, he got along with Chris the most. Chris was a tall brown-skinned teen with black curly hair braided into several short plaits and had shining turquoise eyes. Kai always felt he was more of An Earth Child rather than one of the Fire-Born, but when Chris's loved ones or friends are threatened, Chris can summon a power far beyond that of a normal Fire-Born.

Kai was a complete opposite of Chris. He had pale white skin and harsh burgundy eyes, which could men, turn to stone. Literally.

 Kai isn't exactly the 'sociable' type of person.

And Kai meant to keep it that way.

Chris smiled, "I see you're back in La-la land again."


"You know one day, I'll put that word in a dictionary."


Chris smiled and sidled up to Kai, "So whatcha thinking about?"

Kai was looking at the sky. The Sun was almost beyond human sight now, and the first traces of night began to show on the sky.

"I was thinking about the trade deal between The Earth Children and The Storm Brethren."

Chris frowned lightly. The Trade Deal between those two tribes signifies that the safety of the Tribe was in jeopardy. But he never knew Kai cared for the politics of the Mythicals…

"You've never been bothered by the doings of other tribes, so why the sudden concern?" Chris pointed out.

Kai sighed, "I get this feeling Chris…"

Chris was stunned. Not only had Kai said his name; he had also admitted of feeling something…

This is major, no doubt about that.

"Haven't you noticed the amount of casualties we've suffered this month?" Kai stated, his eyes focused on the sky not noticing the teen next to him, "And how agitated Dranzer's become?"

Chris nodded. His senior Mythical Cerebus has been usually uneasy lately.

"It's as if they can smell impending doom…" Kai trailed off.

Chris was thoroughly shaken. This wasn't like Kai at all.

What had happened to him?

Chris somehow managed to shake himself out of his reverie. Time for work, not for idle thoughts.

"Dranzer told me that she needs you to scout around Turren Forest. Apparently, our dear friend Jonathan has gone missing since yesterday night."

Kai snorted, "Who cares if that oaf goes missing or not? And since when has anybody worried about Johnny?"

"For the past couple of day, he's been sneaking out at night. Dranzer suspects treachery."

Kai looked at him, stunned. Then he sneered, "That brainless goof couldn't be a traitor without us knowing!! You know him Chris, that guy couldn't be a traitor even if he tried!!!"

"But Dranzer believes she felt his death," Chris said, his voice dead and hollow, "And not by ordinary means too. She believes he was murdered."

Kai was flat out shocked. Who in the right mind would want to kill Johnny? Exempting him, of course.

"Are you going? It's almost night time."

Kai spoke gruffly, betraying his contempt for his 'job', "I'll go."

Chris nodded and walked off.

Kai looked back at the stars.

Tyson sighed as he relaxed into one of the large hot spring pool that surrounded their castle. He was tired to the bone and the death of that strange teen had weighed heavily on his brow. He tried to avoid killing people as much as possible. After all, it wasn't their fault that they were who they were and the Mythicals were feuding with each other. Honestly, they could be as bad as humans when it came to vendettas and fights.

But he had no choice, but to kill the teen.

Otherwise Tyson would have been…worse off. Alive, but worse off.

Tyson splashed his face with water. His ankle was still giving him trouble and the headache he had earlier had developed into a migraine.

Tyson sighed. He always had bad luck. Just once, he wished he had good luck for once.

He looked at his reflection in the pool. A youthful face with dark blue-black hair and soft mysterious smoky eyes stared back at him.

Suddenly, the reflection changed.

His face was replaced by a youth with grey bangs and navy colored hair. This youth also possessed beautiful almond shaped claret eyes and creamy white skin. On each side of his face, were jagged blue triangles. Tyson subconsciously tried to stroke the reflection, but it vanished at his touch. Tyson nearly cried out of frustration.

Who was that?

Suddenly, another image appeared. Tyson looked at it carefully. It was moving. Showing some sort of…battle scene.

Tyson watched as he saw all kinds of Mythicals battling…and dieing. He saw them fall them down, bleeding to death.


He saw Dragoon fighting valiantly. Only to fall like everyone else…

Tyson couldn't think. He got up and ran out.

He needed someplace to think.

And this clearly wasn't the place

"Stupid bakayero son of a *****…" Kai muttered under his breath.

It was late, and all the stars were up twinkling like the permanent jewels of the sky. The moon glowed encouragingly at Kai as he continued his search for any humane signs of Johnny.

The woods glowed as an occasional rustle from a raccoon [1] as it scuttled from tree to tree. Kai growled under his breath. If Johnny is alive, Kai would personally send him to hell.


Kai was suddenly alert, his burgundy eyes sweeping over the forest.

What had that been?

He wished Dranzer had been able to come with him. But Dranzer was a Mythical and they are not allowed to associate with humans. Dranzer never followed those rules, but the Elders were getting suspicious.

No matter. He had his powers. He would be able to manage anything that appears in this forest.


Someone's coming.

Kai scanned the area for a place to hide. His crimson eyes found a bush.


Kai leapt into the bush and tried to make himself comfortable, so he could get a clear view of the forest.

The footsteps were coming closer. Kai peered from his hiding place. His breath caught in his throat.

He saw an angel.

Is that even possible?

The angel had wild blue hair that was tied into a low ponytail. His skin was tanned and he had a medium build. But what really caught Kai's attention were his eyes. Large misty blue eyes that held the twinkle of stars in their depths.

How can he have stars in his eyes? Kai wondered.

He wanted to touch the angel. See if he was real. To feel the smooth skin beneath his hands. To smell the scent that filled the air around him.

Without thinking, Kai slowly got up from his hiding place. He just wanted to have the angel.

The angel flinched from him and tried to run away.

"Wait!!" Kai cried out hoarsely. His heart began hammering against his chest.

He can't let the angel run away!

The angel began running away until he let out a yell and collapsed. Kai let out a cry.

Was the angel hurt?

He quickly ran up to the angel's side. The Angel was clutching his ankle and grimacing in pain. Kai bent down and cupped the angel's face in his hands.

"…Who are you? Are you an angel?" Kai asked eagerly.

The angel stared at Kai as if he was the weirdest person on Earth. Then he let out a silvery laugh that rang in the air.

"No, I'm no angel," The angel, NO boy admitted.

"Who are you?" Kai asked, slightly deflated.

"My name is Tyson. Who are you? I've seen you somewhere…" Tyson peered closely at Kai, and then gasped, "It's you!!"

Kai looked confused, so Tyson clarified what he meant, "I saw you in a vision. I didn't think it was real…" Then he looked deeply into Kai's eyes, making Kai's heart do flip-flops, "…Until I saw you."

Kai said nothing, his mind buzzing like a hive of bees. How did Tyson see him if he only met him today?

It makes no sense…

Tyson was about to say something when a shrill cry was heard. Tyson immediately paled. He pushed Kai, hissing, "GO NOW!!!"

Kai stumbled and ran as if the seven hounds of Hell were after. Tyson watched Kai go. He felt a large weight settle over his head. The smell of charcoal had surrounded the youth, making him extremely attractive. Tyson also knew what that smell symbolized.

He was one of the Fire-Born.

And that tiny fact has ruined any chance of friendship between them. After all, just yesterday he was attacked by a Fire-Born. Now another one has appeared. Will he be any better than the Redhead?

Tyson yearned to know more about the youth. He didn't even know his name!! And that voice…

He waited a couple of seconds and soon a large blue dragon landed a few feet from Tyson.

"Tyson? Are you alright?" The dragon said. Suddenly, it shape-shifted to a tall man with silver hair and large blue eyes identical to the ones Tyson has.

Tyson managed a weak smile, "Twisted my ankle Dragoon, that's all."

 Dragoon breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank God. Someone told me a Fire-Born was sighted here and I thought you might have been in trouble."

Tyson suddenly felt his insides chill. What if Tyson hadn't warned that boy to run? Would the Brethren have killed him?

"Anyways, you're okay and that's all that matters." Dragoon gently picked Tyson up and walked away, "Don't worry, we'll have that ankle fixed in no time."

Tyson wasn't worried about his ankle. He was more worried about that mysterious teen he had just met.

Similarly, the same thoughts were running through Kai's mind as he watched Dragoon carry Tyson away.

This isn't over yet Angel, he swore as he vanished into the depths of the forest.

ME: YAY!!!!!!!!!  *throws confetti around* It's complete!!!

CS: It was pretty long, if you ask me.

ME: *sticks tongue out* But I didn't, so there!!!

CS: *sweatdrops*

CT: Anyways, hope you like it!!!

ME: Reviewers receive—

CS: Angel Tyson plushies!!

ME: *hugs her plushie* Review!!!!!!!!!!!

[1] Rikki the raccoon from 'Forever and Always' Thought that he should make a guest appearence