Authors Note: Well here it is, the final installment of A Lost Love. We certainly hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as we've enjoyed writing it. I must preface this chapter by saying that it may not be what you wanted, but it was what flowed from my fingertips as I started typing. Would love to hear your thoughts and final reviews after you've read it. Take care, happy reading and writing. Chill68.



Sunday 2nd November 2014, around dinner time…

Dear Harry,

I'm sorry we won't be able to make it, but Olympe and I are in charge of the Orphan Dragon Charity Day that Beauxbaton's is having on Saturday. It's a damn shame, because I would have loved to have seeing Samantha playing for Gryffindor, and as seeker no less! Give Sammy our love and we'll write to her as well. Take care.

Your friend,


Harry read the short letter again. He hadn't seen Hagrid for such a long time, especially now he was living with Olympe in France at the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. And he missed seeing him all the time, like when he'd been at Hogwarts.

He sat in the study, composing a letter in reply, when he noticed the door slowly opening. He didn't look up or react. This had become a little game between his youngest son, Daniel, and himself. He kept writing.

Daniel crept into the room on all fours. He was positive that his Dad hadn't seen him yet, though he knew Dad was tricky like that. He crept along the floor, inching his way toward the desk. He hadn't managed to sneak up on him yet, but one day he was going to surprise him, it was just a matter of time.

The next thing Harry heard were footsteps approaching the study. He knew precisely where Daniel was and wondered what his precocious son would do next. As he contemplated this, the door flung open to reveal Cassandra and James, his even more precocious 8 year old twins standing in the doorway, looking extremely mischievous.

"Dad, have you seen Daniel anywhere?" asked Cassandra, giving him a cheeky wink.

"No Cassie, I haven't. Why? Has he run off again?"

"Well, you know how he loves to play hide and seek," remarked James, pushing his glasses higher up on his nose, looking remarkably like his father in that moment.

"Yes, though he's definitely getting better at it as he gets older," replied Harry wryly. "So where do you suggest we look this time?"

"Well, I've already searched the woods and he's not at the Quidditch pitch either," complained Cassandra, who was obviously trying not to laugh, but instead was trying to sound like she was tired of her little brother's antics. "Honestly Dad, can't you put a leash on him or something. Or how about one of those GPS trackers that the Muggles use to keep track of their cars?"

Harry smothered a laugh and faked a cough instead. This conversation would be infuriating Daniel to no end. Any second now…

"A leash!" came an indignant voice from underneath the chair on the other side of the desk. "What am I? A dog?" The indignation in Daniel's voice was clear and, thought Harry to himself, very funny. A dark haired boy, with typically unruly hair, poked his head out of hiding.

"Daniel, aren't you a little old for hide 'n' seek?" asked James, his arms crossed over his chest, with a belligerent stance.

"He's only four James," reminded Harry gently.

"Well, you didn't find me, did you?" snapped Daniel angrily, standing up and tossing his head to shake the fringe out of his eyes.

Harry watched, amused. Daniel certainly had all the defiance of the youngest child in a family – much like Ginny… who had just appeared in the doorway.

Harry caught his breath. Even after all these years, she still took his breath away and made him wonder why she loved him at all.

"Alright you two," stated Ginny sternly, "stop teasing Daniel and go do your chores or no dinner tonight." She leant against the doorframe, smiling serenely.

"Mum, that's not fair," began Cassandra, "Uncle George said just last weekend that it was our right as twins to tease the youngest in the family."

"Yeah Mum, I mean who else is going to do it?" added James. "It's either tease Daniel or we're completely bored and then we just cause trouble around the house… which would you prefer?"

"Well you only cause trouble until your father or I find out about it and then we just bind you until the next morning. That usually works for me," replied Ginny grinning down at her son. "Besides, I knew you would both be troublemakers given the easy birth I had with the two of you."

"Easy?" stated James, clearly nonplussed. "Mum, you were in labour for 48 hours and Dad was a wreck according to Uncle Ron and Aunty Hermione. And you said it was an omen that we'd be like Uncle Fred and Uncle George." James looked quite proud of that fact.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "My brothers are in so much trouble," she muttered under her breath, shooing the twins out of the study.

Harry just chuckled at the look on his wife's face. "Hey, I got a letter from Hagrid. He can't make it on Saturday, but said he'll write to Samantha as well."

"That's great," enthused Ginny wiping her hands on her apron, "how are they?"

"Good, I guess. He didn't say much in the letter." Harry held it up to show her the very short, handwritten note from Hagrid.

She smiled knowingly. "He never was much of a writer. I like it when Olympe writes instead… always more informative."

Daniel, during this exchange, had crept around the side of the desk and was edging towards his father. Harry instinctively pushed his chair back so that Daniel could crawl up onto his lap. Daniel did so and curled up, his little arms wrapped around as much of his Daddy as he could, quiet as a mouse.

Ginny whispered, "I'm just going to check on the twins and start dinner." She tilted her head to one side and left Harry and Daniel to themselves.

Harry nodded, cradling his son close. It still amazed him that he now had children of his own, and in each of them he could see Ginny and himself. Not just in looks, but in mannerisms, temperaments, likes and dislikes. It still amazed him. And he loved it. The girls were just like their mother, and Daniel and James were miniature versions of himself.

"Dad," came a tiny voice gently rumbling against his chest.

"Yes Daniel," came his father's patient reply.

"Why do they do that?" he whispered to his father. "It's mean and – "

"No Daniel, they're not being mean, they're just teasing you - trying to make you laugh, trying to make you come out of hiding," explained Harry gently, pushing Daniel's hair out of his eyes. "It's their way of playing with you. It's just that they forget that you're only 4 years old and they also forget that they used to do the same thing only a few years ago."

"Really, did they?" Daniel's head popped up to look at his father. Green eyes met green eyes.

"Yeah, of course they did."

"Did Samantha tease them like they tease me?"

Harry paused for a moment. It often astounded him how astute Daniel was for a 4 year old. "Actually, she didn't, but then Samantha always was a bit more sensitive towards other people in that way, like Mummy."

"Why?" asked Daniel inquisitively.

"Well," here Harry paused, "you know how everyone's different? They look different, sound different, act different?" Daniel nodded affirmatively. "Well Samantha is different to me and Mummy, and Cassandra is different to James, like I'm different to Grandpa Sirius and Grandma Anne. Do you see what I mean?" Daniel shook his head, not quite following. "Okay, you know how Grandpa Sirius loses his temper occasionally?"

Again, Daniel nodded his head, smiling. "Yeah, he's funny when he's mad."

Harry smiled at him. "Well, is Grandma Anne like that?"

"No, she never gets mad like Grandpa," stated Daniel matter-of-factly.

"Well, apply that to Samantha and the twins. Everyone has a different personality. That's what makes each of us special," finished Harry simply. "Follow?"

"Yeah. Thanks Daddy," said Daniel looking up into his Daddy's eyes adoringly then, changing tack suddenly. "Am I allowed to come on Saturday?"

"Absolutely. You don't want to miss Samantha's first game, do you?"

"Nope," came the simple reply.

"Good. Now why don't you go and help Mummy in the kitchen."

"Okay. Thanks Daddy," said Daniel, sliding off Harry's lap and trotting to the door. "Daddy?" Daniel turned back to look at his Daddy.


"I love you."

Harry watched as Daniel scampered off down the hallway and disappeared down the stairs to the kitchen, his heart swelling with love for Daniel, and all his children. He rummaged around the desk to have a look at the letter that he'd received from his eldest daughter earlier that day.

Saturday 1st November 2014

Dear Mum & Dad,

Re: You've gotta help me!

I don't think I'm ready. I'm too young! What was I thinking saying "Yes" to Professor McGonagall? I must've been hallucinating or something. I'm not ready, seriously. I can't breathe… I'm too nervous. What if I make a total fool of myself?

And yes, I have spoken to Professor Weasley about this, as the new Head of Gryffindor House. Aunty Hermione was great, but it's just not the same as getting your opinion on things.

Can you please, please, pretty please come and visit before Saturday – to talk some sense into me, get me chucked off the team – or, as is probably more your style - inspire some belief in myself before my first big game? I don't want to let you down Dad. I don't want to be bad in front of the whole school. I want you to be proud of me.

I love you both so much, and am missing Cassie, James and Daniel like crazy.


Samantha Potter


Harry paused for a moment before putting quill and ink to parchment, in reply.

Sunday 2nd November 2014

Dear Samantha,

You are going to be just fine! Professor McGonagall wouldn't have asked you to try out for the team if she didn't think you were capable. And remember, you earned your place on the team – which is a little different from what happened to me, as you know.

Sweetheart, I know the challenges you face being the first Potter child to attend Hogwarts, but it's really important that you carve out a place of your own there. And you will. I've seen you fly and though you and I have different styles and different strengths – I know you'll do great on Saturday. And not just because you're my daughter and are naturally gifted at flying, but because you are your own person. You always have been.

Now, go show them how good you really are! I know you'll be great. Remember that the divisions between the Houses aren't what they used to be. And even if you lose, be a good sport about it – shake the other teams' hands, work harder for the next game and then knock 'em flat! 

Mum sends her love by the way. She's itching to come up and visit before the game, but you know the rules Samantha, and it wouldn't be fair to have them broken just because of who you are. We'll be in the stands with the family. Hagrid isn't able to make it, but you should have a letter from him very shortly.

Just a few things:

Get a good nights' sleep Friday night.

No night-time wanderings before then.

Eat a decent breakfast on Saturday morning.

And knock 'em dead kiddo!



PS: 1, 2 and 3 were all the things that I often didn't do before games, but then again, I'm not necessarily the best role model for Hogwarts' behaviour – just ask Professor Dumbledore!

"Did you give her any good advice Harry, or are you leading our eldest astray?" asked Ginny sagely, proving that she knew her husband extremely well. She'd come to fetch him for dinner, and as usual had found him in the study - his own, private space.

"What, me? I never!" exclaimed Harry, knowing he wasn't going to fool Ginny one little bit. "Read what I've just written to her, I think you'll approve," he noted a little smugly, pushing back his chair from the desk.

Ginny took letter and as she was reading it by the doorway, Harry wrapped his arms around her from behind, pressing his face into the curve of her neck and inhaling the scent that was unique to Ginny - a flowery, fresh scent that was always enticing, even if she didn't know it.

Ginny scanned the letter and the turned in Harry's arms. "Just as well there was a PS at the end of it!" she murmured quietly, grinning. "And just as well that Samantha is quite level headed - though I'm not sure where she gets that from. Certainly not you or me."

"I know, she's more like Percy in that way, isn't she?" remarked Harry, kissing Ginny before she could utter another word. For a few minutes they were both lost in each other… until Harry remembered something, and pulled away.

"Hey, have you given any more thought about teaching again next year?"

"Yes, I have, and I still think that Daniel's a little young - "

Harry interrupted her, sitting on the edge of his desk and pulling her closer, arms wrapped steadily around her waist. "Okay, I thought we talked about this, and Molly was more than happy to babysit whilst you were at school," Harry began patiently.

Ginny looked at husband fondly. "Harry, I just…" she paused momentarily, thinking. "I would love to teach at Hogwarts next year - I mean I'm thrilled at the opportunity. I guess I just have reservations about how it will fit into everything else at Hogwarts - curriculum-wise. I mean I can't stay there during term time, so there's travelling time every day to consider. And it's not just Daniel. The twins don't go to Hogwarts for another three years. Mum's already taken care of my brothers. You don't really want to saddle her with another set do you?"

Harry sighed heavily. "I just feel bad that your career is still on hold and yet I keep doing what I want." He ducked his head and scuffed the carpet with his right foot.

Ginny smiled at him. He was being deliberately cute. After all these years it was a game they still loved to play. "I know you do, but I've told you many times that my career is you and the kids." He raised his head, his gaze perusing every inch of her face.

"I know, and I love that, but don't you miss writing lyrics and performing?"

"Well, I do miss performing at the pub, but I still dabble with lyrics." She smiled at him, cupping his face tenderly with the palm of her hand. "I do love you Harry Potter."

"Luckily for me," quipped Harry, kissing the palm of her hand in return. "Okay, I'll leave this topic alone for another few years."

"Good. Now come along to dinner before the twins destroy the kitchen." From the study, they could hear squeals and all sorts of racket coming from the kitchen. They both rolled their eyes and walked down the hallway together.


Saturday, 8th November 2014…


The cheers from the spectators was deafening, as the streaks of green and silver, and gold and scarlet, raced out of the locker rooms and zoomed around the stadium.

Watching from below was Samantha's entire family, from Harry and Ginny and her siblings, to all her Uncles, Aunties and her cousins that weren't yet at Hogwarts. Add to that Harry's Godparents, friends… there was probably about 50 of them all together. And all the cousins had got together and made a sign for Samantha.

With all the kids sitting in front of the adults of the adults, the Potter/Weasley clan stood up and proudly held the banner up, so that they were hidden completely by the sign.




"Mr Jordan, would you please quit the compliments and get on with the game!" admonished Professor McGonagall from right behind him.

"Yes Professor," said Jordan saluting her cheekily.

"Some things never change," she remarked drily.


Harry and Ginny were holding hands tightly. The were watching the sky carefully, as the players flew around. The scores were even at 110 each. The game had been going for two hours and the students, not used to professional flying, were tiring. The only one who didn't look at all tired was their daughter, Samantha.

She was combing the sky slowly, keeping her eyes peeled for the Golden Snitch, and precisely at that moment, she stopped in mid-air and Harry knew from experience that she'd spotted the Snitch. The crowd were watching her, almost silent. Then suddenly, Samantha dove!

And her dive was a perfect Wronski Feint.

Ginny glanced at Harry briefly, but his focus was totally on Samantha; he was holding his breath, as was everyone, it seemed. Her heart was in her throat and Ginny reached out with her other hand to Hermione who was sitting beside her.

"She's been practicing day and night Ginny, she knows what she's doing. She really is as good as Harry," murmured Hermione as Samantha got closer and closer to the ground.

The roar of the crowd was ignited and the noise swelled as Samantha got closer to the Snitch. She pulled out of the dive just before collision was imminent and then followed the Snitch along the ground. She reached out with her right hand and in just a few seconds had closed her fist around the Snitch and won the match!


Both teams flew down to the ground and everyone shook hands.

"It's nice to see the teams shake hands as genuine friends, isn't it?" asked Remus of Sirius, over the roar of the crowd.

"Yeah, but I have to admit that I almost miss the animosity of the old days between Slytherin and Gryffindor, but each year it gets better and better, though it took a while to get it to this point," replied Sirius.

"Hey Professor Black, what did you think?" cried out an enthusiastic Gryffindor student, with blonde pigtails bouncing everywhere from excitement.

"Pretty good for the first game of the season Felicity!" Sirius yelled back.

"Calling students by their first names are we?" mused Remus.

"Yeah, I decided that calling them Mr and Miss was just a time waster and asked all my students if I couldn't call them by their first names. They love it!"

"Are you sure you're fit to be Defence teacher this year?" asked Harry cheekily.

"Probably not," chimed in Anne.

"But then, that's what his students love about him. And you too Harry," added Tonks smoothly. "They love getting to know characters that are right out of their history books." Tonks, who was quite pregnant with their second child, sidled up to the group, and put her arms around her husband.

Julian, their eldest, was 13 and on the Gryffindor Quidditch team with Samantha as a Chaser, had been very surprised at the news that he was going to get a baby brother or sister. Not as surprised as his parents were, but it had come as a welcome shock nonetheless. Julian had already entertained ideas of being a Professor at Hogwarts when his sibling came through for the first time.

"C'mon," cried Hermione, ecstatic interrupting their conversation excitedly, "let's go down to the pitch and congratulate Samantha! The kids have already beaten us to it." She left hurriedly and ran off like an excited teenager, down through the stands.

Ron just rolled his eyes and stood up with everyone else, picking up his youngest daughter in his arms. "Unbelievable. In her mid 30's and she's still as mad as ever."

"Yeah, no wonder the kids love her," remarked Ginny smiling. "C'mon Mr Potter, let's get down there to our daughter and see if she's okay. I think Lee was going to interview her."

"He wouldn't dare!" said Harry, his voice stern.

"Yes, he would," chimed in George poking his head in between Harry and Ginny. "And Samantha said she didn't have a problem with it. She has approval over what gets printed and Colin's even going to take a picture of the team. It's excellent!" George and Fred raced off quickly, their redheaded kids scampering after them… cries of "Daddy", "Daddy", disappearing down the stairs.

"You know, Harry, you can't control every part of her life whilst she's here you know. Samantha's going to be fine. And Lee wouldn't do anything to make you angry - he's a good guy, remember?" teased Ginny lovingly into her husband's ear.

Harry grunted and bent down to pick up Daniel as he walked down the stairs and exited the stadium.


Samantha was with her teammates, including Julian. In fact, both House teams were still on the pitch, chatting away. Lee was in the middle of the lot of them asking not only Samantha questions, but also the other players, who were all the next generation of children from Lee's and Harry's era at Hogwarts.

But before they could reach the large group on the pitch, Hermione, Harry and Ron saw the unmistakable, and horrifying, vision of Rita Skeeter strolling across the pitch to the two teams, dressed in horrid bright, lurid pink, who hadn't spotted her yet.

But the trio had and they marched forward, Harry giving Daniel to Ginny before following Hermione and Ron, dragging his youngest daughter, Sarah, as he walked quickly beside his best friends.

Ms Skeeter got to the group of students before the trio could and, in her usual bossy style, rudely shoved her highly polished lime green nails, with her traditional lime green Quick-Quotes Quill poised at the ready, into the faces of the students there.

Ginny caught up to the trio and pulled them back, whispering to them urgently. "Let Samantha handle this. Harry, Ron, Hermione, I know you want to smack Rita right out of the stadium, but don't you dare… remember what you wrote in your letter Harry? She's got to figure this out for herself. Let's just see how she handles it."

Ron, Hermione and Harry stopped just short of the crowd; Sirius and Remus had also sidled up alongside them, for support.

"Samantha Potter, a few questions please?" burst out Rita Skeeter as she elbowed her way through the crowd of students. Cries of "Ow!" "Hey!" "Ouch!" were heard from various and sundry.

"Who's asking? Oh," Samantha stopped short as she turned around and stared daggers at the reporter who was now in the centre of the group of students. "Ms Skeeter. What do you want?" She sought her Dad out in the crowd and gave him a discreet nod of her head. She had no intention of being polite.

"See that Harry?" whispered Ginny. "She's gonna be just fine, you'll see."

"Ah dear Samantha, it must have been incredibly hard for you to debut in the shadow of all that your father has accomplished?" Rita Skeeter's smile was sharp and harsh. She was poised for the quote of a lifetime!

"Actually, Ms Skeeter, it was exhilarating and not in the least bit difficult," replied Samantha confidently. With a discreet gesture of her hand, one of the other Gryffindor players moved around behind Rita and began reading what the Quick-Quotes Quill was writing. Jamie's eyes widened and he shook his head emphatically at Samantha, who snatched the notepad out of the air and with a quick flick of her wand, burnt it to a crisp.

"If you think, for one minute, that I'm going to let you print a load of lies and rubbish about me and my family again, Ms Skeeter, then you obviously don't have a clue who you're dealing with!" stated Samantha, standing proud and straight-backed.

Harry was watching his eldest daughter with pride. She was much more confident than he had been at her age. In his fourth year he hadn't known how to deal with Rita Skeeter. Then again, he mused to himself, Samantha had benefited from the beauty of hindsight and first hand historical accounts.

"My dear, you'd better watch out or I will be the least of your problems," cooed Rita, wringing her hands gleefully. This was all good material.

"That wouldn't be a threat now would it?" called out Hermione, who just couldn't keep quiet any longer.

"Hermione!" chided Ginny.

"Oh shush Ginny, this is going to be worth it."

"You're a Professor remember?" reminded Ron quietly.

"Which just means I can get away with a lot more than we could at school," whispered Hermione quietly. "Trust me a little bit, would you?" She grinned back at everyone standing there.

Sirius raised his eyebrows, but looked unconcerned about what Hermione might do.

"Who said that?" shot out Rita suddenly in response to Hermione's comment.

"Me," said Hermione as she came into Rita's line of sight.

"Ah, yes, Professor Weasley, glad you could make it. I have a few questions to ask of you - " began Rita Skeeter before she was interrupted.

"Oh - no - you - don't," said Hermione, her voice dangerously quiet.

"Uh oh," murmured Ron, turning to Harry, "see you've gotta watch out when her voice gets all quiet like that. It's worse than when she's yelling, trust me."

The family and friends surrounding Harry, Ron and Ginny just chuckled quietly, waiting for whatever happened next.

"Oh really?" piped up Rita.

"Yes," began Hermione, taking another step forward, until Samantha stopped her.

"It's okay Aunty Hermione, I'll handle this. I have the perfect weapon, trust me," said Samantha out of the corner of her mouth, before saying in a very loud voice. "Rita, if you don't get off this property now, which, by the way, you don't have permission to be on - where the hell is Dumbledore? - then believe me when I say I'm excellent at Transfiguration and have no qualms about turning you into a beetle - I believe you know the experience well."

At this remark the crowd cracked up laughing and Rita Skeeter, by now supremely embarrassed, huffed off, taking her photographer with her.

"Miss Potter," said a quiet, serious voice.

Samantha stood perfectly still and didn't turn around at the voice. She knew who it was. "Professor Dumbledore." She bravely turned to face him; she knew she'd crossed the line and was prepared to apologise profusely. Everyone around them was also silent.

"That was quite a win," mused Dumbledore, smiling genially, "but maybe you could ask me before the match if you can use my name in vain," he suggested gently. His eyes were twinkling with mirth.

"Yes sir," replied Samantha obediently. "Sorry Professor, I just didn't want her to walk all over me. She needs to know that I'm not as shy as my father used to be."

"Ah, I do agree with you there, Samantha."

"And I'm really sorry about the 'where the hell is' comment, sir," repeated Samantha again.

"Not at all. I understand what you're up against with Rita, and you were in fact, quite correct, she has been permanently banned from Hogwarts, so I'll make sure her Editor knows that she's committed an illegal act and get him to deal with it, shall I?"

"That would be fantastic," cried Samantha, "can I listen in on that sir?" Samantha looked up at Dumbledore with all exuberance of any 11 year old.

"I think I might handle that call by myself," replied Dumbledore, patting her shoulder good naturedly. "Now, I think you family is waiting to congratulate you."

Samantha turned to see her parents smiling proudly off to one side.

The crowd broke up and Samantha's parents moved forward to hug their daughter tightly in their arms. "Sammy, you were fantastic," whispered Harry to Samantha. "Bit cheeky with Rita though weren't you?"

"And can you really turn her into a beetle?" asked Daniel all wide-eyed and curious.

"No, sport, I certainly can't turn her into a beetle, but I was kinda hoping that Aunty Hermione would do it for me without anyone noticing," Samantha laughed out loud and bent down to pick up her little brother. "How are you? Are the twins giving you a hard time again?"

"Yes! How did you know that?" asked Daniel, simply amazed that his sister knew so much stuff.

"Well Daniel, they are very much like Uncle George and Uncle Fred, so it's not too surprising really," explained Samantha seriously.

"And they're doing a fabulous job," encouraged Fred cheekily, joining in the conversation.

"Well, maybe you could encourage them NOT to pick on their young brother thanks," quipped Ginny, smacking both her brothers over their heads in turn.

"Ow, Ginny!" they both cried out together.

"What! You can't just expect me to sit by whilst you ruin my twins and watch little Daniel get teased can you?"

"C'mon Ginny, lighten up will ya? Daniel's going to be fine. Just you watch, he'll turn out just like Harry," surmised George. "Nothing wrong with that now, is there?"

Her twin brothers just grinned at her cheekily; Ginny just turned away and gave up.

Father and daughter wandered off and sat down on the grass for a moment, alone.

"So, Dad, what do you think? Was I okay?" Her fathers' approval meant everything to Samantha. And though she tried to separate herself from her father; it wasn't easy.

"What do you think?" said Harry quietly.

"I dunno," came her quiet response, she shrugged her shoulders.

"Really? Because it kinda looked like you caught the Snitch and won the game for Gryffindor," replied Harry looking at his daughter, whose head was turned away.

"Yeah," came her quiet reply.

Harry tried a different tack. "Did you have fun?"

Her head shot up. "Yeah, it was brilliant!" Her eyes shone fiercely, pride and honour evident in their depths.

"And I thought you were brilliant," Harry admitted at last, kissing his first born gently upon her hair.

"Really Dad. I was okay?"

"Samantha, you don't need my approval. I thought we talked about this," Harry reminded her.

"Yeah, Dad, I know, but I can't help it. I want to know what you think. I want to know if you thought my style was good, if you think I'm good enough to play for England." It all came out in a rush, breathless and excited.

"Well, it's a yes to all of it," replied Harry. It's not that he didn't want to praise her to the skies, it was more that he wanted her to realise herself how good she was, and she was bloody good. But he also didn't want her to become cocky and conceited. She had such a level headed child and he wanted her to stay that way. It would hold her in good stead in the years to come. "I'm really more concerned that you're having fun and enjoying yourself when you're up there."

He got up and pulled her to her feet and they were suddenly surrounded by everyone on all sides, with Lee Jordan jostling for position.

"Well Harry, what did you think? She good enough to play for England?"

"I guess that depends on what she wants to do with the rest of her life, and it's only just starting, so let's keep that question out of the papers shall we, Lee? But yes, I think she's damn good."

"No worries Harry," intervened Colin, "I'll make sure Lee doesn't get carried away. Now would you mind if I got a picture of everyone, friends and family?"

Colin got everyone into a large group and got them sorted out. As he pulled Ginny forward to stand just in front of Harry, he asked her, "Hey, Ginny, how's Emily and the band going?"

"Oh really well, Colin. They're touring the UK and Europe next summer, and they're finishing off the new album in the studio as we speak."

"And do you miss it at all?" he was curious, as were most people, about the life she'd led away from wizarding society all those years ago.

"Nope, not a bit. I mean I love singing, and I love teaching music and stuff like that, but I don't miss the gigs or the touring that Emily does. Especially in the muggle world. Harry and I are too visible for that. And we didn't particularly want the wizard press getting hold of the fact that I was taking jaunts off to the muggle world all the time. And besides," she said smiling brightly, "I've got a wonderful husband and beautiful kids, what more could I want?"

Harry gave her an affectionate squeeze from behind, nibbling and kissing her neck till she squealed. "Harry! That tickles!"


An hour later and Lee Jordan and Colin Creevey had finished interviewing not only Samantha, but both Quidditch teams. With the eldest Weasley, Miranda, also on the team, it was going to be a nice piece.

After the first few questions, Harry had decided that they were safe and that Lee would do a good job, and left as both teams were sitting down in the middle of the pitch, excitedly answering his questions and talking amongst themselves about how the first game had gone.

Harry made his way to the Great Hall where a lunch had been put on for all staff, students and attending families of the Quidditch match. Dumbledore and McGonagall had decided a few years ago, that with relations so good between the houses, that each Quidditch match should be a family event. That way parents would have the opportunity to see their children a few more times a year than just the holidays.

It had become a very successful event, which the elves loved preparing for. Harry opened the doors to a cacophony of noise and spotted the Potter/Weasley clan on the far side, taking up a very long table. He took a seat in between Ginny and Sirius and began helping himself to the array of food on display.

"Harry," said Sirius beside him, "Lee Jordan wanted to interview you, me and Remus if we had time before we left today."

"What for?" Harry was a little confused by the request. Lee had never asked to interview him before.

"Well, I think it's a case of he's already here doing one story, so the Daily Prophet asked him if he could talk to us whilst he's here."

"What's the story though?"

"Our success in job sharing and switching between working at Hogwarts and the MLES every other year," remarked Sirius smiling.

"Oh," came Harry's surprised reply. "Didn't think it was that newsworthy actually."

"Yes, well, anything you do is newsworthy Harry, though you still won't admit it after 20 years."

"Hmph," was Harry's only response, whilst he started on his lunch. He was busy keeping an eye on his twins and little Daniel opposite him, who was looking at everything in awe, his eyes wide open, not missing a thing. "I feel as though I'm just about ready for a break to be honest."

"I know how you feel. I mean, I really admire Minerva and Albus, teaching and working all these years, but yeah, I feel as though I'd like to take a few years off before coming back again," admitted Sirius.

"Excuse me, Professor Black?" came a tiny voice behind them.

Sirius turned to find what looked like a first year student, nervously waiting behind him and Harry. "Hi Stuart, what can I help you with?"

"I was just wondering something." He stared up at Sirius and Harry, wide eyed and curious, but still mostly nervous. "I just told my friends that it was your idea to start the Student Exchange program between Hogwarts and the Melbourne Academy of Magic. But they think it was actually Professor Dumbledore. Could you tell me who's right?"

"Well," began Sirius seriously, his expression completely transforming to address the issue at hand, "I guess you could say it was both of us. It was my idea initially, but I had to ask for Professor Dumbledore's permission first. And he did all the communicating with the Headmaster of the Melbourne Academy of Magic to get it all done."

Stuart seemed to consider all this, and nodded affirmatively. "That's good enough for me. Thanks Professor. I just won a galleon!" He grinned and as Harry and Sirius watched, he shot off like lightning to tell his friends. They heard a groan and then watched as a number of students pulled coins from their pockets and handed them over to Stuart, who turned back to Sirius and raised his fist, now filled with money, to show his teacher his success.

"Wow - you're really…" Harry was lost for words.

"What?" replied Sirius.

"I've just never really seen you with your students outside the classroom before. I mean I know that sounds crazy because we've been sharing this job with Remus for years now, but I honestly think this is the first time I've seen you converse with them outside the Defence classroom."

"Surprised that I'm not a larrikin anymore, are you?"

Harry paused and looked at his godfather fondly. "Yeah, kinda." He smiled. "But I like it. And I like sharing jobs with you and Remus. I think it's good for the students, good for Defence Against the Dark Arts as well as being good for the MLES. I mean, how many ideas have the kids come up with that have made their way, in some form or another, into the MLES for further development?"

"Plenty," piped up Tonks. "And the Ministry of Magic loves it! I heard Percy saying the other day, that he couldn't help but boast about the students here to the Muggle Prime Minister the other day when they were discussing education and children in general. He sounded quite proud of Hogwarts, actually."

"Well, it gave him a brilliant education and I think he's finally realised that he isn't the only really, really smart wizard around. I think the twins making a success of their joke shop made him realise that," replied Ginny evenly.

"Good," said George, "about time we got some credit in regards to Percy."

"George," said Ginny calmly, "he loves you both, you've just got to realise how different you are to each other."

"Surprised he didn't come today, actually," mused Fred.

"Well, he couldn't for many reasons," explained Ginny patiently. "None-the-least of which is he can't be seen, as Minister of Magic, to be supporting any particular team at his old school, and also because he had meetings that he just couldn't get out of. But you caught it all on the Omnioculars, didn't you Ron?"

"Naturally," replied Ron, who was still eating lunch at a million miles an hour, Sarah tucked in beside him. "Miranda," he said to his eldest, "can you go and find your siblings please? I can't see them anywhere."

"Sure thing Dad." She approached Samantha, who pulled the Marauders Map out of her pocket and they both perused it carefully. "Aha!" she cried.

"Where are they?"

"Down at the kitchens," answered Samantha sagely. "Probably seeing what the elves will give them to take home."

Both girls just rolled their eyes and turned back to Ron. "Want me to go fetch them, Dad?" suggested Miranda tentatively.

"Nope, I'll do it. They won't be expecting me, and I know plenty of - " Hermione cut him off with a cough, " - um, I mean, I know plenty of phrases that will get them marching back here quick enough." Ron got up to leave, but Ginny called him back.

"Ron! The reason I asked about the Omnioculars is because Percy wants you to send them to his place straight away, so he can watch it when he gets home."

Ron nodded in agreement and then, with Sarah trotting beside him, left to find his three middle children.

"I think it's great that you're all so supportive of Samantha," said Harry a little quietly.

"Ah Harry, the Potter/Weasley clan, will be famous, not only because of you and all that 'hero' stuff," here George winked at Harry, to lighten the mood, "but because we are the biggest family now at Hogwarts, by far."

"Hey, you know the weirdest thing about being back at Hogwarts again?" asked Fred. "And that's the absence of Professor Snape. It's just not the same without him, is it?"

Sirius and Remus exchanged grins, but didn't say a word.

"What you are two smiling about?" asked James.

"Well, as it happens," began Remus, "we got a letter from him the other day."

"You're kidding!" exclaimed George and Fred together.

"Why would we kid about something like that?" asked Sirius, discreetly flicking a bit of bread at them. "He retired from Hogwarts about 10 years ago."

"Has it been that long?" asked Harry.

"Yep," replied Sirius.

"I think he was feeling invaded by his old students, actually," Anne interposed smoothly. "Between Sirius and Remus, and then Harry and Hermione being here… well, I think it was a little bit much for Severus in the end." She smiled serenely and sighed happily, linking her arm through Sirius's.

"Grandpa?" asked Daniel from the other side of the table.

"Yes young Daniel," replied Sirius.

"How come you and Grandma don't have kids?"

"Daniel!" cried Ginny, sounding completely horrified. "That's a very personal question sweetie. You shouldn't - "

"It's okay Ginny," Sirius interrupted her gently. "That's not the first time we've been asked that question by the grandkids." Ginny looked surprised at this bit of information. Sirius turned his attention back to the youngest Potter grandchild, his expression matching Daniel's - serious, not making fun of the young boy at all.

"Actually Daniel, Anne and I did think about having a baby together," started Sirius.

"So why didn't you?" came Daniel's innocent question.

Everyone around him smiled, but kept quiet.

"Actually, Daniel," said Anne, "we decided that we had so many other children in our lives, that we didn't need any more."

Daniel looked a bit perplexed at this. "But I thought that just Aunty Emily was yours, isn't she?" asked Daniel getting confused.

"Yes, she is, but then Grandpa Sirius considers your Dad to be like his own son. And given that Harry grew up with the Weasley kids… well, we think of them as our kids too sometimes."

Daniel nodded his head, his eyes wide, green and taking in everything Anne was saying.

"Do you think he really understands?" whispered Cassandra to her brother James.

"Not sure, but it looks like he does," came the considered reply.

Daniel piped up with another question for the adults around him, and before long everyone was engrossed in talk of family history, the Marauders' time at Hogwarts, and what the future might hold.


Professor Dumbledore sat in his usual spot in the centre of the head table, watching over the Great Hall, and silently rejoicing in the harmony that pervaded every crevice of Hogwarts at the moment.

"Albus, you're reminiscing again, aren't you?" said Professor McGonagall lightly, interrupting his thoughts.

"Yes, indeed, Minerva. It's just taken such a long time for things to settle, but I'm especially pleased that things have truly settled here at last, especially for Harry's sake."

"Well, I think having Harry and Sirius and Remus teach here has been a good thing, for all the Houses. I think it's given Slytherin another perspective, and the students have seen for themselves who they really are, as people, not just as abstract bits of history that they've read about," replied McGonagall. "And the fact that the Heads of Houses actually get along these days is rather nice." Her comment touching on the fact that Severus had never been terribly popular during this time, with students or staff.

She, too, was proud of had been accomplished at Hogwarts, in terms of inter-House harmony. And as she looked out across the hall, she could see students from different Houses, bringing their friends over to meet parents, family - and is was obvious that all the Houses were mixing together - quite happily.

Both Headmaster and Deputy Headmistress's gazes were eventually drawn to the Potter/Weasley clan on the far right of the hall.

"I'm thinking of retiring Minerva. Do you want my job?" smiled Albus at his Deputy, genially, as if he was talking about the weather.

"Naturally, Albus. But who would you choose to replace me?" smiled McGonagall just as genially, sipping from a glass of red wine.

"I was thinking of Remus. What do you think?"

McGonagall pondered this for a moment, glancing across at Remus and Tonks, who were now standing talking to Julian and meeting his friends from other Houses. "An excellent choice. He has just the right sort of temperament for the job."

"And we definitely need someone to keep Sirius and Harry in line as time marches on," commented Dumbledore.

"Ah, they've both turned out pretty good don't you think, Albus? I mean, I never thought I'd see the day when Sirius was completely responsible, mature and rational." She smiled indulgently. "I'm quite proud of how our students have turned out, aren't you?"

"Of course. It's been wonderful to watch Harry and friends grow up, survive Voldemort and even today, still help the wizarding world by teaching themselves. Quite something." Professor Dumbledore sat with Professor McGonagall and felt a great sense of life having come full circle.

The wizarding world was at peace, and with the Weasley and Potter clans helping inside the Ministry and at Hogwarts, and with continued guidance from Sirius and Remus, it would be at peace for some time to come.

The End