The Apprentice

The promise

Dumbledores POV

Dumbledore was sitting in his office waiting for Severus Snape to arrive. It had been a week since term has ended. The last school year has been a very tough year for many people. Harry Potter has probably had it the hardest. It was his fifth year and he had just lost his Godfather Sirius Black. He knew that Harry was not doing very well and he hoped Severs would agree to the plan.

There was a knock at the door and Dumbledore called Severus in. Dumbledore said "well I glad you got my message then. Why don't you take seat and have a lemon drop." Snape sat down and declined Dumbledore offer for a lemon drop. I called you here for two reasons.

The first is I found out from sources with in the ministry that Mr. Malfoy senor told them that Voldemort knows you are a spy and is using you. Therefore, I am pulling you out and I going to put a charm on your arm that will stop any pain it may cause. Voldemort will try to inflict thought your mark as punishment for you betrayal. As you know, I cannot get rid of the mark but it will not be causing you any pain."

"Then" Snape said "what good will I be to you and the Order if I not a spy." Dumbledore replied "I am glad you have asked that. I have something I what you to help me with." "Any thing I can do I will do it for you." said Snape. Dumbledore said "Good Severus I want Harry to become our apprentice." "What" Snape yelled "I will not. You know that it is a five-year commitment to teach every thing you know to a apprentice."

Dumbledore responded "That right and Harry need to learn all he can if he is going to survive war with Voldemort. You know that is Harry fate is to kill Voldemort or be killed. I what to give Harry all the skill possible to do this, Harry is very powerful sorcerer as you know it."

Snape said "Nevertheless, why me of all people we hate each other." Dumbledore answered "Because you have first hand experience with Voldemort and the Dark Arts, I want you teach Harry Potions, DADA, Occlumency and the Dark Arts. Will I will teach Transfigurations, charms, more DADA, and Wandless magic and a few other things. Now Severus will you do this for me and for Lilly." Snape answered "Yes I will teach the brat only because I will have full control over him as our apprentice."

Dumbledore smiled and said "Alright you will go to Harry's house and put some anti Wizard wards that will protect Harry's only living family and Portkey Harry here, while I add a few new rooms in your quarters." Snape asked "What the boys staying with me." "Yes Severs I do have time to teach Harry, but I don't have time to all ways look after him. Now here is the Portkey Severus see you in a couple hours."

Harry's POV

Harry Potter was sitting on his bed looking at pictures of his dead parents and Sirius his Godfather. Harry was very upset because he saw his only real family he had die. He sat thinking if only he had listened to Snape or found the mirror and talked to Sirius. Sirius would still be alive today. He could write him for help or tell him about O.W.L.'s but that was not to be. While he was doing this, there was a knock down stares at the front door.

Snape's POV

Snape was wearing muggle clothing and waiting impatiently for some one to answer the door. Dudley was the one that went to see who was at the door. Dudley found a very unhappy looking person. Snape asked impatiently "Where is Mr. Potter?" Dudley ran from the door and went up stares when Vernon asked "What the meaning of this is?" Snape asked again "Where is Mr. Potter?" Vernon answered hotly "He is up sates in his room being a freak just like you."

Snape walk past the fat man and went up stares and looked thought the rooms trying find Potter's room. Once Snape looked threw the other rooms there was only one door left which had ten different locks on the door. Snape pulled out his wand and unlocked the door. He looked inside the room to find Potter sitting on his bed looking at a book of some sort.

Harry's POV

Harry asked without looking up "what are you doing here Sir?" Snape said "I am taking you to Hogwarts. Don't ask any more questions and get your self packed. I don't have all day to waste." Harry got up and packed the few things he had into his trunk and picked up Hedwig cage. Snape asked "Don't you have any better cloths then that? Harry answered "No Sir the only thing better that I have that better are my school robes." Snape said "Well then let's go touch this news paper."

When Harry touched the newspaper he felt the pull of the Portkey. Harry and Snape landed in the headmaster office. Dumbledore stood up and said "I glad you two have made it ok. Harry we need to have a little talk. I remember you disliked your summer stay at the Dursleys and that you don't want to be kept in the dark and you would like to be prepared for what you have to face. So I figured out a way to accomplish these things why don't you take a seat and have a lemon drop." Harry took a seat in front of Dumbledore's desk.

Dumbledore said "Harry I want you to become my apprentice along with Professor Snape here." Harry replied "What you want me to become Snape's apprentice no way. I have no problems with you but, Snape there is no way in hell." Dumbledore said "I am sorry Harry but you need this training to help you bring down Voldemort. I will be working along side Professor Snape in your training. This training is five years long. You will no longer be in a house you will no longer have classes with your peers. You will have your own living area that conned to professor Snape's living area. By Wednesday, Severus and I will have a timetable for you to follow. Now we will show you where your living area is now."

Dumbledore and Snape led Harry down to the dungeon. They end up in front of two different portraits one of Salazar Slytherin and other of Merlin. Dumbledore said "Root Bear" then the portrait of Merlin slid open to show a warm and cozy study. In the middle of the room, there was a big wooden desk with lion carvings on it, with two chares in font of the desk. Behind the desk there was a big leather chair, and behind the chair there where mostly empty bookshelves.

To the right hand side of the room there was a big fireplaces with a couch and two plush arm chairs like the ones in the Gryffindor common room. To left side of the room there where three doors the first door led to a small but comfortable bedroom and bathroom. The second led to a personal potion work room and the third was room with padding which was dueling room.

Dumbledore said "Harry you see that glass orb sitting on the self behind your desk, if you touch it, the bookshelf will open up, which led to Severus living area. When term starts you may have guess in here but you are not to let any body in Severus living area. Is that under stood Harry? Also dinner does not get served in the great hall in the summer because there are only five people here at Hogwarts right now. You may call on a house elf to bring you dinner. Just ring the bell on your desk or the one on your night stand. A house elf will come at once. Tomorrow you will be going to Diagon Ally so you can get your shopping done. You may do magic as long as you are on Hogwarts grounds. Once your apprentice papers go thought you will be allowed to do magic any where anytime. You may use the library and you have full access to the restricted section now. Severus and I will leave you to unpack your things."

Harry spent the rest of the after noon setting up his room the way he want it. Putting his book in the bookshelves and put his clothes in walk in closet. He hung his Firebolt over his bed so it was easy to reach. Then Harry wrote a letter to his friends. He sat at his desk and found stationary Parchment. That read on the top.

Harry James Potter

Apprentice to Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape and Advance Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor of Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry.

After reading the stationary, he wrote.

Dear Ron, Hermione, and Ginny

How are you three doing? Is Fred and Georges business doing ok? I am at Hogwarts now. Professors Dumbledore and Snape are taking me on as apprentice now. Finally a summer I am not wasting my time at the Dursleys doing nothing while Voldemort get more powerful and growing an army. Please tell everyone that I said hello and I and doing fine.


Harry took the letter to the owlery to have Hedwig deliver the letter. Harry went to the Library and found a book called "Dueling the Dirty Dueler". An hour latter Harry went back to his room to read the book he picked and have dinner. Around ten a clock before Harry whet to bed, he made a vow to himself that he would learn every bit of magic he could to avenge his parents and Sirius death then whet to sleep for the first time not having nightmares.

A/N I will need a beta reader fot this story please e-mail me at if you what the job.

Please review.

Updated 6/2/2005