A/N – I know I've been saying this every chapter, but I'm sorry it's taking so long to update. I really want to get this story going. Heck, poor Rinoa's not even finished with her first day at school, and the plot has only unfolded just a bit. So in this chapter, I'll hint a bit at the reason for the tension between Seifer and Squall. Maybe some people will start to understand…Oh well, whatever. This is a sort of intermission from Rinoa's first day at school since I didn't want to continue on and just leave it as a side story thing. Enjoy?

.:Blue Stars:.

Chapter Six: The Little Things

Today was his birthday. He was finally 13. And yet, he didn't feel any different. Should I? he wondered. The young boy walked down the halls of the Presidential Palace in Esthar, used to the advanced technology flying by the transparent walls. He felt the same as yesterday. Should he feel like a man? Today was the day he'd start training to work for his father, so he should. And yet he didn't. Not at all. Shrugging it off, the brown-haired preteen strolled into his father's office, greeted by a silent Ward and smiling Kiros.


The black chair twirled around and Laguna Loire grinned down at his son. He was wearing the usual easygoing outfit: a teal work shirt and beige slacks that did not seem orthodox for someone of such high stature.

"Squall, my boy! Happy birthday!" Laguna cheered. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Squall, happy birthday to you!" Silence. Kiros covered his mouth to hide a laugh and Ward just stared at the president, shaking his head.

"Whatever. I'm supposed to start training today, aren't I?"

"Aw, so you're saying you don't want to celebrate your birthday?" the president asked, looking like a kicked puppy. Squall sighed in annoyance and crossed his arms. Sometimes he felt like he was the father and Laguna was his son.

"No, there's nothing to celebrate. So I'm a year older. So what?"

Laguna scratched his head awkwardly. Why did I end up having such an aloof son? he wondered sadly to himself. Nevertheless, the President of Esthar chuckled and flashed Squall a charming smile, one that was not returned.

"Well, happy birthday anyway, son."


At that moment, the doors behind Squall burst open and a girl who looked in her late teens bounced into the room, a cheery smile on her pretty face. Her short brown hair gently bobbed up and down, and her cinnamon eyes searched the room quickly before they landed on Squall. Before the boy could react, she had her slender arms wrapped firmly around his neck, pushing him up against her in a tight embrace.

"Happy birthday, Squall!" she cheered loudly into his ears, laughing. Pulling away but still trapping him within her arms, the girl pulled back, a goofy smile on her face. "You're a big boy now, aren't you?"

Squall rolled his blue-grey eyes, but a small smile formed on his face, one that did not go unnoticed by a suddenly hurt father. "Thanks, Ellone."

"Hey, it's my little brother's birthday. It's the least I can do! Seriously! We have to go out and walk around Esthar today! I'll buy you whatever you want," Ellone chirped up, absently tucking a stray strand of chestnut hair behind her ear.

"You don't need to do that, Sis. Besides, I have to start training today, now that I'm of age." Ellone rolled her eyes and waved her hand dismissively, the sash around her waist slipping slightly.

"Pish posh! That can wait until after your birthday, can't it? Besides, don't you want to celebrate with me?"


"Well?" Ellone whispered, a soft smile forming on her face.

"….Alright. Fine. Let's go," Squall answered softly, heading out the door without waiting for her to follow. Ellone clapped excitedly and turned to face Laguna, who had a depressed look on his face.

"What's wrong, Daddy?" Laguna looked surprised for a minute and a sheepish smile appeared on his face. He shook his head and laughed.

"It's nothing, honey. Have fun with Squall, alright? Make sure you buy him something special." Of course, the teenager didn't buy what her father said for an instant, but she decided to let it pass, smiling.

"You got it, Pops!" Ellone replied, waving to the room before heading out.

Running down the clean halls, Ellone Loire appeared by her brother's side, startling him slightly. "So, do you have any idea what you want?"

"I don't need anything really, Sis…"

"Aw, c'mon!" the brunette prodded as they exited the entrance and headed onto the transportation device. "There must be something you've always wanted…"

"…Not really." Ellone rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as the scenery flashed quickly bye.

"Why can't you be like a normal boy and want video games or a car or something like that?" she muttered to herself as the transport came to an abrupt halt. Squall shrugged carelessly and stepped off, walking into the mall situated near the front of the city.

The mall in Esthar was jam-packed with citizens flouncing about busily and venders shouting out persuasively to potential buyers. Squall looked about carelessly, his grey eyes searching stores with their flashy signs and animated holographs. His cool gaze landed on a weapons store and he began walking toward it, Ellone following suit with a confused look on her face.

Squall's eyes landed on a long sword displayed in the showcase window. The light beaming down on the sword cast a heavenly glow upon it, accentuating the sharpness of the blade. A trigger with its obsidian barrel was attached near the handle of the sword, and Squall stared in wonder. He couldn't take his eyes off of it.

"You like this gunblade, young man?" Startled, the thirteen-year-old turned around to face a middle-aged man with a kind smile on his face. When he didn't reply, the man chuckled and scratched his slightly balding head, his glasses drooping slightly. "I see you're the strong and silent type of warrior. Why don't you come in and look around? I'm sure you'll like something."

Squall glanced at Ellone who nodded before proceeding into the store. It was littered with different assortments of gleaming weapons, each with their own aura of power. Accessories lined the shelves: bracelets, charms, necklaces, rings…Something caught his eye and he turned to face it, feeling his heart beating loudly in his chest.

Gunblades. There were so many of them, shining silver and black. He approached and gently ran his fingers over the cool surface of one that seemed to emanate a blue glow. "You really like gunblades, don't you?" the owner of the store asked, lifting the blue gunblade off of the rack.

"Yes…they're very nice…" Squall replied lamely, looking to the side. The man chuckled and swung the sword gently, smiling as Squall's observant eyes followed it.

"You know…not many people use gunblades anymore. It's rare for someone to pick up this weapon. If you want to learn how to wield a gunblade, it'll be hard for you to find a teacher." A determined look appeared on the handsome boy's face.

"I can teach myself." The man chuckled and handed the weapon over to Squall, who carefully gripped the handle, feeling a pulse vibrate from the sword as he held it.

"This one's called the Lion Heart. It's a bit too advanced for a beginner. In fact, it's the only one in the whole world. Quite the gunblade, though."

"How much is it?" Ellone interrupted, taking out a credit card. She knew Squall wanted this gunblade. It was the way his eyes lighted up a little, the way his lips set in a straight line of determination, and the powerful vibe he gave off by just holding the sword.

"I'm sorry, but it's not for sale as of now." Ellone frowned. Squall's gaze drifted slowly to the storekeeper impassively.

"Uh, why not, sir?"

"Well for starters, this young man is a beginner. I can't sell it to you yet. It's one of the rules of weaponry established by the Gardens of this world."

"But I'm not going to any Garden," Squall said impassively, staring at the owner silently.

"Well then, why are you taking up a weapon, son?"


The owner's aged face smiled kindly down at the reluctant look on the young boy's face. He kneeled down and gently placed a hand on Squall's shoulder, who looked at him hesitantly.

"If it's for a reason that I shouldn't know, fine. But I still can't sell the Lion Heart to you. At least, not yet. You can begin with the basics. Here." Standing back up, the owner lifted a plainer gunblade from the stand. It had a black grip and the grey steel flashed brilliantly. Squall eyed it warily and took it in his hands. He almost fell to the floor.

"…It's…heavy…" The owner chuckled and nodded.

"Of course it is! Gunblades get lighter as you gain more experience. You have to build up strength, stamina, and spirit first."

Squall swung the weapon carefully back and forth, feeling the joint in his shoulder being pulled forward.

"You know…" the middle-aged man started, "if you really want to master the gunblade, you should go to Balamb Garden. That's one of the best military school's in the world. But first you'd have to go to Balamb High School, and after you graduate, take the entrance exam to Balamb Garden."

Squall stopped swinging the blade and looked thoughtful for a minute. If I go to Balamb and learn to master the gunblade, I'll do better on the jobs father will give me. The brown-haired preteen nodded at the owner. "I'll do it." The man's wrinkled face grinned and he shook Squall's hand firmly.

"That's splendid to hear. I'll look forward to seeing you at Balamb Garden." When Squall gave him a questioning look, the man chuckled. "My name is Cid Kramer. I'm the Headmaster at Balamb Garden. I recruit potential soldiers around the world in my shops, and I think you'd be a great mercenary, young man."

"Mercenary…" Squall spoke quietly. Ellone frowned and pulled her younger brother aside, whispering in his ear.

"You know you're working for Pops in the future, and not for this Kramer guy, right?" Blue-grey eyes locked with chocolate brown calmly.

"Of course, but I think I could improve myself if I go to Balamb Garden." Ellone looked skeptical, but reluctantly sighed, giving in.

"Alright. I'm sure Pops won't mind…"

An hour later, the duo walked out of the weaponry store, Squall delicately holding his new and customized gunblade in the leather gloves that Cid suggested he buy. An ornate carving of a lion was etched into the blade, and a heavy chain dangled from the handle of the sword, the same lion glaring menacingly from the chain.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get you that Lion Heart thing," Ellone said apologetically, ruffling his chestnut hair playfully. Squall moved to the side, avoiding her hands and shrugged.

"It's alright, Sis. I'll get that weapon once I learn how to master this." His sister smiled, nodding and the siblings made their way back to the Presidential Palace.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Puberty Boy!" The duo stopped in their tracks, both of them rolling their eyes. Seifer appeared in front of them, a lazy smirk on his face as he mock-saluted Ellone. His gaze slithered over to Squall and his grin widened as he eyed the gunblade. "So, you're taking up the gunblade as well, eh?"

"What are you talking about?" Something dark caught Squall's attention and his gaze drifted to a long and sharp object in Seifer's grasp. It was a gunblade, except it was black all around, reflecting no light except for the outline, which was silver.

Seifer's smirk deepened and he raised the gunblade in front of himself and pointed it at Squall. "You like? I call it Hyperion. What do you say we try out our weapons to see who's better?"

"Seifer, I don't think that's a good idea," Ellone interjected, shaking her head. The blonde boy playfully pouted, directing his fierce gaze to the girl.

"Aw c'mon, Ellone. Have some spirit! Besides, I promise I won't beat up Puberty Boy too bad." Ellone sighed and crossed her pale arms, frowning.

"No means no, Seifer. Shouldn't you be meeting up with Laguna? You just turned thirteen as well." Seifer snorted and placed his gunblade on his shoulder, absently bouncing it up and down.

"That goofball of a president can wait a little longer. Besides, I want to duel with Puberty Boy."

"I don't want to fight you, Seifer," Squall hissed quietly, growing annoyed of the blonde's presence.

"Aww, what. Are you afraid I'll humiliate you, or are you afraid that your sister will try to stop you with those powers you're so afraid of?" Squall tensed and a hurt look appeared in Ellone's eyes as she looked to the side, pretending not to hear Seifer's harsh words.

Squall scowled in response and readied his gunblade, his eyes narrowing to slits. I'm not afraid of her powers. He's wrong. He's wrong.

"I'll take you on, Seifer."


"Sis." At the glare Squall sent her, the brunette closed her mouth and sighed. She had a bad feeling about this…

Seifer smirked and leaned back, outstretching his free hand and motioning Squall to come forward. "Then let's dance!"

As the two rivals clashed their blades for the first time, they didn't notice the figure lurking in the shadows with an amused smile on their face. "Powers, he says? Very interesting…" Without a sound the mysterious person disappeared, a plan formulating in their mind.

A/N – I guess I'll end it here. I'll try making the next chapter longer and hopefully I can update sooner but I can't guarantee anything. Sorry. Dx

Moshi Moshi Mai