Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me but the plot

Rated R for language and M/M slash so you are WARNED don't like it then go away , because I do like it . Also OOTP spoilers...

Title : Upside down

Chapter one : Summer

Harry woke in his small, humid bedroom. Well "his" bedroom (was a pretty big word), Dudley's ancient toy room, emptied for Harry, might fit a little better. It went from fully loaded to completely empty. The only furniture present in Harry's bedroom was his bed. His clothes were lying on the floor. Vernon, his uncle, didn't care about Moody's and Lupin's warnings. His drilling company wasn't going too well, it was slowly but surely being swallowed by rival, a Chinese company employing cheap labour, selling quality drills for next to nothing at all. Harry's uncle on his part was slowly but surely sinking himself into his bottles. It had started with some "I need a drink to cheer me up." and now he was drunk almost 24/7.

His uncle was always distracted, his mind at the bottom of his empty bottle. He was neglecting his wife and son, ignoring them completely. Harry was also ignored but at least his cousin and aunt could walk out of  the house. Vernon, in a flash of lucidity had put, again, locks on Harry's bedroom door. The teen had complained strongly about it ...

"If Lupin hears about this" , Harry shouted at his wits end, "he'll curse you to hell back! You have no right to lock me up you drunken ....."

"Drunken what...?"bellowed his uncle louder than the boy.

His uncle barged into the room in an impressive way and whether Harry wanted it or not he had to admit to himself that he was a little scared of his uncle who you could see from his walk and speech that he had been drinking heavily. Harry didn't know how his uncle would react this drunk, the reason being that he had never confronted his uncle while he was drunk.

"Drunken what??" Repeated Vernon, louder this time, grabbing his nephew by the collar of his shirt bringing him face to face with him.

Harry could smell the drink on Vernon's breath and it didn't smell good at all, Harry almost gagged. He was afraid of finishing his sentence, his uncle had never been violent before but Harry wasn't too sure if it would still be true after the end of this long day. His uncle shook him, still waiting for an answer.

"Tell me you freak, son of a bitch, can't you answer when someone talks to you."

He slapped Harry in the face hard enough for it to still burn a couple of hours later, punched him in the stomach and started to walk out of the room. Harry tried to stand up.

"Don't lock me up all summer" , he said with a voice he wished was strong and confident even though it failed miserably and was more like a pleading...

"I'll do whatever I want with you, brat, you're living under my roof, you're wearing the clothes I bought you so you're not going to complain about the way I'm treating you!"

His uncle, this time, punched him hard on his left cheek; Harry fell on the floor under the power of the punch. His uncle walked out of the room and looked back sneering at Harry before closing the door, daring him to say something else. Harry didn't move, he waited for his uncle to close and lock the door, then started to rub his cheek gently wishing for the pain to go away. He couldn't believe it. He was brave enough to confront Lord Voldemort, the most powerful dark wizard ever seen but he just was too scared to confront his uncle, an alcoholic muggle! Geez!...

Harry found comfort in something Hermione once told him about psychological influence, Harry's uncle had always been the figure of authority, the man to respect under all circumstances, he grew up being scared of his uncle so he still is.

Later, Harry had tried to convince his aunt and cousin to unlock the door but they both were too scared of bringing Vernon's wrath down on then that neither one of them tried to help him, plus they thought that for Harry's sake they would keep him away from the drunken and now violent man. So Harry was left to himself as locked in as ever. One good thing that had been done by his aunt though, she agreed to give him his books so that he could do his homework.

Not only did Vernon neglected his family, but his house suffered as well, Harry was usually the one who took care of it during the summer but this time he couldn't leave his room except to go in the next one, the bathroom. The lawn was incredibly long, the bushes were starting to cover the house and worst of all, kids, at an end of year party from Dudley's school, had broken a window. Vernon hadn't taken care of it, of course, it was in Harry's bedroom! Harry had offered them to repair it himself but Vernon had refused saying they hadn't much money and they couldn't afford things such as windows for the moment. Even though his aunt had found a job, she didn't earn much money so they had difficulty to pay everything at the end of a month apart from alcohol. Petunia thought Dudley too young and sensible to work, something Harry thought ridiculous. He, himself, had thought offering to look for a job and give them the money he would have earned, but then he thought of something else: Voldemort.

Plus, the broken window in his bedroom was starting to make him feel sick. At night cold and humid air was getting in, his thin blanket was doing a poor job in keeping him warm. So after a week or two, Harry was starting to feel slightly feverish, his throat aching badly, making him voiceless most of the time. By the end of a month, he had a bad cold. His aunt, worried for his health, tired of hearing him cough and scared of her husband's loss of temper gave him hot blankets and medicine. Harry crossed the days one after the other until finally there was three days left 'til September first. His aunt had promised him that she would give him those three days free. She would drop him in London and he could live on his own those last few days.

Harry wanted to rent a room at the Leaky Cauldron like he had in his third year.

The car ride went well, without incidents, Petunia hadn't said a single word to him but he was fine with it because he slept all the way. He had taken his school stuff with him but he had left his clothes behind. Harry had decided the he would buy new ones with the money he had, he was tired of wearing the same hand me down clothes, after all, he had them since he was eleven so who could blame him? Also, even though they were still too large, Harry had grown taller during the summer so they just didn't fit anymore.

Once in his rented room, Harry took a bath, a hot one ...really truely hot for once. But before getting in it he noticed a mirror on the wall. He looked at himself and barely recognised the person who was looking back at him. He had changed more than he could have possibly imagined! His once tanned skin was now as white, of course he hadn't seen the sun once in the whole summer. His hair, as black as ever, was longer, covering his forehead (here imagine Tom welling's hair in black...you know "smallville's" cute superman...J) Being long, it wasn't as wild as it used to be. His green eyes were surrounded by the usual long black eyelashes, but the pale skin made them clearer. His lips were full and red and he was now...what...5 '8" which wasn't so bad to his opinion. Plus, something he was very proud of...when you are locked up for 2 months with absolutely nothing to do, you get weaker but he had ended up by doing work outs...so push-ups, sit-ups...and any and all stuff Harry could think about to use up his energy in a 2 meters square room he had done. So his shoulders were broader, and more muscled, his arms were strong, his slim waist clearly showed off well developed abs, his legs were delicate but muscled too. He was pretty happy of these changes; he wasn't a skinny child anymore, but a good-looking young man. Finally he got into his bath, afterwards brushing his teeth and finally went to bed.

 Tomorrow he would go to Gringotts, buy some new clothes, new glasses, books and others things he needed. Smiling he slid into sleep.