Asuka Strikes Chapter 9

Author note: Well, since my last chapter was pretty short, I thought I'd repay you by adding another freebee chapter !

"Hey, Shin-chan! Watch this!" boasted the redhead as she dived gracefully into the swimming pool.

Ikari Shinji smiled at her, happy that he'd gotten her mind off Okinawa. Once the head of Soryu Asuka Langley popped back out of the water, a happy and refreshed look on her face, Shinji brought his hands together, a loud clapping noise echoing throughout the swimming area.

She smiled back at him, a light blush at the praise she received from him. She swam over to the nearby ladder and climbed out of the pool. She frowned when she saw that he had gone back to typing up on the laptop that was perched upon his lap (A/N: Exactly why it's called a "lap" top). She walked over to him, standing in the way of his light, casting a shadow over his form. "Why are you here typing when you could be swimming?" she queried.

He stopped in his work to look up at her. "Misato found out that my grades were dropping dangerously low and said I'd HAVE to study or else she'd make me do even more chores than I already do."

She sat down next to him on her towel. "What're you studying?"

"Science right now and then I got to brush up on my math." He looked at her, enjoying the way her hair stuck to the sides of her face, the suit he had thought skin tight on her before now showing him wrong.

She smiled at him, scooting closer so she could get a good look at the screen. She frowned in confusion at it. "What does it say?"

He quirked an eyebrow at her in question. "You don't know the Kanji? The how do you do so well at school?"

She sighed, running a hand through her wet bangs. "I'm still learning them. I'm starting to understand but a few still confuse me." She looked at the screen again. "So, what's it say?"

He smiled at her but frowned, reading the question for her. "It's about thermal expansion. But I don't get any of it at all." He looked at her expectantly.

She brought a finger to her lips, a thoughtful look upon her face. Shinji watched as her finger became wedged between her lips and he smiled. She blushed from the thought that entered her mind but then it was replaced by a sly smile. "How about an example?"

Completely lost to the not-so-innocent question, he asked, "Um...sure, like what?"

She leaned closer to him, so close that he could feel her breath on his own lips and a blush quickly covered his cheeks.

She smirked at his reaction but continued with her devious plan. "When most things get hot, they expand. So..." she covered his left hand with her right. "If I were to kiss you right now, would your lips expand?" she asked huskily.

He blushed fiercely, stuttering out. "Um...I-I don't r-really know..." he whispered but she heard anyways.

She smirked again. "Want to find out?"

And then, like a light illumination the dark corners of Shinji's mind, he grinned back at her sexily. "I'd love to." And he leaned forward, closing the inch or two that held them apart and his lips covered hers.

Her eyes widened somewhat but then closed, reveling in the feeling of his lips on hers. After they both regained some of the conscious, Asuka began to move her lips, caressing his over and over again. Then, Shinji did something so out of character it was scary. He let his tongue roll from his mouth and let it touch her lips lightly, sending a wave of shock yet pleasant surprise course throughout both of their bodies. She complied with him, opening her mouth just enough for his tongue to enter her mouth but also to keep their lips together still. She moaned lightly as his tongue danced with hers. After a few moments, they pulled apart, gasping for air.

Once Asuka had filled up her lungs enough, she smiled softly at him, her left hand going to his lips. "I think that proved that theory." She whispered just loud enough for him to hear her.

He made a sound of approval, somewhere between a moan and a whimper, his eyes still closed as he enjoyed the feeling of her cool fingers on his burning lips. He opened his eyes and smiled back at her and was about to lean in to kiss her again but was interrupted as the red light went off, signaling the arrival of an unidentified object close by. The pulled apart and looked at the red light for a second before looking at each other and smiling sadly.

"We'll finish this some other time, okay?" Asuka asked as he helped her up from the ground.

He nodded, a blush covering his cheeks, looking forward to the next time that they're alone again. "Let's go kick some Angel butt!"

Author's Notes: Yah, I know it was probably shorter than the last but it was a freebee type of chapter, just some fluff. OooOOooo, the thermal expansion part of the series is my favorite, second only to PENPEN!

I'm going to make a long thank you list now since I missed it before

Thanks to:

-x: Run...down the splasher? What's that mean?

-Junho: Balance is good unless you're talking about the ones at the doctors, those are evil.

-Nigoki: I'm a good write! Yay!

-Dark Titan: Yah, people keep telling me that I screwed up that, oh well.

-Wolvenrider: You confuse Kelly...Kelly dislikes being confused....

-RaspK FOG: Oh yah, he should defiantly win!

-Lady Laran: You must have loved this chappie, ne?

-Steve Jester: You read?

-Sutsurike Deafu: Yah, I need to make my chapters longer, I know but 1)I'm lazy and 2)I'm a procrastinator. It's a deadly mix.

-rahl: I like you, you always review my chapters.

-Vivi239: I like fluff so I write fluff.

-Vaurnut: Yes, I know.

-China-boy: Ok, ok, pUUshy!

Ok, too long and I'm too lazy. Plus, I gotta get off the computer but I want to update my story now so I'll finish the thanks another time. Toodles.