Lily Evans Potter
I am not responsible! 'I Was Right' by Earthwalk convinced me Snape loved Lily....

Lily Evans Potter

She's smiling.
She looks at him and smiles, and I see love in that smile.
I know she loves him.
She always will.
I wonder why I have come here today.
It is their wedding day.
The day Lily Evans becomes Lily Evans Potter.
And I, Severus Snape, am standing in the back row of the church watching.
I am such a fool.
It is too late.
It is far too late.
It was too late ten years ago, and it is too late now.
How could I have ever competed with James Potter?
Potter, the Quidditch hero.
Potter, the Head Boy.
Potter, the most handsome boy in school.
I thought Lily was beyond that.
I thought she would love for what is inside, not out.
Maybe she does.
But my soul is unclean.
It would contaminate her.
How could I dream she would not care?
The preacher is speaking.
Who in this room has reason these two should not marry?

I want to jump up.
I want to say yes.
I stay still, cold and frozen, like the stone I am.
Lily Evans never was and never will be mine.
And now she is Lily Evans Potter.
And it is over.

I love her.
That much is true.
I don't know why I love her. I really don't.
She's Muggle-born. A Mudblood, as Lucius likes to say.
Not worthy of my time, as Mother would say if she knew.
She's not a Slytherin.
She's in Gryffindor, our biggest rivals.
But who cares about houses and petty contests?
Everyone does.
I do.
At least, I think I do.
I am the classic Slytherin.
I am everything she is not.
But I don't know what I am or who I will become.
The Dark Lord is rising, and I will rise with him.
And yet...

Love is a cruel thing.
It is a knife, plunged into your heart.
I have experienced Crucio.
Love hurts more.
And nothing hurts more than watching Lily Evans Potter walk back down that aisle.
Right past me.
She does not look.

For a moment, a fantasy.
I am beside her.
And she is Lily Evans Snape.
It is only a fantasy.

I rush after her.
She turns and smiles.
I croak.
"Thank you, Severus."

She hugs me.

The Dark Mark burns.
I should leave.

I watch her enter the carriage.
I do not go.