Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Harry Potter, Harry Potter's Universe, and all things relating in any way to Harry Potter belong to J.K. Rowling and various publishing companies that I'm far too lazy to mention. I am making no money, unfortunately. This goes for every chapter.

A/N: Hello everyone. Thanks to those of you who reviewed the first two chapters. Of course I'll read your HP fics, xMadgirlx. Just give me some time. There are a lot of fics I'm trying to read right now. Thank you also, tomzgurl77. I don't know whether or not you'll like this chapter, but it doesn't matter. I write these fan fics for myself. I know that may seem selfish. If I wrote for my reviewers, though, I'd be extremely disappointed if I got a bad review. I'd also never finish a fic. I want to say thank you to the reviewers of Dancing With Molly, Monsters, and Harry's Journal: Beginning to End, as well. It's sort of funny, if you think about it. I can't write a journal of my own but I can write a fictional person's. This chapter probably won't be too sad, by the way.

~Hey, Maya?

What is it, Hawk?

~Will I be in this fic?

Maybe. Can I start the third chapter now?

~Lily wants to say something.

What, Lily?

-What about me? Will I be in this fic?

I hope not. You're too cheery. On to chapter three, now.

I Can't - Chapter 3, Blind


Severus Snape slid down against the wall, head in hands. This is all my fault, he thought to himself.

"Oh good Lord. What the Hell have I just done?"

Everyone seemed to snap out of their musings at that. Severus thumped his head back against the wall a few times, drowning out the noise of the others. This did not, however, drown out his thoughts. He vaguely registered Remus helping him stand and leading him towards the kitchen, talking to someone about getting Dumbledore. Severus, still in a daze, was helped into a chair by someone. He only looked up when shouting permeated his thoughts.


Hermione Granger roared with fury. She was possibly one of the best students Severus had ever taught, he would admit grudgingly on occasion. Granger was one of the most calm, study minded, and collected people that Severus had ever met. Therefore, it was of great surprise to him - and to everyone else, for that matter - that she would blow her top like that. Her voice became softer, suddenly.

"Why should it matter at all that Harry likes both women and men so long as he's happy?"

"He's a bloody fag, Hermione! Don't tell me you're taking his side on this!"

"I'm afraid that I am taking Harry's side. You're prejudices are going to lose you two friends today, Ron. I'm going to follow his example as well. I'm going to pack my things and walk out that door, and none of you will be able to stop me."

Three minutes later Hermione was ready to go and in the kitchen. She hugged Ginny, Tonks, Remus, Molly, and Arthur briefly, patted Mad-eye fondly on the shoulder, glared at young Mr. Weasley, and turned to leave some of her only friends behind for who knows how long for another friend.

"Miss Granger?" He sounded so filled with guilt that she turned back. Even he could tell how pitiful he sounded. "If you find him," Severus said. He cleared his throat. "If you find Potter, give him this from me. You never know when it could be useful."

He pulled out a beautiful set of blue rosary beads on a silver chain from underneath his robes. Slowly, oh so slowly, Severus brought the rosary up above his head and handed it to the girl. "Give Potter my sincerest apologies," he said solemnly, and she nodded.

Without a glance back, Hermione Granger left the only friends she had ever known. She was going to help another friend. It didn't take long to find him, either; ten minutes later she was walking silently alongside Harry, trunk under her arm. Neither said anything for a while. Hermione was going to say something just to break the silence when Harry spoke.

"I should call the Knight Bus. I want to take everything out of my account."

"Where are we going after you do that?"

"You really mean to come with me? I appreciate it and everything, but are you sure? You can still go back."

"I'm sure."

"You'd be giving up your entire life here, Hermione; changing how you look, your name, where you live. I'm giving you the chance to go back. I won't try and change your mind if it's made up, but I don't want you to give up everything for a friendship with me."

"My mind is made up. I'm coming with you. You're a friend and I'm not letting you do this alone."

"Let me grab your trunk for you, then, since you're coming."

Harry did so, despite Hermione's protests of being able to handle it fine and that just because she was a woman didn't mean she was weak.

"I never said you were, 'Mione. I have some very strong women friends, you included. I wouldn't dare think of you as weak with all those books you carry around. Where is Crookshanks, by the way? Aren't you bringing him?"

"No. I love Crookshanks to death, but he's not travel friendly. How will Hedwig find you?"

"She always knows where I am. Hedwig'll find me."

Harry shot out his wand arm and with a deafening BANG the triple- decker, vibrantly purple Knight Bus shot up. A streetlamp jumped back out of the way. Harry pulled Hermione just in time not to be road kill. Harry seemed to have been expecting something of the sort, for he wasn't fazed at all, but Hermione was frightened nearly to death. She didn't have much time to allow the shock to set in, however, because an older boy with pimples all over his face came out and started to introduce himself at that moment.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. Just stick out your wand hand, step on board, and we can take you anywhere you want to go. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor -"

He cut himself off when he saw Harry.

"Oi! 'Arry Potter! Been a while, 'asn't it? 'Oo would this friend 'a yers be, eh? Got yerself a lady friend, now, 'ave yeh?"

"Good to see you as well, Stan. This is my best friend, Hermione. There's nothing more than friendship going on between the two of us, so you can drop that sort of thought right now. Can you help me get these things onto the bus, Stan? We need to go to Diagon Alley."

They were off to Gringotts in a no time at all, and were now back in London. Hermione hadn't forgotten the rosary from Professor Snape and had given it to Harry on the way there. He hadn't been willing to take any chances of someone finding out they had been on the Knight Bus, and had Obliviated (concentrating on the bus ride to Diagon Alley and back) Stan and Ernie. Hermione didn't care about that, really, but was a bit curious as to why they were back in London, in all honesty.

"Why are we coming back here?" she asked.

"Not only will they expect us to have gone as far away from London as possible, but I have some friends around here."

Harry twisted through dark alleyways, seeming to know them well, with Hermione hot on his heels. When she enquired about his knowledge of the alleys, Harry had replied that the Dursleys had left him in London to find his way home quite a few times when he was younger. She hadn't asked any more about it. Hermione was jolted from her musings when Harry stopped at an old but well cared for building and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" a woman asked through the door.

"It's Harry and a friend. Open up.

"How do I know it's you? Say something only you would know."

"Jack Daniel's '90."

A woman who could be no older than her mid twenties opened the door, smiling. She pulled Harry into a quick hug, let go, and then ushered them both in. Her short brown hair was pulled into a messy bun and her welcoming dark blue eyes sparkled in delight at the prospect of company. After introductions were all said and done and everyone was seated in the living room, Harry cut directly to the point of the visit.

"We need fake passports and I was wondering if you could undo the tracking spells on our wands."

"No problem. What names do you want on the passports?"

"James Michael Walsh. You, Hermione?"

"Annabelle Marie Davis."

"Each of you take a room upstairs, then. Eddie and Gabby are sleeping already, so try to be as quiet as possible. Leave your wands down here and I'll be done by morning. Don't wake me up if I'm in bed tomorrow. Just leave a note on the kitchen table. You know where everything is, Harry. You can show Hermione. The pictures in the passports will change to your appearance, by the way, so if you use Concealing Charms you won't have to change the picture manually."

"'Night Liz, 'Mione."

"Goodnight Harry, Hermione."

"'Night Elizabeth, Harry."

Hermione didn't ask how Harry knew a witch from when he was young, nor why Elizabeth was so straightforward. She was too tired at that time and, frankly, didn't really care by then. It had been a long day. Questions would have to wait until tomorrow.


I named this chapter 'Blind' because it's showing part of Harry's life that we are normally blind to. He has other friends that no one knows about and his very own *theatrical gasp* secrets. I'll explain Elizabeth in the next chapter and you'll meet Gabby and Eddie. Wondering why Molly didn't yell at Ron? She was still in shock at that point. I'll explain the general Wizarding POV on gays and bisexuals later. No; this is absolutely NOT a Harry/Hermione fic, nor will it ever become one. In case you haven't noticed, I've been pushing the whole friends only idea. Hermione is just a good friend doing what she thinks is right. I know that Harry's response to Hermione coming might have sounded sappy, but he really doesn't want his friends doing something they aren't sure of just for him. You didn't expect Hermione to go after Harry, though, did you? Was it a shock? I've seen too many fics where Harry runs away and never talks to any of his friends again unless he comes back, that I just couldn't make this another one. Harry needs his friends most right now, and I wasn't going to let him go through everything alone.

Notice something: Harry walks away without looking back. What does this mean? Harry is ready to try and forget the bad aspects of his past. He wants to move on and leave everything he's ever known behind for a better life.

Hermione isn't going to turn back after saying goodbye, but does. What does this mean? Hermione is confident in her decision to support Harry when others are turning their backs on him. However, she isn't necessarily so ready to leave everyone and everything behind as Harry is.

Just explaining my reasoning.

~ BipolarGirl, Maya M. Wallace