Disclaimer – I own nothing.

This is my first Teen Titans fic. Go easy on me!


Diary of Raven – Keep out on pain of loss of ability to reproduce.

Day 1 – morning.

Today started out as every other day does. Being woken up by Beastboy and Cyborg battling on another of their immature computer games.

Wore my usual clothes. Maybe I should try changing my image. Maybe a new black cloak.

When I emerged into the living room, Robin asked me what I wanted for breakfast. Beastboy immediately offered to make tofu. Cyborg offered to make bacon. Starfire offered to make 'an assortment of breakfast food and beverage'.

I had herbal tea.

When will they learn that I don't eat those things? Cyborg almost set the Tower on fire with his frying pan, AGAIN. Almost set fire to me.

Very nearly showed emotion. Nearly.

Straight after breakfast Robin went to train with Cyborg. Starfire went to do 'shopping of groceries'. Leaving me with the green elf.

All I wanted to do was meditate. Or possibly go to my room and write some depressing poetry. But Beastboy wanted to play computer games.

Ignored him. But it's hard to meditate when a green fuzzy elf keeps asking you stuff.

That new black cloak is starting to sound very inviting. Might go to the mall.

Day 1 – Afternoon

Starfire came with me to the mall, asking if I would like to try on her new blusher. I had been trying to sneak out of the tower but she noticed me and asked if she could come.

Does she have no idea how hard it is to get this gothic look just right? Hours of hard work down the drain if I tried on blusher.

Love new black cloak though.  Was very tempted by dark purple one too. But might get too excited and blow Beastboy up.

Should have gotten the purple cloak.

Did, however, buy earrings. Very nice ones. Starfire wanted to try them on, but refused of course.  Would clash with that light purple look she's got going on.

Robin insisted we train this afternoon. I don't see why I need to, as am as powerful as everyone else without the training. But training does keep weight down. Maybe Cyborg needs to train a bit more often. He seems to be getting a bit porky.

…Thankfully bitching does not count as an emotion. Otherwise would already have blown up Titans Tower.

Robin and Starfire are getting along abnormally well. They've always been close, but they're thoroughly companionable at the moment.

Beastboy and Cyborg have not, of course, noticed.

Am pretty sure that Robin and Starfire like each other. I almost pity them, having all those irritating emotions.

Thank Heavens I don't have that problem. Emotions are nothing but trouble.


Starfire's Book of Daily Occurrences – Please do not view. Many thanks.

Day 1 – Morning

Hello Book of Daily Occurrences. I hope you will not take it as an insult if I call you BODO.

Today was a happy day! I love happy days. But nearly all my days on Earth are happy ones!

I got up early to make an assortment of breakfast foods and beverages. Robin was greatly appreciative, but I'm sorry to report that Beastboy and Cyborg did not want to eat it. But both thanked me for my efforts, which made me feel better.

Now, BODO, it is very important that you understand that I don't like to say unfriendly things, but Cyborg left the frying pan on the oven. And then flames started to come up. Raven was not very cheerful, but I helped Cyborg clear up the fire.

I do wish Cyborg wouldn't set fire to the pan everyday. Maybe it is some sort of ritual for him. I will enquire after this matter and update you later.

After that I went to shop for groceries. I enjoy doing this, BODO. On my planet, most of our food can be summoned, but here you achieve the satisfaction of buying and preparing it yourself. I also had to buy a new frying pan.

Beastboy offered to come, but I very kindly assured him that I could manage. And he couldn't come because he has been banned from the store for disrupting female clients. He was very understanding and said he would keep Raven company.

Day 1 – Afternoon

Oh BODO, this afternoon was quite delightful.  I accompanied Raven to the Mall of Shopping. She was just leaving, very quietly, and I offered my companionship.

When we were making our way to the Mall of Shopping I noticed that Raven seems very pale, more so than usual. So I generously offered her the use of my new blusher. She declined, but I'm sure that's just because it would clash with her whole dark look.

As if to prove my point she bought a black cloak.  If they had had it in pink, or perhaps a cheerful yellow, I might have bought one. But it may interfere with my flying.

Raven bought some lovely earrings. I asked if I might try them on but Raven said they would clash with my clothes. This was true and it was very kind of her to point this out.

Training was delightful too. Robin makes sure we train enough that we will be prepared if there are any enemies around. There aren't at the moment of course.

Although it is unkind to point this out, I do believe that Cyborg has gained some weight. Maybe I should suggest that he eat a bit less meat. His coronaries might get blocked. Also, the smell of fried meat is a very dislikeable aroma.

But the best part of today was when Robin and I had our talk. We have talks quite often now. Robin is very kind. I care for all of my friends a great deal, but I think Robin might be my favourite. He is kind and noble and has very nice hair.

Also, he said he liked my new blusher. Perhaps Raven should have tried some on.

Farewell for now, BODO!


Beastboy's Diary – if you touch it I will become your least favourite animal. And I know you don't like Ladybugs, Cyborg, so watch out!

Day 1 – Morning

Dude, I totally kicked Cyborg's metallic butt on Autoracer 92! I won by like a billion points!

So cool.

Starfire made breakfast again, but she forgot to make my tofu waffles. Said thanks anyway, me being such a gentleman and all that. She was very sweet about it though.

Cyborg set fire to the frying pan again. That is like the fifth frying pan this week. I keep saying that if he didn't eat meat, it wouldn't happen. He's put on weight too.

Managed to annoy Raven effectively. Kept bugging her when she was meditating. Hey, if she's gonna look so cool all the time, she's gotta expect some attention from me! And I just KNOW she likes me back. How could she resist me?

I DID offer to help Starfire with the shopping but she said I'd been banned from the grocery store. THAT WAS NOT MY FAULT! All those girls in short skirts… any guy in his right mind would have tried to chat them up.

Day 1 – Afternoon

Oh, I totally kicked Cyborg's butt AGAIN in training this afternoon! Of course he might have had a slight (really slight) chance if he hadn't gained weight. Ha ha.

Robin keeps making us train every afternoon. I guess if Slade ever shows his worthless face we'll need to get him.

Starfire and Robin had another little talk today. They are having those a lot now. Never mind. Cyborg challenged me to another game of Autoracer. Beat him AGAIN. Why doesn't he just give up? I am so totally better at everything than he is.

I like Raven's new earrings. I was gonna compliment her on them, but she was looking very irritate. Maybe tomorrow. Also, her new cloak is super cool. Almost makes her look hot.


Cyborg's Diary – Keep your green fuzzy hands off!

Day 1 – Morning

I hate that damn Beastboy. I swear he is cheating on Autoracer. Whatever. I'm too cool to care.

Why the hell are those frying pans so flammable? Raven looked like she was about to 'Azarath Metriom Zinthos' me. It wasn't like I meant for the flames to get her.

It's Starfire's fault anyway. If she'd made my meat feast breakfast, I wouldn't have had to cook.

But noooooooooo, she was too busy trying to impress her little Robin. His cheap hairspray almost choked me when we were training.

I think I might have put on a couple of pounds. Never mind, I'm sure it's not noticeable.

Robin and I worked on our Sonic Boom attack. Damn, it looks cool!

I know Starfire doesn't try to be irritating, but when she asked me if I wanted a new frying pan from the grocery store I was sorely tempted to kick her butt. If she weren't so damn nice all the time…

Day 1 – Afternoon

I have definitely put on weight! Thank god no one noticed. I'll have to train a bit harder. Beastboy kept taunting me. I had to use all of my self-restraint not to blow him out of the atmosphere. Kept threatening to turn into a ladybug.

Starfire and Robin were talking again this afternoon. What the hell can they possibly keep talking about all the time?

Also, could not find that damn remote again.

I let Beastboy beat me at Autoracer 92. Just because he acts so pathetically if he loses. He still thinks that he's better than me. Whatever dude.


Robin's Diary – Keep out or get your butt kicked.

Day 1 – morning

Got up early and trained. Training is a good way to start the morning. Raven never leaves her room before 9 at the earliest. Beastboy and Cyborg woke her up though. It was pretty fun actually.

Starfire is great. Made me breakfast. She's the best. I just don't get how Cyborg can eat all that fried meat in the mornings. I've gotta make him train harder. If he sets fire to the kitchen one more time he's eating vegetables for every meal.

Made him train after breakfast. He's obviously put on weight, but didn't say anything. The Sonic Boom is really coming along.

I heard Beastboy annoying Raven again. I've really gotta stop leaving them alone in the same room. Otherwise Raven might blow up the tower.

Day 1 – afternoon

When Starfire and Raven went out shopping I started making plans for training this afternoon. It's important to train. Beating up bad guys is good. Especially if those bad guys happen to big mouth, cowardly prats like Slade.

Hate Slade.

Anyway, after training Starfire and I had a nice talk. She looks really cute with her new blusher. Told her so too.

Well, I missed the 'cute' comment out. But I feel that it was implied.

All in all it was a pretty good day. Now to bed so I can prepare for training tomorrow.

You can never train too much.


Well? I enjoyed writing this. But I'd like your opinions too. I have a habit. If you write a particularly nice review I dedicate a chapter to you! So be nice!

Lotsa luv 'n' huggles
