Prophecy of the Angelic Demon Chapter 6

Ryuki's Disclaimer: Don't own it, I wish I did, but I don't, so too bad.


From last time…

They ran, until they reached the body of the Ryuukotsusei, which was frozen in place by a cave. Sesshoumaru froze…this was such a familiar place…He looked around…the grass, the cave, the flowers near the cave…it was all so familiar.

They were at the Midoriko's cave.


The wind blew as a certain Youkai stepped out of a pile of stones. She was within a cave, and she just woke from unconsciousness. The female Youkai groaned as she clutched her head, which made it seem the whole cave, was falling down.


I am not imagining this…

Her eyes widened as she pulled a feather from her hair to fly out of the soon-to-be giant pile of stones…


Sesshoumaru looked at the cave, slightly surprised and confused. "Why is this place always the source of trouble?" The demon mumbled and sighed, taking a deep breath. Just then, the spirit started to glow a dark violet, as did the body. Slowly, a low pulse began to beat within the Youkai. It steadily grew louder with every pulse. Every pulse was a pulse closer to the release of the beast.

"Do you know the ultimate attack of the Tetsaiga?" Sesshoumaru asked loudly, over the still growing beat of the heart of the Ryuukotsusei.

"Which one?" Inutaisho asked back.

"The Bakuryuha." Sesshoumaru replied.

"Yes, but not…exactly…" The older demon answered slowly.

"What do you mean by yes, but not exactly?" Sesshoumaru demanded.

"Uh…see, I haven't mastered it just yet…" Inutaisho said nervously. "Does it matter too much?"

"Oh, no, not at all. It's only life and death." Sesshoumaru replied with a calm and deadly sarcasm as he pulled out his own sword, the Toukijin.

"Gee, I see that doesn't matter much." Inutaisho said back, his voice dripping with sarcasm as well.

"Do you want to live, or die proudly?" Sesshoumaru asked suddenly as Inutaisho looked at him with disbelief.

"What kind of question is that?"

"If you want to live, you can slice the body right now, and it will kill the beast. If not, you can die proudly, knowing that you did everything honorably."

Sesshoumaru received a glare from his father. "I will wait until the soul is in the body." The TaiYoukai replied. "However, I will not die."

Upon hearing this, the younger Youkai smiled slightly. This was the father he remembered having.

The cave rumbled and it started to fall apart as the beast awoke. The stones fell and smashed against the ground. Wind blew scraps and decent sized stones against both Youkais. They both raised their hands to block the stones from their face.

Then, suddenly, Sesshoumaru's nose picked up a scent.

It was so familiar…

It was so despicable…

The white haired demon's eyes widened as he identified the scent.


No…it wasn't him…the scent had a different edge to it…as if roses fell upon the poison…

It's her…


Slowly, as the female Youkai flew out, she tried to remember how she got to this place. Kagura remembered being away from the castle to search for shards from the Shikon no Tama. After getting a few from low-class Youkais, she was about to return to her 'master'.

Then, I saw Sesshoumaru alone without the toad; I decided to ask him for help again, in exchange for the Shikon shards. I followed him for quite a while, when he arrived upon a cave. He went in, as did I, a distance away so that my scent would not be detected. He seemed quite relaxed, and suddenly, in a flash, he was…gone.

Kagura winced, remembering the moment when he suddenly disappeared. She thought he was going to appear next to her and make a remark, and then, the next thing she knew…

The feather Kagura was riding took a sharp turn as the Wind sorceress dodged another falling boulder.

She came here.

Sighing deeply, taking in lots of air, Kagura hoped her mind would clear and she'd be able to identify where she was. Then, suddenly, a sharp scent came into her nose.

It was Sesshoumaru!

No…wait…there were two of the same kind of scent…

Confused, Kagura flew towards the source of the scent, leading her into a small opening of light. Kagura closed her eyes, for the opening was small, and in order to fly out, she would have to hit rocks.

She took a deep breath, and got ready for the impact. The rough stones brushed against her and suddenly, a falling stone hit her and she found herself knocked off course. Opening her eyes, Kagura winced as she found herself once again far from the opening. A giant boulder fell in front of her as Kagura tried to go forwards, knocking her feather, dragging the Wind Sorceress down. Kagura shut her eyes tight, her hands formed fists, as she waited for the pain to come when she hit the ground…

It never came…


Growling and realizing who it was, Sesshoumaru put Toukijin back in its sheath and jumped in the pile of falling stones. Ignoring the pain of both small and big stones falling upon him and the calling of his father, telling him to go back, Sesshoumaru looked around for the Wind Sorceress. He winced as a boulder nearly squashed him. Dust fell upon him like rain. Then, suddenly from above, a falling figure appeared into his sight. Black hair was flying and tangled around her face; her kimono was ripped and torn as the woman dropped in a fast speed.

Sesshoumaru jumped up and caught Kagura in his arms, and then, using his claws, he made an opening and ran out.


Outside, Inutaisho was waiting impatiently for the younger Youkai. Then, after an explosion of rocks, he came out. With him was a woman with black hair and ripped kimono. Her eyes were shut and she clung onto his kimono.

Sesshoumaru was also in quite an ungraceful position. His usually calm and graceful hair contained scraps of dust and rocks. His face had small cuts and his kimono was also ripped here and there. Sesshoumaru jumped off onto a grassy place far enough so that the collapse of the rocks would not hit them and Inutaisho followed. He watched patiently as his 'son' gently set the woman down.

"Whose this?" Inutaisho asked, confused about why his son would go in to save a woman. So far, Sesshoumaru did not strike him as one of those who would save anyone while risking himself. Standing up, Sesshoumaru brushed dust off his kimono and hair, creating a small pile of dust at his feet.

"Kagura." Sesshoumaru replied. She's from the future…why is she here?

Upon hearing her name, the wind sorceress stirred. Her eyelashes fluttered open as a pair of dark magenta eyes looked at the two. The woman closed her eyes and shook her head. Then, she reopened them.

"I better not be seeing things…" She muttered as she looked back and forth between at Sesshoumaru and Inutaisho.

"Kagura…" Sesshoumaru said in a monotonous voice. "What are you doing here?"

"I was…" the wind sorceress blushed slightly after she remembered what happened. "It's a long story…mind first explaining where are we? And why do you have a twin?"

Inutaisho chuckled, amused at the behavior of the woman. "She is interesting…you have made a good choice, son."

"Father, she is not a choice." Sesshoumaru said dryly. "She's just a detachment of Naraku, who is not supposed to be here."

Inutaisho looked at Sesshoumaru blankly.

"I'll explain in time." The younger Youkai grumbled. "Kagura, did you follow me?"

Kagura's eyes widened slightly as she looked down. "Yeah."

Inutaisho raised an eyebrow.

"I needed you to assist me in killing Naraku!" The woman looked at the two stubbornly. "Why won't you help me?"

The Youkai frowned. "Do you realize what you got yourself into? You are now in the past! We are at the time when the Shikon no Tama was not even created yet." Sesshoumaru growled. "You aren't supposed to be here."

"Oh, and you are?" Kagura hissed.

"Yeah." Sesshoumaru replied. "No, this is not my twin, he's my father…from the past."


"Explaining is great, but not now." Inutaisho suddenly said as he turned around to look at the beast. "Ryuukotsusei is finally awaking…"


Ryuki: Sorry about that…I hadn't had an inspiration for so long! I finally got one, and here's the chapter. It's not that long, but I am assuming it will do for now. I fixed the old chapters, because, oh gosh, Sesshoumaru was so OOC. Now he is slightly less, but anyways. Isn't this a surprise? Kagura! This story will now probably be changed so much more…;-)