A/n: Hi! Again, I have to apologize for taking so long to update… but I can't help it!! I haven't got a clue what to write about for a LONG time! --" stupid writer's block! Anyway, I'm just blabbing on now, and I highly doubt that anyone is reading this…I know I never do…ahem…anyhow….

A BIG thank-you to ALL of reviewers! I'm really happy! Keep it up!

Babycess: Thanks for telling me!! --" (I cannot spell) by the way, I really enjoy your stories! Hope you update soon!

INPORTANT - I think I'm going to change the story name…there is too much stories out there that has the same story name as this one…

Chapter 4

Eating Vinegar is NOT healthy

By: Shilie

"Come on, you can hit harder then that!" Stupid Moron


"You call that a punch?! HA." URG! I hate him! See how he treats me? SEE? It's torture! It's humiliating and…oww…my hand…

You're probably wondering what the hell is going on, right? Well, it's like this, every year, our (evil) gym teacher, Mr. McMillon, makes the girls take self-defense in gym, saying that it's for our safety. Now, usually I would enjoy it. Trust me, it's really fun learning how to kneel a guy. But this, my friend is not usual and is definitely NOT fun!

You see the problem is that this year, Ryan, the instructors broke his arm, therefore, somebody has to take his place, Who?

Yamato Ishida

Why? Simple, Ishida is McMillon's nephew, and I guess being Ryan's assistant didn't hurt either…

But see, it wasn't that bad because Tai and Ken was helping too, and Sora because she has taking self-defense courses before. Each 'helper' would get to pick five students, to form a team and we would have 4 days to train.

Then on the fifth day, we would compete against each other. No, not fighting against each other, this is a SELF- defense course. It's like this, Yamato would 'attack' each member of the team and which team holds the longest, wins.

There are 4 helpers, including Ishida. I was positive that Sora would pick me, I mean, I know that I'm not the strongest fighter but come on, I'm her best friend!

She won't leave me behind.

That's what I though and boy, was I wrong.

Tai got the first pick, "I want…Becky Orans." Well, why am I not surprise? Becky is the most athletic person here, after Sora, of course.

"Jenna Kimple." Ken decided. Yes, just as I thought.

Next came Yamato, he was wearing a simple white shirt and loose black pants. It suited him. His eyes surveyed over the rest of the student. I was almost sure that he paused at me. Odd, isn't it?

I guessed he would pick Alana Nikele. She's a very good athlete too and also pretty. But what came out of his mouth astonished everyone and totally ruined my plan to be in Sora's team.

Yes, my friends, he picked me.

Believe me, I was so shocked, I was sure my jaw dropped to the gym floor! Who can blame me? This was so NOT expected!

I remember walking over, although I couldn't feel my legs. I was numb. My mouth was still open, I believed that I resembled a fish. I wasn't the only one doing though, thank god! All the other girls' jaws were open too.

Matt, however was quite amused. His face calm and collected, that famous smirk on his lips, his eyes stared straight at me in a very unnerving way.

The rest were a blur; I was too shocked to notice anything.

When I was finally snapped out of the shock, my team was formed. There were Linda the snot, Kim the blabber, Vicky the back stabber and Maya, she is the only person in my team that I liked.

Great, I'm so excited! I can't wait! Feel the irony!

sigh So now, here am I, day two with a horrible bruise on my arm. Life just gets better and better!

We were suppose to get a partner and practice punches and elbowing. I was just about to ask Maya when Ishida announced that I would be partnered with him. Ok, what the hell?

"Punch harder!" Matt yelled at me, Jackass.


"Okay, Mimi, that will be all." Matt took the cushion and seated aside.

Here's my chance to ask.

"Matt, why did you pick me?" I stared hard in his eyes.

Matt raised his eyebrows and try to act innocent. "What? Mims, you're mad at me for picking you? I thought we were friends." He's acting may worked on other girls, but no way will it work on me! Plus, he's smirking!

I narrowed my eyes and pinched my lips together "Cut the crap, Ishida. What do you want?"

Matt's smirk grew.

"Gee, I don't know. What do you think I want?"

I stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Hun?" That, my friends was my intelligent answer.

"I know you Mimi. If you were to be in Sora's group, then you'll slack off, and I can't let that happen, can't I?"

How dares he? I will NOT slack off! Well, maybe a bit… But he doesn't have to know that.

"Whatever Ishida." Oh yeah, that's will stop him.

"Mattie? Can you help me with my elbowing? I don't seem to get it." Linda called out. Oh god! What a flirt! I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, hang on." Matt called. He glanced back at me and headed toward the evil Linda.

Linda had a small triumph smile on her. Arg, that bitch! She is so trying to get Yama's attention! Anyone with a half a brain can see that! I mean, look at her! Her shorts, which are supposed to cover her thighs, were barely covering her butt. Her shirt is at least 2 sizes too small, not to mention that you can totally tell what colour her bra is! What a slut! Oh gross! Matt is now touching her? God! It looks like Matt is holding her from behind!

Okay Mimi, calm down. Why would I care if Matt likes Linda? I shut my eyes tightly and let out a deep breath. Oh good lord, I really, really need to see a doctor.

"Ohh, looks like somebody is eating vinegar!"


My eyes shot open and saw red. It was Sora.

"What are you talking about?" I asked calmly, unlike what I was feeling.

"Geez, Mimi. You can be so dense sometimes! You are so is love with Matt!"

"In love? Matt? Please! Don't make me laugh." With that, I let this really, really, and I mean really fake laugh out. Oh god…Note to self: practice fake laugh.

Sora stared at me like I had 3 heads, and the truth is, I don't blame her. I can feel blood rushing to face. This is so embarrassing.

Sora blinked and made this really odd sound, sort of like a laugh covered with a cough.

Than hell broke lose.

She laughed. Hard.

Sora was bending over, clutching her side with tears in her eyes. Oh come on! It wasn't that funny!

"Oh god, Mimz" said Sora, breathing hard." You are so hilarious!"

"Sor! It's not that funny!" I think she had too much sugar during lunch…Yeah! That must be it!

"All right, whatever you say." Sora said, while walking away.

Gee, sometime I wonder why was she my best friend…

I sighed.

Okay, I admit. I guess the green monster did pay me a visit. But, it's only natural! I mean, he never really pay attention to other girls except me, even though it's not the attention that I would like to get, I started to look forward to our usual bickering. It made me feel special in some strange way.

"Hey" breaking out of my thoughts, I turned to the source of the voice.

"Hey Ken!" I said cheerfully. Ken has become one of my closest friends in the past few years. He kind of looks after me like a brother. Quiet and cute, a lot like Matt if you ask me, minus being incredibly annoying, of course.

"How are you doing?"

"Managing. I wish I was on another team though!" I purposely said in a loud voice. My eyes glanced over at Matt without my permission. And I have to say, I wasn't disappointed with the result.

Ken chuckled, "Guess you and Matt still not getting along?"

"You guess right!" I laughed easily.

"There's a party at my house tomorrow, you gonna be there?" Ken gave me a playful wink and went to his team.

"Count on it!" I called back "Can I invite Sora?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

"You bet, sweetheart."

I smiled slightly at the nickname, and skipped happily towards Sora.

Chapter 4 is DONE! God this took me so long to do it! Umm, so do you guys like it? I know Ken is a bit out of character…and oh yeah, NOTE: 'eating vinegar' is a saying in Chinese for jealous. This chappie is a bit boring…hope you guys won't mind…



P. S. S. S- REVIEW (hehe)