Disclaimer: Do I really need to put another one of these up? I think by now you get the point. I only own the plot, setting, and librarian. I don't own Draco Malfoy, even though I wish I did (*grins slyly*). Anyway, if I owned this stuff, do you really think I'd be posting it on a *fan* *fiction* web site?

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It was long past midnight. A single window was lit in the seaside villa. Hermione sat in the windowseat in her bedroom, staring out at the moonlight on the water. She'd spent the rest of her afternoon considering Malfoy's offer of peace, and she was still stunned by what he'd said that afternoon.

Hermione's mind was in a state of turmoil. She wanted very badly to believe that Malfoy meant what he'd said, but her experiences with him made that very unlikely. Hermione had known Malfoy for six long years, and during that time, her encounters with him had been less than pleasant. Most of the time, the only words they exchanged were insults.

Hermione sighed, leaning her forehead against the cool glass of the window. She hated Malfoy, but she thought she wanted to like him. Or maybe it was the other way around? Hermione wasn't a very hateful sort of person, except where Malfoy was concerned. She was also not a very violent person, and Malfoy was one of the only people that she had ever hit. Who was Malfoy, that he could turn Hermione into someone she didn't know?

She mulled over her memories of the past six years, remembering her run-ins with Malfoy. The train ride to Hogwarts every year; the time in second year when the Chamber of Secrets was opened and Malfoy had said he hoped she died first; the hippogriff incident in third year; her antipathy for Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad, of which Malfoy was a part; and the Quidditch World Cup, the summer before fourth year.

That was a horrid memory – stumbling upon Malfoy in the woods a night while trying to find the Weasleys and escape from the Death Eaters who were causing mayhem. Draco Malfoy had stood there, casually leaning against a tree, insulting them in his infuriating manner and trying to get Hermione away.

Wait a minute.

Hermione's brow furrowed. Though she'd never thought about it in this light before, that night, in the forest, Malfoy had actually tried to help her. He'd been trying to spare her a night of gruesome torturing. He'd acted in a completely un-Malfoy-like manner.

And if he could lose his heartless façade once, perhaps he could lose it again...or discard it completely.

Hermione ran her hand through her short curly hair, as if the simple action could help her organize her thoughts and reach a decision. Should she take Malfoy up on his offer? Should she trust him? She wasn't sure she was willing to just forget the last six years of her life for Malfoy's friendship, yet she was tempted to do so anyway.

Who was it who'd said, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"? They were wise, whoever it was. Perhaps it would be smart to take the advice. Malfoy was the sort of person it would be a good idea to keep an eye on, in any case.

So that was it, then. When Hermione met Malfoy in the library, she'd be accepting his offer.

Hermione got up off the window seat, stretched, yawned, and crawled into bed. She looked at the clock on the bedside table as she reached to turn out the light. It read ten minutes to three. She shook her head as she leaned back into her pillow. Hermione was too much the night owl. Oh well. It was summer; she could always sleep in. She smiled a bit to herself and was soon fast asleep.

^ * ^ * ^ * ^

Meanwhile, in the rented house in the village, Draco was still sitting at his desk, poring over a map of Europe. He was attempting to finalize his plans to kidnap Granger, but he needed to find a place to take her. He wanted somewhere where no one would think of looking for him, and was now scanning his map for any likely places. He'd found an abandoned castle in northeastern France, but it was closer to his father and Voldemort's location than he'd like. Still, it would only infuriate them more if he hid under their very noses...

Draco ran his hand through his hair, irritably shoving several loose strands out of his face, and glanced at his clock. It was several minutes before three o'clock. Draco smothered a yawn and turned back to his map. He was tired, but he had to finalize his plans before he met Granger at the library tomorrow...rather, this afternoon.

He already knew what Granger's answer was going to be; he'd seen it in her face yesterday, and he'd known his offer would be irresistible to a girl like Granger. She always wanted to see the best in everybody, and it's easy to make oneself see what one wants too.

When he met Granger at the library, Draco thought he'd convince her to go for a hike, or a bike ride, or something, just to get her away from the village. When they were alone, Draco would turn the tables on her, and whisk her away to someplace where she couldn't be found. Now, all that was left was to find that place.

Draco heard the creak of floorboards behind him, and turned to see Narcissa Malfoy standing in the doorway of his bedroom. She was dressed in a long, white nightgown, with her pale blonde hair plaited into a braid. "Aren't you in bed yet, Draco dear?" she asked with a noticeable lack of affection.

"No, Mother," Draco replied, a bit stiffly, "I'm...doing research for school. I wanted to get it finished tonight."

"Draco," his mother said with a hint of frosty annoyance, "it's three o'clock in the morning."

"I know, Mother. I'll be done soon, I promise." He studied her. "Is my light keeping you awake?"

"No, the light's not a problem," Narcissa replied. She turned toward the door. "Just get to sleep soon, if you will. I should hate to have to deal with a disagreeable child in the morning." And with that, she left the room.

"I'm hardly a child anymore, Mother dear," Draco whispered bitterly once he was sure she had gone. He sighed and turned back to the map with a frown.

Well, there was nothing for it. He was too exhausted to concentrate anymore, and he would just have to make do with that abandoned castle.

Draco sat at his desk again, shaking his head at the map. He carefully rolled it up, opened his desk drawer, and laid it inside. He started to close the drawer once more, but paused for a moment before reaching inside again. He pulled out a small, ornately carved wooden box and set it on his desk. He lifted the top off and set it aside, then took out a cloth-wrapped bundle and pulled away the wrapping.

A small, silver-handled dagger lay in his hands. It had a delicately carved hilt, and its blade was sharp but only about four inches long. It had been a gift from his grandfather in celebration of his acceptance into Hogwarts. Draco stared grimly down at it. He had always hoped that he would never have to use it, even though he obeyed his father's orders to keep it nearby just in case he did have to.

But this was summer vacation, and for the next two months magic was illegal for underage wizards. Since Draco didn't expect Granger to be willing to be kidnapped, he had to have some way to force her to cooperate.

Draco rewrapped the knife and laid it back in its box. He'd take it with him to the library tomorrow. He glanced at his clock. It was really far too late, or far too early, for him to be awake still. He made his way over to his bed and crawled inside, not even bothering to undress. He was asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.

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Hermione was brought out of her dream by the sound of her name being called. Her first thought was one of annoyance. Who on earth was waking her up? She'd give them a piece of her mind, whoever it was...but maybe later, after she'd slept for a few more hours.


There it was again. Why couldn't they just leave her alone? Couldn't they see she didn't want to wake up yet?


Hermione groaned and opened her eyes, blinking into the blinding sunlight that was streaming in though her open window. Apparently she'd forgotten to close the curtains last night. That was one mistake she'd never make again. Hermione struggled into a sitting position, rubbing her eyes, and turned to look toward the source of the voice.

The sight that met her bleary eyes was probably one of the last ones she expected. Harry and Ron stood in her doorway, peering in at her as if they were too embarrassed to enter a girl's bedroom, which Hermione wouldn't find surprising. Both of them gave her cheerful smiles, however, when they saw that she was awake.

"Hello, Hermione!" Harry said cheerfully. "Ron and I thought we'd come and visit you today. I hope we didn't come too early," he added uncertainly, glancing toward her clock.

Hermione followed his gaze. It was seven-thirty in the morning. She sighed. She was delighted to have her friends show up to visit, but she would have appreciated it if they'd waited a few hours more to come. She yawned and clambered out of bed.

"Of course not," she said, smiling warmly. "Though I have to admit, it's quite a surprise to see you here. I wasn't expecting you."

"Fred and George gave us the day off," Ron explained. "Mum didn't want us at the Burrow unless we helped with the housework, so we thought we'd come and see what France was like."

"I'm glad you did," Hermione replied. "I'm sorry I'm not being very hospitable yet, but considering that I just woke up, I'm afraid I'll have to kick you out of my room while I get dressed." When she saw Harry and Ron exchange a worried and confused glance, she said, "You can help yourself to breakfast while you wait, if you like. There's cereal and juice in the kitchen. You can help yourself if you haven't eaten yet." Both boys' expressions cleared immediately and they nodded at her before heading toward the kitchen.

Quickly Hermione put on a clean outfit and pulled a brush through her hair. She made her bed and checked to make sure that her room was as neatly arranged as she had left it last night, before she went downstairs to join her friends. When she reached the kitchen, she found that Harry and Ron had already found the breakfast food, and that her mother was awake and frying eggs for them while interrogating them about their summer vacation.

"Would you like me to make you an egg too, Hermione?" Mrs. Granger asked as Hermione seated herself at the kitchen table across from Harry.

"Yes, please," Hermione said.

After a leisurely breakfast, she led Ron and Harry outside, promising them a tour of the town. "There isn't much here besides beach and countryside," Hermione explained. "But the beach is great anyway, and the village is quite charming. There's an amazing café here, too. I'll have to take you there for lunch. Of course, I've spent a lot of my time in the library, doing my homework-"

"Hermione!" Ron exclaimed, horrified. "It's the summer holiday!"

"I know," Hermione replied tartly. "I want to get my work done soon so I can enjoy my vacation! It isn't as if I enjoy doing homework..."

"Yes it is," Harry and Ron said simultaneously. Deciding that she couldn't argue with that, Hermione figured that it might be good to distract her friends with a trip to the beach.

"The beach is this way," she said, and led them down the road toward the sea.

They spent the next few hours at the beach, making sandcastles, splashing around in their soaking wet clothes and mock-sword fighting with pieces of driftwood. After Hermione had been dunked in the waves at least twenty times, and done quite a bit of dunking herself, Harry and Ron decided to Apparate back to the Burrow for a change of clothes. They arranged to meet at Hermione's rented villa in half an hour, and Hermione would take them to the café for lunch.

Ron and Harry disappeared with a pop, leaving Hermione alone on the beach. She smiled after her friends and turned to go home.

It was with some surprise that she noticed someone walking down the road toward the beach. A certain someone that Hermione hadn't expected to see yet, with pale blond hair that stood out even from this distance. Hermione took a deep breath to calm her sudden nervousness. It was ridiculous to be feeling nervous and embarrassed, wasn't it? It was only Malfoy, after all... She'd known she would have to face him sometime, but there was no reason to be embarrassed, was there?

Of course there was, Hermione told herself shortly. Especially considering the rather confusing and embarrassing events of the past few days. She squared her shoulders and waited for him to reach her.

"Hello, Granger," Malfoy called when he was within earshot. "I wasn't expecting to see you here."

Hermione spent a split second marveling at the friendly tone of his voice, then she pulled herself together and replied, "No, neither did I."

There was a short awkward silence, in which Malfoy reached her and stopped a few feet away. After several moments of wondering what to say to break the silence, Hermione blurted out, "I've decided to accept your offer."

Malfoy looked at her in what appeared to be surprise. "You did? Great!" he said with delight. Then he laughed and looked away. "I was up late last night, wondering about it." He shook his head, as if trying to dispel embarrassment, and asked, "So what are you doing here?"

"Oh, Harry and Ron showed up this morning," Hermione explained. "I decided to show them the beach."

"I hope that no one had to make any more rescue attempts," Malfoy teased, and Hermione could feel her cheeks flush.

"No," she said. There was another awkward silence.

"You know, I've been thinking," Malfoy said suddenly. "If we're going to be on, er, friendly terms, I think we ought to call each other by our first names."

"You mean you want me to call you Draco?" Hermione said in mild surprise.

"Yes. And I'll call you Hermione."

Hermione could feel herself blushing again. She'd never heard Malfoy – Draco - use her first name before. This was quite an odd situation.

"Well, I'd better get home and get changed into dry clothes," Hermione said, gesturing to her sopping wet garments. "I'll see you later, I suppose."

"I guess," Malf - Draco said as she turned away. "Bye."

Hermione had only walked a few paces across the sand when she turned around again and said spontaneously, "Say, er, Draco... Harry and Ron and I are all going to that café in town for lunch in about half an hour. Would you like to join us?"

He flashed her the grin that she'd only seen once before. "I'd love that," he said. "I'll be there."