Blood Lines

Chapter 1

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter. No matter how many times I wish I did, I do not own it. But anyway, just PLEASE DON'T SUE ME!


"Just breathe…breathe Hermione...come on breathe."


 Hermione Granger, only 19 years old was about to have her first child- surprise, surprise. Gryffindor's golden girl, bucktooth know-it-all, and the girl probably voted to be celibate her whole life by the male population of Hogwarts, possessed no father for her child.

Everyone speculated who could've impregnated the young witch and came to two conclusions- Ron or Harry. It was neither of course, both too caught up in the whole meaning of "best friends" to give Hermione a second glance. Though, this didn't mean that they didn't find her attractive, that wasn't the case. In fact, they noticed Hermione had blossomed during her last year of Hogwarts and it seemed that the whole male population of their school noticed her change. Harry and Ron of course, acted like ordinary "big brothers," secretly glaring at every person who looked at Hermione, behind her back, while walking down the hallways.

Hermione, on the other hand, rarely paid any attention to the stares. She acted like she always had, raising her hand in every class, answering every single question correctly on her tests, and burying her bushy head in the piles of books in the library.  In fact, when Ron and Harry approached her about the situation, she laughed, her eyes filled with mirth, and quickly disregarded the idea. The two boys were satisfied.

Let's say that they more than a little surprised after finding out, two months following the defeat of Voldemort that they would soon be uncles to Hermione's unborn child. The first thing that came out of Ron's mouth when Hermione told them was to question her about the identity of the child's father, but she would not consent into telling them. Ron took offense to her secrecy, while Harry stood their shocked. The fuming red-head had quickly exited the room, while Harry, who was still rooted at the spot offered a whispered congratulations and then followed his friend's actions.

Hermione was a wreck. At the time, it seemed that her two best friends would abandon her and that the Golden Trio, truly was over. But she was wrong. After, Ginny had found out what happened, she uttered more like yelled, a few choice words to the pair and they were soon at Hermione's door with huge bouquets of flowers and pathetic apologetic faces. It hadn't been necessary of course.

So for the remaining seven months of Hermione's pregnancy, Harry, Ron, and Ginny took turns monitoring the sensitive young mother that grew bigger by the day, in front of them. Hermione, still as determined as ever, did not let her "sensitive state" stop her from working. In fact, at the very young age of 19, she became the head of the International Rules and Regulations of Witchcraft and Wizardry Department at the Ministry of Magic. The position was offered to her after the last battle and she could not turn it down. The wizarding world predicted that she would become the next Mistress of Magic, if she played her cards right. Along with this, Harry and Ron became Aurors and helped the Ministry put the remaining Deatheaters into Azkaban.

Everyone knew Harry and Ron, as the only two people from the light side present at the place where Voldemort fell, and for this they were considered heroes. Now and then, they were questioned if either was the father of Hermione's child and neither would acknowledge in answering the question.

The identity of the father lost its importance, until Hermione's baby decided that it would finally grace the world with its presence.


"This hurts so bloody much!!!"  Hermione Granger wrapped in sterile white blankets, stringy curls plastered around her face with sweat, with a deep stream of tears running hurriedly down her reddened cheeks.

On her left was Harry and in her hand was his left arm, which was slowly turning to an ugly shade of dark purple as Hermione's grip tightened around it. Ginny was to her right, dabbing her sweaty forehead every few seconds and unknowingly whispering comforting messages into her ear.

"Ginny if you don't bloody stop breathing on my bloody ear… I'll just, you know what, I don't even know, but just get away from me! Stop saying its going to be okay, when there is a small living creature, the size of a BLOODY WATERMELON coming out of my body!!!" Hermione yelled.

Ginny stepped a few feet away from the bed, looking hurt. Harry tried giving her an apologetic glance, but she just looked away. Everyone was quiet, until Ron's unmistakable laughter filled the room. Walking to his sister, he wound his comforting left arm around her.

"Gin- you know Mione doesn't mean any of it. It's the pain talking. Just… let her be pissy for one day. Think of it as nine months of stress being let out all at one time," Ron stated jokingly. Ginny nodded and gave her brother a smile and decided to exit the room to get some fresh air. Hermione still hasn't contracted enough, she had time, with a quick glance at the three in the room and the mediwitch who attended to Hermione, Ginny quietly closed the door.


"WOW Hermione, this is brilliant!" Ron suddenly yelled, drawing the attention of both her and Harry.

"What exactly is so "brilliant" Ron," yelled Hermione, who was going through another contraction and by the look on Harry's face, it was the worse one yet.

"Your face is almost as red as my hair! I never thought that would happen!" Ron exclaimed.

"You-have-got-to-be-kidding-me," whispered the annoyed Hermione. Harry choked out a giggle and soon him and Ron were lost in their laughter.

"Here I am, in bloody labor and you filthy nastly little twits are making jokes about my face?!" yelled Hermione.

The two males abruptly stopped laughing and looked down, ashamed. The mediwitch, who was at the foot of the bed, chuckled softly at the three.

"Hermione dear, you mustn't get too excited or your contractions will come worse than they ought to. Remember, just breathe." The old witch's voice was calm and soon Hermione's once ragged breathing followed a steady rhythm.

"How much longer do you think, until she can have the baby Agatha?" asked Harry.

The old woman looked up from her folding and observed the watch near the door.

"I assume anytime now. Whenever Hermione's body tells us she's ready." Harry nodded at the woman's response and looked at his bruising arm. Hermione followed his movement and smiled sheepishly.

"I'm so sorry Harry, I didn't mean to-"

"Bloody hell! Harry your arm looks like an overgrown eggplant!" yelled Ron. Hermione was about to retort, when her focus was distracted by the opening and closing of the door.

"Big brother, I love you, but do us all a favor and do shutup," exclaimed the now more relaxed Ginny. Hermione meeting the younger girl's eyes, smiled at her appreciatively. Just then, Hermione felt a twinge of pain, which soon doubled, as her final contraction ran through her body.


Agatha threw down the blankets she was folding and rushed to the foot of the bed. Lifting the blankets that covered Hermione's bottom half, she took out her wand and sterilized everything once more. She pushed her sleeves up and looked expectantly at the young girl.

"The time is now Hermione. PUSH!"


Hermione pushed, slightly moving forward on the bed. Afraid that she may accidentally fall back and hit her head on the metal headboard, Harry sat behind Hermione, with his bruised arm wrapped around his friend's chest.

Ron, on the other hand decided to get a full view of the "show" and settled himself behind Agatha. He looked at Hermione's face all scrunched up and then looked down. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. Slowly, but surely, a small head was coming out of Hermione's body.

"Come on Hermione, push!" Ginny yelled from Hermione's side. The red-haired girl looked at Agatha and slowly her eyes moved up. Noticing her brother's face, she rolled her eyes and ran to push him away from the place where he stood.

"Ron you idiot, stop staring and get some blankets!" He nodded and ran to the closet, gathering as many blankets as he could carry.

"The head is out dear, come on push harder."


Four pairs of eyes looked up at the direction of the sound and sighed. Ron had fainted on top of the mass of white blankets.

Ginny once again rolled her eyes.

"Well, at least he didn't his head on anything hard, then I really would've been annoyed."

A comfortable silence filled the room, which was soon broken by the loud cries of a newborn baby.

"Hermione, congratulations, you gave birth to a healthy baby boy," said Agatha. The mediwitch took the newborn baby to the sink and washed him off. Ron, who had amazingly woken up after hearing the baby cry was standing by Harry, refusing to look anyone in the face. Harry sat up to let the exhausted Hermione lay down on the bed and walked to the nearest chair.

Ron gave Hermione a small smile and looked away quickly turning red. His eyes landed on the latest issue of the Daily Prophet and found himself looking at a face he never thought he would see again.

"Malfoy faces Dementor's kiss in 2 days"

"Malfoy. Bloody ferret! He deserves to rot in hell along with his Deatheater father! Look at him, can't flash his annoying pureblood smirk now, can he?!" Ron yelled pounding his fist on top of the picture of the blonde man.

Ginny was about to reprimand his brother for his sudden outburst, but was distracted when Agatha handed over a small blue bundle to Hermione.

"What name have you chose Mione?" asked Harry.

"Evan James," she replied softly. Looking down at her child, eyes filled with love and happiness, she understood now why her parents worried and scolded her. In her heart, she wasn't just Hermione Granger anymore, but Hermione Granger, a mother.

Ginny, Ron, and Harry looked at the little boy in Hermione arm. Two suddenly stopped breathing.

"Oh Mione, he's just adorable!" exclaimed Ginny.

Hemione looked up and saw her friends' angry faces, which quickly wiped off the wide smile she had worn for the last five minutes.

Ron and Harry stared at the boy once again and looking back at the them was a face with silvery blue eyes, the makings of a small smirk on his lips, and a mop of shiny blonde hair.

It was undeniable. Evan James Granger resembled a Malfoy.

{AN- :SIGH OF RELIEF: The first chapter is done. Good god, I was just inspired one night and boom I came up with my plot. I was shocked! I've had writer's block for about 3 months now and I'm glad my muse has finally decided to come back. This will be a short/long story, it'll be numerous chapters, but it's not going to be more than 10. Right now, I've planned about 7 chapters, but their may be room for more I don't know.

Expect a second chapter sometime this week, if everything goes well. And their maybe a little *smut* coming up. :closes eyes: It'll be my first attempt. AHH!!

Again, I just hope you guys liked it. *crosses fingers* I HEART REVIEWS! :-P}