Author's Note

Hey guys,

Yes, I know- you all want to kill me cause I haven't updated in almost two months, but believe me I didn't plan it that way. School has been hectic and I know that's a lame excuse, but it comes first in my life and I haven't really had time to just sit down and write another chapter. It's amazing how teachers pile on the work and I've discovered that surprisingly, I actually have a life outside of my room. There's just been so many family and school functions that I've needed to attend that the weekend is never free fore me anymore. Believe me- I will finish "Pieces" even if it means staying up just to write you people – my wonderful readers, new chapters. I love this story. It's my baby! I promised myself that I wouldn't make any promises, but this one I will follow through on. You see, Spring Break is coming up in about three weeks for me and I have a whole week of doing nothing, so I WILL UPDATE then. There have been many people that have been reviewing my story just because they want an update and I'm so sorry. Just remember that I will not abandon this story, but please be patient with me. Thank you so much and I'm sorry that this is not update. I think I've apologized profusely enough, but the last thing I want to say is I'M REALLY SORRY! But there will be a new chapter soon.

- Geraldine ^_^