"I fell!" she stated angrily, her hazel eyes flashing.

Those around her were looking at her with sympathy in their eyes, sympathy she did not require. He wasn't hitting her. And they didn't believe her.

She, all 5 feet 7 inches of her, was a 7th year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by the name of Hermione Granger. The he that Hermione was referring to was her sometime boyfriend and one of her best friends Ron Weasley. They were the assembled company of school officials who had shown up by her bedside in the Hospital wing on this fine October day, after she had shown up for treatment on her latest injury.

Somehow, someway, since the beginning of the term, she had become... clumsy. It was affecting everything in her life, from her magic to her most basic personal hygiene. She had resorted to sitting on a stool while sitting in the shower, to minimize the damage when she fell over. Which she would do, regardless of how carefully she moved. It had been happening with greater frequency since she returned to school. But it would only happen while she was alone. No one else ever saw her injure herself.

At first no one thought anything of it. But as she got paler from worry, and the bruises started getting darker and more frequent, as her grades dropped in all classes that required practical work (Only Muggle Studies was unaffected by her 'affliction'), people noticed. And drew conclusions. And the only conclusion that could be drawn from her symptoms, as ridiculous as it was, is that she was getting abused on a regular basis. Hermione understood why they thought as they did, but it didn't make it true.

She glared at those school officials standing around her. One Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster, hero of the wizardling world, looking very grave indeed, the lack of twinkle in his eyes being an indication of how seriously he was taking this matter. One Poppy Pomfrey, the school nurse, standing next to him, worry clearly etched on her face, her hands wringing nervously at the confrontation. One Minerva McGonagall, Head of the House of Gryffindor, Hermione and Ron's house, her mouth set in a compressed line as righteous anger radiated from her slight but strong form. And finally, one Severus Snape, Postions Master, Head of the House of Slytherin, his dark hair hanging lankly down, his dark eyes half hidden by heavy lids, and a smirk on his face, as if he knew something the rest of the assembly did not.

"Miss Granger?" Professor McGonagall started to say before she was interrupted by the young woman sitting up in the bed before her, with a black eye, a split lip, with healing bruises peaking through the neckline of the bedjacket she wore. Her skin was almost translucent, her eyes drawn and tight with the constant pain she was in these days. Her hair, which had never lost its bushiness, was now dry and brittle, looking more like straw than hair. The only thing that still looked like the Miss Granger they all knew was the fire in her eyes.

"I fell, Professors. I stood up too quickly in the library this morning after picking up a book I dropped, and I fell against the corner of the table, then my bookbag fell on top of me and the buckle cut my lip!" Her voice was not as strong as it used to be, but there was no mistaking the tone. She would not be disagreed with.

And that's what worried the faculty. That she was being robbed of the memories, that someone was hurting her, and then casting a memory charm to cover up his crimes. And the only person they knew who had the motive and the opportunity was Ron Weasley, as she often appeared in the Hospital wing after spending time with the young man. And that was the reason for the presence of the Potions Master. Who also happened to be well versed in the arts of Occulmency, and could enter Miss Granger's mind to see if there had been any... alterations, to her memory.

At this point, Professor Snape spoke up. "I see you believe that, Miss Granger." He sneered. "However, young woman, just because you believe something doesn't make it true." He smirked down at her. "Now, we can do this with or without your cooperation, but we will have answers, and soon please, Miss Granger, I have more important things to attend to this afternoon." Professor Snape waited for the eruption that would follow his last statement, keeping his amusement well hidden, lest it be misunderstood. He too was appalled at Miss Granger's condition, but he couldn't resist baiting Poppy and Minerva. It was just too easy.

As if he had commanded it, there was an indignant gasp from the school nurse, and Minerva spun around quickly and opened her mouth to give Severus a piece of her mind.

"Yes, Professor, I understand. I am ready." Hermione's voice stopped the tirade before it could begin. At the sound of her quiet statement all four turned to her, shock clearly written on their faces. Hermione smirked, "Please, Professors. With the questions you asked me, and your lack of shock at my answers, you were obviously expecting me to stick with my explanation. Which explains Professor Snape's inclusion in this group." She glanced over at the dour Potions Master and with a small smile quickly continued. "That means either Veristerium, or Occulmency. Obviously Professor Snape thinks I believe what I am saying." She leaned back with an air of satisfaction, and closed her tired eyes, so she didn't see the looks of concern that the faculty were bestowing on her. "I am ready. I want this problem taken care of. Even if it means opening my mind to Professor Snape." Hermione sighed softly. "I'm so tired of hurting. I want this to stop."

Severus was both relieved and irritated by her quick response as well as her forethought. He honestly didn't want to be doing this, but it would have been so much fun to see Minerva lose her oh so proper demeanor.

Albus looked at the tableau in front of him and shook his head, the twinkle coming back to his eye. Severus, as disciplined as he was, just could not resist baiting people. And Minerva fell for it at the same time. He quickly moved between the two Heads of House and laid a hand on each arm. "Now, lets remember why we are here. Severus, since Miss Granger has been so kind as to be cooperative, lets get started. Minerva, I assume you have the pensieve?"

Professor McGonagall nodded curtly and removed the bowl with the silvery liquid from her robs. She placed it on the table next to where Professor Snape was standing. "My dear Miss Granger, I had thought to have Severus examine your memories, then place them in the penseive for safekeeping. Once they are in the penseive, they are valid for any legal action that may need to be taken." Hermione snorted at this, obviously they were intending to prosecute Ron already, well, they would get a surprise. "It will also serve as a proof should" Dumbledore coughed uncomfortably "your explanation change after this meeting."

Hermione just rolled her eyes at this, then pinned Professor Snape with a glare worthy of McGonagall at her worst. "Professor, I will keep the incidents causing my injuries at the forefront of my mind. I will have your word that you will go no further than necessary." She demanded coldly, ignoring the gasp of outrage that appeared to generate from Madame Pomfrey.

"Miss Granger, " the professor's voice was just as cold, "obviously you distrust me. Shall I sign a contract instead?" His voice was scathing.

Hermione smirked at the professor in front of her. "Professor Snape, I do trust you, that is why I asked for your word. I just didn't put it past you, as a Slytherin, to take the opportunity, to find answers to questions you've had for several years."

The older man was surprised at her trust, though he made sure it did not show. "Very well, Miss Granger, you have my word."

She nodded and leaned back against the pillows once again, and took a couple of deep breaths. She was scared, but she would get these questions settled once and for all. She looked at the assemblage of people around her, Madame Pomfrey worried, McGonagall approving, Dumbledore impassive as usual. She very carefully thought back to her first week of school, when it all started. "Begin." she stated, her calm voice belying none of her apprehension.

Professor Snape nodded and drew his wand. His voice was low and throaty, the power behind it unmistakable as he spoke the word that would finally lay the rumors to rest. "Legilimens!"

Author's Note: This is my first fanfic in this fandom, as per usual these days. ;) I would love any feedback, including criticism (I want to get *better*), just don't flame, please and thank you. Also anyone who wants to beta, feel free to contact me. *smiles encouragingly at you*