Author's notes are at the end of this chapter!


"My child is awakening," came a childlike observation.

A numb feeling gripped Deme's body. Haunting images flashed before his closed eyes.

"He grows colder by the moment," a woman whispered.

Deme willed his eyes to open. After a long moment, his gaze finally focused on the woman before him. She gently caressed his cheek in mock affection, causing his liquid pools of metal to solidify.

"Get your hands off of me," he said in a dangerously quiet voice that promised death to all who disobeyed him.

The woman turned to a group of poorly dressed people. "Servants! Bow to your master!" Drusilla ordered.

They all bowed in her direction. Her aura seemed to erupt into a whirlwind of impatience.

"Not me, you idiots!" she yelled. "Bow to our Master, Demetrius," she added sweetly.

Deme's eyes widened as he watched all of the raggedy people, including Drusilla, fall to their knees and hang their heads.

"Are you bloody off your rocker?" he asked, a sneer settling across his lips.

"No. This is your prophecy," Drusilla whispered and grabbed Deme's shoulders.

A horrible jolt startled his gut as his surroundings blurred. His stomach lurched violently as everything came into focus.

Black flames licked the gothic walls. The moonlight shone through the stained glass windows that towered towards the high ceiling of the Grand Ballroom. The room was bone chillingly cold despite the fire. A band of string instruments were set in a corner, playing a tune dubbed Roxanne. Various blacks, grays, and silvers colored the crowd. Skirts spun as the ladies switched partners. There would be long moments before partners would rematch. Those who lacked the fluid grace of dancing linger, indulging in the food and bittersweet wine.

It was not uncommon for the guests to cast a revealing spell over their refreshments to rid them of unwanted drugs such as poisons, veritaserum, and sleeping draughts. Deme could tell that the wineglasses were made of crystal, for an idle heiress ran her fingertip over the top of the crystal, creating a ringing sound. There were at least forty adolescents and teenagers combined. Some of them looked smug, some nervous, and some frightened.

Out of the corner of Deme's eye, he saw a woman stand from her seat on a cushion. Drusilla. She gently clinked her silverware against her wineglass to call for their attention. The entire crowd stopped and fell to their knees. The band had silenced.

"Rise my children," came a hauntingly affectionate command.

Deme looked towards the sound of the familiar drawl to see—himself.

"Young ones, come forward," Demetrius ordered.

The younger crowd, whose ages ranged from five to sixteen, came forward. The boys were dressed in tailored tuxes. Some of the older boys were already sporting light mustaches. (A/N: Think Will Turner from Pirates of the Caribbean.) The younger girls wore knee-length, bell skirted dresses while the young ladies wore form fitting gowns. Only one of the older girls wore a suit. None of them looked directly into his eyes.

"All of you, look me in the eyes. Tell me what you see," he said.

They did as they were told, but they remained silent. A six-year-old, however, spoke.

"I request permission to answer, My Lord," she stated in an innocent voice.

Demetrius studied her for a moment, deciding if he would grant her permission. She had blonde, Shirley Temple curls that reached her shoulders. She wore a bell sleeve, silver dress that fell to her knees. Her blue eyes were too old for her age and body.

"You have my permission," Demetrius said.

"I see nothing in your eyes, your Lordship," she answered confidently.

"Correct, my dear. Your parents should be pleased," Demetrius said as he walked along the rows of youth.

"Soon, you shall all live up to my expectations. Displaying emotion is weakness. So enjoy your feelings while you still have them..." he trailed off as he looked into the eyes of his newest recruits. "Some of you feel pride... some of you feel anxiety... some of you are nervous... some of you feel greed... hunger for power... I promise you power. Some of you feel terror... some of you feel nauseous..." his voice dropped to a whisper as he stopped before the suited girl and an extremely feminine boy. "And some of you feel hatred and disappointment," he finished.

He peered at the young lady, whose eyes were hidden by the tip of her tilted top hat. Her light, caramel complexion glowed softly from the torchlight. Heavily painted lids (A/N: Mascara and eyeliner) disguised her eyes. Full, pink lips were set in a stern line. The boy beside her wore a similar expression. His unsettlingly black hair was slicked back with a small amount of gel. His hair was short, accenting his smooth jaw line and pursed, salmon pink lips. All too familiar wishing well water eyes glared back at him. A spell surrounded this boy.

"Finite incantatem," Demetrius whispered, removing his wand from his robe pocket.

The young lady beside the raven-haired boy made a move to attack, but Demetrius instantly brandished his spare wand in her direction.

"Take your hat off," he growled as he watched the boy's hair turn pearl white, his locks lengthening.

The boy's suit began to strain at the chest and loosen everywhere else. He turned out to be a she. Adella. Demetrius turned to the other girl who had finally taken off her hat. A blood red mane fell from its imprisonment, the shoulder length fringe framed black outlined emerald eyes. A faint dusting of freckles were now revealed.

Deme, who was watching from a distance, came closer, a feeling of dread passing over him. The sight of Ariana's eyes displaying a mix of hatred and disappointment nearly broke Deme's heart.

"Ariana. So good to see you again," Demetrius drawled, running his fingers across her smooth jaw.

Ariana jerked away, her eyes blazing. "How dare you touch me after what you did to me!" she hissed.

Deme blinked in surprise. What did he do to cause such a reaction? Demetrius simply ignored Ariana and turned his attention to Adella.

"Why Adella, you look so much like your mother now. All you need is blank eyes and a pool of blood flowing from your body to look like her," Demetrius drawled.

A resounding smack echoed throughout the silent ballroom as a crimson handprint formed on Demetrius's left cheek. Adella looked murderous. Suddenly, Demetrius lashed out. He backhanded her with such force that she flew backwards and hit a wall, causing paintings to shake. She slowly slid down the wall, her head lolled to the side ad blood trickled from the corner of her mouth, a black bruise forming on her right cheek.

Demetrius turned completely black eyes on Ariana. "Bella, take Miss Weasley to the dungeons," he ordered in a deadly calm voice. Bellatrix Lestrange came forward and roughly grabbed Ariana by her bicep, taking the girl to the prison below. Demetrius turned back to the group of youth.

"Leave now if you cannot handle this violence," he hissed.

Deme watched at the party resumed. He quickly ran over to Adella. He knew that he couldn't touch anything or interact with people in visions. Nevertheless, he reached out and wiped the blood away from Adella's lips. She was solid.

"What have I done to you?" he asked softly as he brushed her hair from her eyes.

Globes of ocean depths flickered into view ad Adella was released from unconsciousness. She blinked slowly before her gaze focused. She tensed, but relaxed when she saw the sorrow and worries in Deme's eyes. Demetrius would never show emotions. But Deme would.

"Deme," she whispered.

Deme's vision blurred once more as he was brought back to his proper time. As soon as he saw Drusilla leaning over him, he growled. He grabbed her by her barely there biceps and pushed her backwards so that she was pinned beneath him on the ground. She winced slightly, his weight crushing her ninety-pound figure.

"What the hell was that?" he snarled, his eyes darkening.

"A vision. I see your superhuman strength is kicking in. Being half vampire has its advantages. At least you can still venture into sunlight," Drusilla drawled.

Deme backhanded her with more force than necessary. "Don't toy with me! How can I be half vampire?" he growled.

Drusilla looked slightly dazed. "The Dark Lord in you is revealing itself," she whispered.

"Answer my question!" he yelled.

Drusilla's servants watched fearfully, waiting for their mistress's orders. They silently watched as Demetrius beat their mistress. One of the servants had long since dropped her tea trey in fright. It was not everyday that their mistress allowed someone to beat her so brutally.

"I didn't have you drink my blood. That's why you're only half," Drusilla said calmly.

"Why was I like that in the vision?" he growled.

"Why don't you ask your parents. Come back to me. Just call my name when you need me," she purred.

Everything blurred, and Deme found himself outside of the new campsite where his friends were currently residing.


Alexis stared into their cooking fire. She had been a wreck since her brother was kidnapped. It took several hours to make Dante confess what had happened when he had disappeared into the fire. She had noticed the glances between Uncle Draco and Uncle Harry. It was unsettling how it seemed they new something that should have been told to the younger group.

Alexis was confused about the new prophecy. Who was the resurrected child? So he'd be evil? She already knew her Uncle Harry had once been known as a savior, but this prophesized savior couldn't be Harry Potter. The mystery itched at her mind, desperately trying to solve itself.

Alexis took the meat from the fire and became lost in her thoughts as she prepared their meal.


Adella moved slowly through the forest, helping Kito try to find twigs to feed the fire. They were running low. She could hear Kito behind her. He was already carrying a sizable stack. She, herself, barely had a bundle. Adella had never been a wilderness gild, so she didn't know where to look for loads of twigs. Adella was paying no attention to her surroundings.

She heard Kito drop his twigs. She frowned but yelped when someone grabbed her and pulled her backwards. She quickly whipped around after dropping her batch of twigs to face her captor. Kito.

"You almost stepped into an animal trap," he said.

"Oh," Adella muttered in return, embarrassment tingeing her cheeks.

She looked up at him, her breath ghosting over his lips. They were so close. She noticed a smudge of dirt on his cheekbone. She slowly wiped it away with her thumb but stopped when she felt a small, rumbling sound. Kito was purring. Adella displayed a soft, amused smile and leaned forward, pressing her lips against his. A tingling feeling spread over her body at the contact. She felt Kito wrap his arms around her waist and pull her slightly closer for more contact. He nibbled her bottom lip, but they jumped apart when they heard a yelling feminine voice.



Ariana ambled through the forest, hands clasped around her biceps in protection. All of her cuts and bruises had healed, save for a few scars. She felt useless. Because of her fright, Deme had been kidnapped.


Ariana couldn't sleep. She looked up at Dante, who was staring into the fire with a distant gaze. He was obviously thinking, so she didn't want to bother him. She looked around at her friends and family. They all slept in a circle around her. Her gaze landed on Deme. He looked peaceful, an image of an angel. In his sleep he was unburdened by the story of life.

She jumped when she heard a twig snap. She settled down, realizing that it must have been the fire. Her gasp was muffled as a hand closed over her mouth and nose. She was pulled back into the shadows, her kidnapper somehow avoiding disrupting the others.

"Stay quiet. Someone is watching us," a familiar voice whispered.

Ariana spun around and was surprised to see Blaise. Blaise was wide-awake and alert as she looked at the camp. The rest of the group was unaware.

"We need a way of waking them up," Blaise whispered.

"We can wake up Dad. He knows Legimens," Ariana whispered.

Blaise nodded and pointed her wand at Harry. "Enervate," she whispered.

She then muttered something that Ariana couldn't quite hear. A paper appeared, floating in front of Harry's face as he awoke. He read the paper and looked up, allowing his gaze to find the two girls. He nodded and turned his attention to the others. They all gradually awoke, sending questioning looks towards the women. They remained silent as Harry worked on waking Deme. He seemed to panic as his inner voice entered Ariana and Blaise's minds.

'His barriers are too strong! I can't get into his psyche!" he exclaimed.

Ariana rolled her eyes and threw a rock at Deme's head. He immediately awoke. He looked up and around, obviously confused before Harry leaned over and whispered in Deme's ear. Blaise suddenly stiffened as she saw a humanoid shadow.

"RUN!" she yelled.

They all ran, only focusing on getting to safety. Blaise rushed them into a thicket and did a head count. Deme was not among their ranks.

-End flashback-

Ariana gently picked a Narcissa from a batch. Narcissa was Deme's grandmother. The grandmother who had so blindly followed her murderous husband, only to be beaten to death when she fought her way out of the Imperius curse. The curse had been placed upon her the day that Lucius proposed to her.

A twig snapped, causing Ariana to look towards the source of the noise. Her gaze landed on a familiar blonde who seemed angry yet confused, causing her heart to skip a beat.

"DEME!" she yelled and ran towards the said man.

Deme turned around and caught her in his arms. "Thank Merlin, you're alright!" she exclaimed.

Deme frowned and held her close, resting his chin on her shoulder. He kissed her cheek and tightened his hold on the girl.

"Deme? What happened to your neck?"


Disclaimer: Alrighty then... I own all of the teenagers. To make it simple, I don't own any of the Harry Potter characters. I also do not own the country of the USA and any city within that country. I don't own the Salem Witch Academy as that school was imagined by JK Rowling. JK Rowling isn't stressed out from concert band and choir concerts. So, I'm not JK Rowling. But, I do own anything that was never mentioned in the hp series! Oh! And Kito's MINE MINE MINE! (Yes, you are allowed to vote for him as one of my hostages, and I will lend him to you if you promise not to be bad.) I do not own Drusilla.

A/N: Chapter twelve! Mwuahahaha! It's so evilish! –grins- This one is medium length and it took forever to write. I had MAJOR writer's block, I didn't update for a while, and you guys have not reviewed much. I only get four or five reviews for every chapter now? Where did you guys go? I used to get tons for A New Beginning! I'm going to quit writing the end of the trilogy if you guys don't start reviewing more! I'd better have more than five reviews this time! Oh, and since I got so few reviews, I'm not even going to answer. I'm sorry to you guys who reviewed. Blame it on the nonreviewers.

