His Past, Her Future I do in no way own x men, or the characters portrayed in this story so get
off my back.

Wind blew slightly, brushing fresh powder snow against Logan's face. He sat, puffing again at his cigar as the cold night air inhaled into his lungs. Stars circled above his head as the waves from Alkali Lake washed up softly next to his boots. It was now 2 days since Jean had died, yet it didn't feel like she was dead at all. Instead, it felt like she was sitting next to him at that very moment.

Wind blew again as he tossed the now smoked cigar into the bright, glittery snow. Exhaling he missed the scent that whisked past his nose. Some yards away, the water rushed a girl to shore as his eyes widened in search of hope. Sniffing, he found none. It wasn't Jean, yet it didn't smell human either, in fact its scent was feline.

Rising slowly, he made his way towards her icy body. Bare bandages covered her as his eyes scanned her starved ribcage noticing it rise and fall slightly. She was alive, but he was cautious. Extending his claws he gingerly took the dulled side and rolled her over. Pointed ears and a tail explained why she smelled so feline, but her brunette hair and fair skin also told him why she wasn't totally feline.

The sight of her sickened him, blood trickled from her stapled wounds, her body was half starved and barely alive. Logan held his head high, eyeing her like a curious cat he sniffed again. He knew these scents, but couldn't trace his memory to whom they belonged to, now he knew she needed him. Darkness wouldn't bring her any comfort; instead she would grow cold until death took her.

Bending down her drug her still body from the freezing water, careful of her injuries and of what she was capable of. Now he picked her up, moving a wet lock of hair from her face and covering her with his leather jacket. She struggled, her nails shaped into claws as she tried to fight, only to be blinded more by the water in her eyes.

A glint of silver made Logan jump back, careful of the weakened girl. A set of silver claws shot from her knuckles as she attempted a second set from her wrist, but failed. Logan's eyes grew wide once more as he immediately knew she was like him, perhaps Stryker had made an ultimate experiment. Maybe that is why he wasn't upset when he lost Yuriko! She fell limp into his arms and he shielded her head in his chest. He had to get her back to the mansion; she would die if he didn't. He had to save her and now almost immediately he grew attached to her, bonded to her as she whimpered into his chest, her breathing labored. Why was she struggling so much? Why wouldn't she just let him take her to safety? He knew what it was like not to trust, to want to be left alone, to die even if there was hope you could live. But a second scent crossed his nose and it drove him madly towards it.

The girl reached out down towards the snow where another figure lay unconscious, perhaps not even alive. The hair on the creature was matted with ice; its mouth opened slightly, staggered breaths following. A small kitten, the size of his foot lay in the ice-powder and the girl whimpered wildly for her companion. Logan picked up the frozen kitten with one arm, placing it on the chest of the girl.

The gears of the blue sports car shifted from the stick. Remembering that night Rogue, Bobby and John had escaped from the institute made him angry. Stryker ordered it and if they hadn't gone to Alkali Lake Jean would still be alive. Now he had bigger problems, he wanted this girl alive. Perhaps she had answers to his past, perhaps he would finally know.
"Don't worry Kid, your gonna be alright." He talked soothingly to the girl as she lay in the back on her side, rasping breaths escaped her lungs. For once in his life he felt soothed, the ride soothed his nerves, his new companion soothed his nerves. He now flicked on the Radio, hoping to calm the thrashing, whimpering girl. White Flag played, he cringed. What the hell happened to her? Why was she so nervous?