
Note: Okay, my first TMNT fic, I didn't want to do a whole background story, so I'm doing a summery first. Also, up to chapter nine has been done, but as to a friend of mine who I explained the entire story to, she flamed it to a crisp, and said she forbade me from posting it. I really lost inspiration to write chapter ten after that, but I'm still posting it, with the hopes that you readers could review with some helpful hints or, maybe what you like about it. I'm not saying I want all praise, but please don't burn my to a crisp. Thank you.

Disclaimer: I own Rowan and Charlie, so not touchie! I'm still in the process of bargaining for the Turtlesstupid lawyersso sensitive.

Summery: At the age of fifteen, Rowan left home to live with her boyfriend Jake. From the neglect and abuse she had suffered at home, Jake was like a god sent. He was rich, well - educated and promised her a life of happiness. Just before her sixteenth birthday, Rowan gave birth to Charlie. A healthy, baby boy. But it was shortly after Charlie was born, that Jake began to dictate her life. Telling her who she could or couldn't speak with. What she could wear, and eventually forced her to quit her job. But Rowan took it in stride, thinking there was nothing better for her out there. And than, she became pregnant again, at the age of eighteen.

She was in her second trimester of the pregnancy. She had been overjoyed to find out that it was a little girl, and had settled on the name, Jocelyn. One night, Jake had come home after a night of heavy drinking and attacked Rowan. In his intoxicated state he was adamant that the child she carried was not his, but his friends'. Seething with rage he did everything he could possibly do to her. Punching, kicking, at one point he had found a knife and tried to cut the 'sinful bastard' out of her. She ran from him, tripped, and fell down the stairs.

After being checked over by ambulance workers, she was given the news she dreaded most, she had lost her baby. It had taken her a long time to recover not only from the loss of her unborn child, but for her to heal from the wounds inflicted on her from Jake. Having to treat them herself with over the counter medication because she was not allowed to go to a hospital. Half a year later Rowan decided to leave. Jake had been at work, his job as an officer keeping him out all day, giving Rowan enough time to get away. Taking Charlie who was three at the time, and leaving everything behind. Leaving her quiet, suburban New Jersey home, for the sleepless nights of New York was the most terrifying thing she had ever done. When she left she had only enough money to get her and Charlie to downtown New York, and she was frightened, unsure of where to go, where they could live or who to go to for help. Stopping at a small diner for directions, a waitress handed her a small card, informing her of a place where she could stay. Following the directions, she arrived at Haven, a halfway house for battered women and children, and found shelter there. Staying there the maximum term of eight weeks gave Rowan renewed strength, a new hope that things would turn out alright. She quickly found a job waitressing and was able to afford a small apartment. Finally feeling ready to leave, she said her good-byes to the friends she had made at Haven, and moved in to her new home. And even now, two years later, she's finally free of him. But even so, that has never stopped her from looking over her shoulder every now and then, still waiting for the inevitable to happen.

That he'll come for her.


"Mommy, do I hafta wear this?"

Rowan laughed as Charlie scrunched up his nose at the scarf.

"Yes honey, it's chilly out and don't want you catching a cold."

Charlie looked at his mom, puzzled, as she wrapped the muffler around his neck.

"But I don't catch colds, they catch me."

She secured the scarf and stood up, grabbing her purse. "Come on baby, I don't want to be late for work."

Taking his hand they left the small apartment. Heading for the bus station down the street. Looking up she hoped it wouldn't snow. The thick dark clouds seemed to look more menacing by each passing minute, blocking out the late afternoon sun. As her bus pulled in, she noticed the street lamps flicker once in warning. When nothing happened, they climbed on. Once in their seat, Rowan took off her gloves to try and compensate for the heat in the bus. Charlie looked at her hand, his tiny fingers tracing a small, thin scar line that had pinked with age. Relaxing against his window seat, he noticed a man waving to him. Not thinking, he smiled and waved back. The man hurried over and climbed on the bus just before it pulled away, taking a seat on the back. Beside Charlie, Rowan kept her eyes closed, trying to dispel an oncoming headache.

When the bus slowed to a stop, Rowan gathered gathered her things and she and Charlie left for the subway.

"Oh, no!" She slammed her foot down as the train left. Leaving them alone. "Great! I'm sure Daniels'll have a field day with this." She groaned, not looking forward to her boss when she's shown up late. The lights flickered again, and stayed off.

"Oh fer cryin' out loud! Charlie? Charlie come here."

Reaching out for her five-year-old, her fingers brushed material and she sighed in relief.

"There you are. You shouldn't scare your mom like that. It's not nice."


Rowan felt her arms tense around the form as she heard Charlie's voice to her left.

"It's not nice to run away, either."

She felt close to fainting at the familiar voice. Her voice hitched when she tried to speak, making her words come out as a controlled sob instead.

"I missed you."

Jake leaned in, lips brushing hers as she jerked her head back.

"No!" She pushed at him, but he had a firm grip of her long dark brown hair. And he simply pulled her with him.

The emergency back up lights flickered to life. Casting a sickly yellow light across the small terminal. She caught a glimpse of Charlie huddling behind a beam, his scared brown eyes peeking around the corner. Grabbing her head more firmly, Jake shoved it into the cement floor, smiling as he heard it's dull crack as bone met an unmovable force.

Dots danced across her vision, and her head swam. She knew that if she let go she could pass out. But I can't! What about Charlie? She opened her eyes in time to see a boot connect with her pelvis. Gasping in pain, she curled up in a ball. Hugging her knees she felt something rub up against her side, looking down she saw her purse. Slowly, she reached inside the side pouch when Jake had turned to locate Charlie. She found what she wanted quickly, and forced herself to stand, despite the searing pain through her lower body.

"Hey Jake, we're not finished."

When he turned, Rowan held up a small can of pepper spray, aiming it directly a few inches from his eyes, and sprayed. Yelling in pain, he backed up, rubbing frantically at his eyes.

"Charlie! Hurry up, come here!"

Scooping up the little boy, Rowan looked around. Jake was blocking the only exit, and would probably recover before she could past him, knowing that the sprays effect lasted only a few precious minutes. The emergency lights dimmed with the loss of extra power. And in a moment of indecision, she leapt onto the tracks. Hoping the trains were out of commission as well. Running down the tunnel, she looked back as she rounded a bend. Hearing Jake's enraged cry.

"You'll pay for this, you bitch!"

Hugging Charlie even closer, she kept going. After running for what felt like an eternity, she decided that she was far enough away to stop. Pausing to catch her breath, she nearly collapsed with the loss of adrenaline. Water dripping in the tunnel reverberated; sounding loud to her migraine heightened sense. Pulling Charlie away at arms length, she checked him over.

"Are you alright? Baby speak to me, did he hurt you?"

Charlie shook his head mutely, and she pulled him into another hug. Whispering apologizes in his ear. He felt him tense in her arms as he shouted a cry of warning that came a second to late.

"Mom, look out!"

Rough hands grabbed her hair, yanking her back, causing her to let go off Charlie. Rowan looked up into puffy red, teary eyes.

"Hnh, that hurt."

Yanking her back up, he held her suspended by her hair as she tried to stand. But a punch to her already tenderized temple sent her sprawling. Oh no, not now. Please don't let me pass out now! Her mind screamed, as waves of black pain rolled over her. A voice reached her ears before darkness claimed her.

"Now that wasn't very nice bub."