A/N: Sorry it took me ages to update, I wasn't really in the mood to write.

A/N: This is the end of this story!!! Please review!!!

BADBOY: Just...if you're going to break up with me...if that's why you can't face me...just do it now.

COFFEELVR has signed off

Jess was still on his bed, reminiscing about everything life had offered him when he had moved to Stars Hollow. It was a second chance, or at least that was what he had expected it to be, until things had started to get out of hand and Rory had broken up with him.

Now he saw it as life giving him the payback he undoubtedly deserved. He just wished it wouldn't have been Rory. Everything else he could have handled, but the idea of dragging Rory with him in his world of failure and misery made him depressed.

He never meant to destroy her innocence, but maybe that had been unavoidable ever since she knew him. No matter how much he tried to keep her at a distance, she always managed to pry into his life and past.

There was no doubt in his mind that he loved her, but maybe that love wasn't enough. Maybe he finally needed to face the truth and set her free.

A plan started to form in his head, but before he could finalize it someone burst through the door.


He looked at her, a sad yet peaceful look in his eyes.


She shook her head and sat down next to him. Her hair was all tousled, probably from the wind playing with it as she had made her way to the diner. Her cheeks were red from the cold and her eyes were piercing right through his very being, down to his soul. It pained him to see her like this. He had always thought of her as his guardian angel, and right now she fitted that description more than ever.

Why now, when he had finally realized their inevitable future? He wanted to back out, change his mind again and follow his heart, not caring about the future he would thus create.

She obviously thought he needed more convincing of the fact that she wasn't breaking up with him and leaned in to kiss him.

Jess knew that when their lips would meet he would drift off into a peaceful daze in which his thoughts and doubts wouldn't seem to matter anymore. Part of him yearned for this, for the simple pleasure that created a false sense of belonging. Belonging here, in this world, with her.

He no longer saw her as his guardian angel. She was an angel, of that there was no doubt in his mind, but she wasn't here to save him. She wasn't his.

She could bem but her wings would fall off and she would be forced to face the world of mortal men, filled with anger, sorrow and despair. And he couldn't be the one to do this to her. For once he was determined to be HER guardian angel, to watch over her and protect her innocence.

"Rory...I'm sorry"

"I know baby...I know...but it's okay...we'll get through this...as long as we do it together"

He shook his head. She didn't understand.

"No...not about that"

"You're not sorry about killing a guy?"

She was giving him an easy way out. All he had to do was telling her he couldn't care less, pretending that he was really this heartless, and the loving look in her eyes would turn into one of horror. But he wanted her to understand. He wanted to break her heart as gently as possible.

When he wanted to speak she beat him in a sudden rush of understanding.

"You're leaving? Leaving me? Why?"

He sat up straight and fought the urge to wipe the tears that were starting to form in her eyes.

"Not leaving you...but leaving...yeah..."

"What's the difference?"

He didn't have an answer to that. In a way he was indeed leaving because of her and in a way he wasn't. It wasn't like she had done something wrong, if anything it was because she had done everything just right.

"You're out of my league Rory...I don't deserve you"

"That's fucking bullshit!"

Hearing her utter a curse was like being struck by lightning. Even when they fought she had always constrained herself . He was wondering if she had ever been this mad.

"Please don't hate me Rory...please...I'm doing this for you"

Tears spilled over her cheeks and her voice sounded sad and soft, a perfect contrast with how furious she had sounded only seconds ago.

"For me? You think you can make me happy by leaving?"

She tried to take his hand, but he shut himself off, knowing that if he ddin't do it now he probably wouldn't have the courage later on.

His voice was calm, so unlike the shaky and insecure person he felt shining through. He tried not to show his feelings too much, knowing that it would both hurt her and make it easier.

"In the long run...yes"

His heart wanted to yell that he didn't give a fuck about the future, that he would stay if she asked him to and that somehow, some way, they would defy their fate.

But for once in his life Jess Mariano did something that wasn't entirely egocentric. He left.

A/N: That was it! The end of this story! I want to thank everybody for sticking with me and my stupid cliffhangers all the time! And if you want to read more Literati's, I wrote one (partially with Smile1) called Submission! Check it out!