Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon, nor do I intend to at the moment.

A/N: This is my first fanfic and I will continue it if I get some reviews, considering I'm out of my Digimon faze right now. If I write more it WILL be a Takari, in latter chapters (possibly other couples too but that's up to reviewers).

Long ago the Digital World was ruled by a group of eight humans and their digimon counterparts. The Queen, who filled the world and all who resided there with her light, the King, who kept the hopes of the digimon alive and strong, and their court of six other humans and their digimon, who acted as advisors, confidants and protectors. These eight were the only ones who could bio-digivolve and become some of the strongest digimon in the world, but only under the most dire of circumstances. Normally they would remain in their separate forms with the digimon at the equivalent of the champion mode.
While anyone could travel to the digital world only these eight were allowed to live in it, they would choose four to six young humans and gave them true digimon partners. These teams were known as the digidestined and acted as ambassadors to keep the peace between the digital world and the "real world." They were given devices that would allow their partners to digivove at short notice, though not for long periods of time.
Towards the end of the thirteenth Queen and Kings reign, darkness began to overtake the digital world. A prophecy was written that a princess would be born, that she and her court would be the ones to finally overcome the darkness once and for all and that they would then eternally rule the digital world. However, before the prophecy could be fulfilled the rulers of darkness launched their greatest attack. In an act of desperation the Queen and King sent their daughter and her court to the real world, to be raised by the former digidestined, wiped the humans memories so that no one remembered the digital world save in their dreams, then sealed all the portals to the digital world until such time as their children were ready to reclaim what was rightfully theirs.
For hundreds of years the digital world was ruled by darkness. None of the digimon knew what had become of the young princess and her court, few even remembered when the digi-world had been a place of peace and happiness. Until the day when seven young children fell unceremoniously from the sky, where given digivices, befriended by seven different digimon, and began the long adventure that would lead them to discovering their destiny...

AN: Hope you liked if you did review. Constructive criticism welcome, but no flames, PLEASE.