Summary: Oliver Wood has been a pro-Quidditch player since he left Hogwarts. After falling from his broom during a game, he is forced to take a break. Unable to stay away from Quidditch, he takes a position at Hogwarts as the Gryffindor Quidditch Coach, and new flying instructor/ physical ed teacher. While there he develops feelings for a certain seeker, but seeing as he is four years older than he is, he cannot act. But what happens when that certain seeker starts seducing him. Can he handle his feelings? Or will temptation take over?

Disclaimer: I wish I could take credit for all of it, but I can't. All the characters in this story belong to JK Rowling.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading. Some of you might know that this story was already posted on here. I looked at it one day and I thought, if I read this story I wouldn't die. It had so many errors and I was so ashamed. Here is the re-edited version. I hope you like it! Please R&R!


"Oliver, how lovely to see you! Or should I say Professor Wood?" said a familiar voice as Oliver Wood walked into the Great Hall of Hogwarts.

"Please Professor McGonagall, call me Oliver, I cannot stand this Professor stuff." replied Oliver

"Very well then," she said. "Come, lets get you settled in, the students should be arriving soon. Its good to have you back Oliver."

"Well I am happy to be back. I needed a break anyways. I hope I can help the team out."

"Oh trust me, anything will help. We have won the cup all these years but Harry has so much pressure on him. The team has fallen apart. They depend solely on Harry to catch that snitch."

"I will try my best to take the pressure off him. I know how it feels." He replied.

"Good then, here we are. I think you will find it quite pleasant. The students should arrive in about 30 minutes so please try to be in the Great Hall in about 20."

"Thanks Professor."

"Minerva, Oliver…Welcome back." she said walking out the door.

"Yeah," He said to himself "welcome back."


"Attention, Attention students." Said McGonagall

"Thank you Professor. Welcome students, to another year at Hogwarts." started Dumbledore "First years and all new students please note that the Forbidden Forest shall live up to its name, and remain, forbidden. Also there is a list of new products that are banned from school grounds, if you think you might have a product like this please look at the list Filch has placed outside his office. We also have some new teachers this year. Please Welcome back Remus Lupin as your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

Lupin stood up as the students clapped quite loudly

"Also, as you know Madam Hooch has retired so please welcome Oliver Wood as your new Flying Instructor, Physical Ed. teacher, and also the Gryffindor Quidditch Coach."

There were some gasps from some people but most clapped. Ron stood up, as did Harry and the rest of the Gryffindors, clapping the loudest.

That's when Oliver noticed him.

Harry Potter.

He had not seen Harry since he graduated almost three years ago. Boy had he grown up. He stood about 6'1 with the most magnificent smile he had ever seen. His eyes seemed more vibrant than the last time he saw him. He was visibly in shape, even with his robes on. He caught Harry's eye for a moment and they both smiled.

As Oliver sat back down as the clapping died down. He ignored the rest of Dumbledore's speech. He just kept looking at Harry, hoping to catch his eye again. Then Professor Flitwick started a conversation and Oliver turned his attention, but every once in awhile looking over at Harry.


"Morning boys, how did you sleep?" asked Hermione, much to cheery for this time in the morning.

"Good." replied Ron

"Awful." replied Harry "I kept waking up because of Neville's snoring."

Ron chuckled and began to dig into breakfast.

"What classes do you have today Harry?" asked Hermione

"History of Magic with Ravenclaw, Herbology with Hufflepuff, Potions with...ughh Slytherin, and Physical Ed."

"I have Potions, Physical Ed, and History of Magic with you." replied Hermione.

"I'm really looking forward to P.E. It sounds fun." said Harry

"I'm not I think it's a stupid idea. We aren't going to learn anything we are just playing sports." replied Hermione.

"Of course you don't like anything without books and studying." said Ron

"Its not that, it just seemed absurd." she finished

"Well I think it sounds fun. Anyways we better get going or we will be late to History of Magic." said Harry

"Oh what a shame." replied Ron standing up.

Right before they left Harry looked up at the staff table and saw Oliver. He smiled and stuck his arm in the air and waved. Oliver just sat there motionless, in awe at how a 17 year old boy could affect him.

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