Disclaimer: sigh....it's not mine, okay? If it was...the story would be EVEN MORE interesting, to say the least... g

A/N: So this picks up where the last chapter left off, and a slight deepening of the tension, but yet, it's still slow, because I detest fics that just feature mindless sex. Questions, comments, omissions? You know what to do mates!

Chapter Third

"Lady Eowyn."

The alto voice was slightly husky, a whisper on the air, one of those voices that made the listener lean inexorably closer, as if afraid they might miss a word. And so, Eowyn found herself gravitating gradually closer, moment by moment, to the voice's owner, until she could smell clearly the subtle scent of lavender and enduring life. It was...intoxicating, and she was already more than a little tipsy.

She curtsied, only stumbling slightly. One victory for the shieldmaiden, Eowyn thought.

"Your majesty. How may I serve you, Queen Arwen?"

The shieldmaiden struggled to pronounce the words clearly through a throat suddenly dry. The Queen of Gondor was magnificent; clad in a deep blue robe the same shade as her ancient eyes, Arwen Undomiel seemed more solid, more real, than everybody else, even as she seemed more ethereal. In her mind, Eowyn had the strange idea that the elf seemed half there because her robe had a diaphanous overlayer. She next wondered if the elf had been biting her lips, so full and red they appeared.

"Will you not ask me to dance? It seems as though you have asked everybody else already."

Eowyn thought quickly. Drunk though she was, she didn't think she could last through a dance with the beautiful elf lady.

"What of my lord Aragorn, does he not wish to dance with you on this auspicious night, my Queen?"

The Evenstar laughed, and her honeyed voice rang like stars singing the songs of the ages. She leaned closer, and the shorter, scarlet-clad woman was rooted in place.

"You have started a fire, White Lady of Rohan. Elessar, he now follows in your blaze and dances with Legolas Thranduilion."

Gray eyes wide, Eowyn searched the dance floor and found it to be true. The dark-haired warrior was laughing and dancing with the tow-headed Firstborn, whose beauty cut like a knife. And the shieldmaiden, veteran of many battles, knew when she was trapped. By the look of repressed desire she could see shining minutely, though clearly, in Prince Legolas' eyes, she had the feeling he was feeling quite the prey himself. Jealously, she searched Aragorn's eyes for the same desire, and with a strange sense of relief flooding her body, she found none. Then the king's head turned, and dark eyes locked on the slender form of his queen. Stabs of pain made her gray eyes feel red as the shieldmaiden saw lust and love bloom in the former ranger's eyes. Quickly the shieldmaiden came to a decision. The Queen was merely being sociable, and Eowyn would look like a fool to be so reticent. It wasn't as if the wife of Elessar Telcontar was lusting after her, for Eorl's sake.

Gracefully, she bowed.

"Let it not be said that Eowyn, daughter of Eomund, whom many call the White Lady of Rohan for whatever reason, showed discourtesy to the Queen of Gondor." She extended one hand, holding it in the air, gasping only slightly when Arwen's pale, slender hand clasped it.

Eowyn had a plan, and it was really quite simple. One dance, with as much distance as possible without seeming rude, and then she could politely excuse herself. As soon as the dance began, Eowyn realized that someone had failed to inform Arwen of her plan.

The elf seemed determined to make Eowyn uncomfortable, draping long arms about Eowyn's neck so they were only inches apart. The thin, smooth fabric of Arwen's gown glided incessantly over Eowyn's bare shoulders, driving the shieldmaiden crazy with distraction and it felt as if the cloud of lavender, that unique scent of Arwen would do the same.

The husky voice whispered in her ear, causing her to jump slightly in startlement.

"You lead well, for a lady, Lady Eowyn." The compliment was accompanied by a soft smile.

Thoughts lost, Eowyn scrambled wildly for a suitable reply.

"Thank you, my Queen. Growing up around men, perhaps I learned things that I should not have."

The queen cocked her head slightly, questioning. Full lips separated slightly, showing glimpses of pearl white teeth, as if the elf was about to ask an important question, and Eowyn's eyes narrowed, concentrating on the next words that would come out of Arwen's mouth.

The music ended, and Arwen's mouth closed in another smile as she relinquished Eowyn.

Silence pounded in the blonde's ears, growing hotter and louder, more frantic, until her breaths came in tiny gasps, as the dark elf watched on with a glimmer of concern in her azure eyes.

"I-...I've got to get out of here!" Eowyn's voice was harsh, causing several to turn and stare at the duo. Arwen said nothing, and still remained silent when Eowyn whirled around and, for lack of a better expression, tucked her tail between her legs and ran.

A speculative cast came over the Queen's face. She nodded slightly, to no one in particular. Something about this woman made Arwen think she could be a friend, though the blonde ran from her now. Eowyn of Rohan was so full of life, so passionate...changing like the tides.

"I want to know you, White Lady of Rohan." Arwen murmured, before turning to join her husband once more.