He's my Baka!! by x-Rikku-x

Summary/Disclaimer: Kagome is an everyday highschool student....well not exactly. She's a teenage guy magnet, lives with a crazy old man (her granfather) and is forced to deal with her two insane best friends, but all of this well....bores her. Kagome just wants something interesting to happen to her life, but everything just gets more complicated. But when a new guy comes to her school...she's actually interested in him. Except he's still grieving over his first girlfriend's death. Kagome knows she's destined to 'be with him' but can she win him from an already dead and mysterious girl?

I DO NOT OWN INU-YASHA yadda...yadda...


Chapter 1: A 'shocking' shitload of news


It was a beautiful day at Kagome's school. The schoolyard was packed as everyone was leaving after dismissal. Nothing exciting ever happened at her plainly boring highschool, and that was why Kagome always found herself half-asleep during most of her classes. But don't get her wrong, she was a very smart student and studying was always her first priority, next the boys, fashion, music and all the stuff a teen-girl would be into. Kagome is very attractive and usually the only thing on every guy in school's mind. But the thing was, her life was....boring most of the time, but something told her that this year was gonna be different.....

"OI! KAGOME!!" two voices repeated. Kagome was too distracted by the swarm of students, she didn't realize her two best friends were calling her name. The pack of students (or wolves) was getting heavier and Kagome was pushed away from the crowd. She breathed a sigh of relief after preventing herself from getting flattened and now that she was finally out of s p a c e d o u t state, she was able to hear the two angry voices calling her repeatedly. "KAGOME HIGURASHI!! KAGOME YOU BAKA!!!"

She turned and found herself face to face with her friends, Sango and Miroku. Sango looked pissed and Miroku looked as if he was about to pass out. "Nani?" she said. "Oh, its you guys!"

"Who did you expect?" said Sango, minding her wavy-hair, short and clueless friend.

"Wait...who were you calling a baka?!"

Both her friends ignored the question, and got to their point quickly.

"Anyway, I just got a whole shitload of new info, wanna hear?" asked Miroku.

"When have I ever been uninterested in your crappy 'info'?" Kagome replied sarcastically, and her tall handsome friend fell to the ground.

"Good one Kagome-chan!" her popular and attractive friend Sango said.

"I'm gonna ignore what you said and act as if you never said anything...for your sake!" the clearly pissed boy said.

Kagome and Sango giggled. "Ya right!" they said in unison

"So....back to my subject. I heard some cute girls talking the other day and they said there was gonna be a er- uh...oh ya! New student coming to our school tomorrow....they also said he's supposedly an...oddball." Miroku said minding the thoughtless girls. "Wonder if he's some kind of nerd or something..."

"I don't care about that, I just want to know if he's cute!" Sango said, blushing.

"Hmm...new student? Do you know his name?" Kagome asked.

"I honestly have no clue," said Miroku, nodding. "but all I heard was that well, his looks are very...er...striking."

"Great!" said Sango, sarcastically. "Whoopdidoo! A freckle-face, stubby, four eyes geek is waaay better than a well built sekushii hottie!"

"Sango-chan, don't be so mean! Who knows, maybe he might not be what your expecting." Kagome said, reassuring her friend even though she knew Sango wasn't taking in a word she was saying.

"Higurashi! Stop being such a goodie-goddie will ya?"

"Ahem..." Miroku cleared his throat. "If I might say something...." Both the girls' heads turned. "Your always looking for a cute guy, Sango-chan, but yet you never seem to notice one in front of you!"

"Wha-where?!" Sango snapped, "Oh...wha- YOU?!"

"Yes me," Miroku nodded. "And I thi-"

"URUSAI! Who cares about what you think! I would never go for you because you would clearly cheat on me and-"

"Oi! Blah blah! It's always your needs right?!"

"Oh..um..I'd really love to stay and listen to this oh so...interesting..er-argument, but I gotta go!" Kagome lied. "Gomen!!"

Sango and Miroku hadn't heard Kagome so she shrugged and headed home. She shook her head when she noticed that everyone had turned their heads to witness the oh-so-exciting and oh-so-thrilling argument. Two blocks

away from the school, Kagome could still hear the quarrel. "You really think you're such a lady's man don't ya?!" Sango hollered. Kagome sighed. "Arg! Those two must be bored of this already, and if they aren't then....well then....ARG!!!!" she was fustrated. Fights at her school were no longer interesting, especially the ones that her best friends had. "Maybe this new kid will change my mood....hopefully..."


Hooray! My first fanfic!!! I hope you like it, even if this chapter might be short. I'll be posting up the next few chapters soon, and please R&R!!!