From the Past, To the Future


Things weren't looking too good to the saiyan warrior Bardock as he had made his was back to the space station. He was still a bit shaken from a vision he had just witnessed. 'My son... I must get back to him!' he thought as his space pod had opened, 'It can't be true... he must still be here! Hold on Kakarot! I'm coming!' the warrior's mind screamed as he ran knocking over a few saiyans and random creatures away. All he was focusing on was getting to his son... that was all that mattered at the moment.


'A voice...' Bardock slowed down his running and came to a halt as a lizard like creature came to view trying to keep up with the powerful saiyan. Bardock crossed his arms as he glared at the creature; he was wasting precious time with this creature in the way! He needed to get to his son!

"Bardock..." he creature gasped still trying to catch his breath from the sprint he had to make down the halls. Bardock growled in frustration.

"Could you hurry it up already?!" shouted the warrior as he glared down at the creature. 'If looks could kill,' he thought... The lizard slightly winced as he cowered. The creature was almost lost for words till Bardock snarled and turned away from the creature. That's when the lizard's original thought came back to mind.

"Sir! Your son has made way to a small planet to begin his purging mission!" Have running down the hall to make it to the nursery where his son would have been, he stopped abruptly not even turning around for a second. The lizard slowly scuttled to the saiyan warrior as he looked to the ground, as still as a rock on the side of the road. He took the time to speak.

"We sent him a few seconds ago... you just missed him." The moment became tense. The creature turned around, its cape twirling in the wind, and made its way back to the landing sight.

Bardock lost all feeling in his legs, thus slumping to the ground defeated. 'So it is all true...' Remaining still as he looked to the ground one could only swear that they saw a tear fall from his eye.

"KAKAROT!" he screamed slamming his fists to the ground causing the opal tiled floors to crack and shatter under his fists. At this time he started to feel small... like a helpless child who had just been separated from their mother. The saiyans would be killed off in a few minutes according to his visions... and there was no way to stop it... not even if a whole gang of saiyans came together to defend for the planet... No, they would all be out to protect the king, not rely on the visions, which might not even be true fall all he knew! But a super saiyan, he chuckled darkly, a super saiyan... To him it all started to sound like a myth. An old made up myth that was only there to comfort and relieve people of their worries for trouble that could occur.

He stood up, "There might not be a super saiyan around... but I'll do all I can to destroy this creature... and try to save my home." Bardock smirked as he tightened the red cloth that had been tied around his head. He would avenge his team and the one's who had to be killed under the decree of the powerful tyrant. His eyes looked to the ending of the hallway leading out to the red land. "Watch out Frieza... For here I come!" he exclaimed as he dashed out of the building to meet the one to determine his fate, or more like... the confusion that could occur in the future.


"No Goten! You're doing it wrong!" exclaimed nine year old Trunks as he ran to his friend. Goten scratched his head as he looked at a contraption he had put together a few minutes ago. Trunks slapped his hand to his forehead as he looked to the little paper wad, that was thought to be an airplane by Goten.

"Goten... How many times have I said that you can't fold the paper too many times? It's going to mess up the plane!" Goten gave the famous cheesy Son grin as he placed a hand behind his head.

"It looked like a plane a few minutes ago..." he stated guilty and also trying to sound as innocent as possible. Trunks sighed trying to fix the paper plane into what he thought would look like a good plane. Well... his efforts weren't that good either. It just made the 'plane' look more like a crumbled up piece of paper. Both boys sweat dropped.

"Let just move onto something different..." suggested Trunks as he walked to a door. Goten jumped up happily, "Okay!" he replied eager to follow any thing Trunks may want to do for the day which usually had to do with causing trouble...

"Race you outside!" exclaimed Trunks running down the hallways. Goten laughed as he too followed hoping to catch up to his friend.

Bulma was reading the paper when she felt something move... then the house started to shake. She looked to the ceiling as she noticed some of the wall coming apart. She snorted as she looked back to the paper. She didn't know how many times she had told the kids, 'No running in the house!' But they never seemed to listen! 'Must be Vegeta's doing... He always some how influences them...' As if on cue she noticed Vegeta walking into the house just coming out of training. He too noticed the house slightly shaking, and growled. 'And in a matter of seconds the two will be coming down the stairs and knock me over...' he predicted in his mind walking up to his room. And sure enough Goten and Trunks rushed down the stairs running into Vegeta in the process. Now, Vegeta could have handled one of the half saiyans if they ran into him... but two? Oh... that was sure enough to knock the saiyan prince over. And sure enough... it did. Both boys gashed out of the house exclaiming their apologies as they exited the house at lightning speed.

Vegeta sure enough had been knocked over and had fallen down the stairs making his blood boil. "That's it..." he stated bluntly as he quickly followed the path the two boys had taken seconds before. But that's when he felt his wife's arm holding him back. He glared at her as she shook her head.

"Let them get their energy out... then you could get them later," she suggested.


"No buts," she replied picking up her paper once again to read it. Vegeta snorted as he when back up the stairs that he had been thrown off of a few minutes ago.


The boys laughed as they played tag with each other in the woods, it was a bit of a challenge since they could get away from each other and hid their ki's if needed. Goten had hid behind a large tree as Trunks passed by unaware of his friend being close by. Goten held back a snicker as he crawled into a fallen, hollowed out log. A perfect place to hide! Trunks would never think of looking here!

He heard Trunks calling to him of course of using useless threats of what he would do if Goten wouldn't show himself. But the young half breed didn't want to be caught just yet. He could feel Trunks coming very close to his hiding place; he had to find another place.

So he dashed out of the log and into some bushes. He noticed Trunks had stopped his callings; he knew Trunks heard him and was coming his way! So he crawled deeper into the bushes till it came to a clearing. Goten gawked at the area, he had never seen a place so pretty... it must be some secrete location that no one had ever seen... or had been touched by human, or saiyan, hands. He looked around in amazement as he noticed a small clear lake in the middle. It was a crystal clear blue, he could even se some of the fish swimming happily in it! He gave a small smile.

"K... Kaka-rot...?"

The boy quickly turned around and gasped as he noticed a Goku look a like standing behind him. "Dad?" he asked to the man. He did look much like his father Goku, but the clothing, they were so foreign to him. It also looked as if he had just come from a battle. The man seemed to be close to passing out. But to Goten's surprise, the man smiled. "M-my son..." he stated in a hushed whisper. And he fell over, but with Goten's quick reflexes he was able to catch the saiyan before he even hit the ground. He raised his power level hoping to catch Trunks attention, which it did. Trunks came to his rescue a few minutes later as he made his way thru the bushes as Goten had a while back. Trunks gawked as he noticed the man Goten placed on the ground, this didn't seem good.

"Trunks... we got to get him back to Capsule Corps!" exclaimed the small boy.


Okay... there's the prologue. It's like a new story that's been on my mind for a while. I had felt that I should send it to Anyways... I don't know if I'll be updating that often. Today I had completed my homework before arriving home but tomorrow might not be so lucky... I've recently picked up an instrument that isn't played in my band... and I've only been playing it for a week along with another instrument that I play for Jazz Band on some mornings. And believe it or not, I have just tried out for a play for the school... So I have much to worry about for the rest of the school year. But I will try to add onto the fic I have set out. And the only way to continue with my fics is... you guessed it... REVIEWS! I'm asking if you do read this, please give me feed back. It would be greatly appreciated! I thank you all for reading this new story that I have started and I do hope it could be finished soon. Thanks!
