Chapter 7


Bardock lay awake in his bed. He couldn't help but feel... threatened. He didn't know what this feeling was. Ever since he began to have this cursed gift of seeing the future it didn't show anything good. If only there would be a happy future he could witness...


Not this time.

There was a threat. It seemed much larger than this 'thing' his son and the saiyan prince talked bout at the dinner table earlier. There was something called... Kid Buu. It sounded like it resembled 'chewing gum'- what ever that was. But let's not get off track.

His son, Kakarot, spoke of all the battles he had been in ever since he first met Bulma- Vegeta's mate. It was incredible how most of these friends stuck to each other in times of need when they were enemies of each other. Now, they were best friends and almost inseparable.

Bardock raised a hand up into the air to examine it. He couldn't explain it. It was too much to ask for a family to back each other up in some situations back on Vegetasei. They were usually broken up into different squads depending on power levels. The king usually decided the crews. Bardock was lucky with the group he received. They all worked in harmony; all were extremely powerful and were willing to do the impossible.

But now...

"They're gone," muttered the saiyan as he brought his hand down. It gently lay on the sheet-covered mattress.

He was very surprised at the luxuries that some of these people were able to have; sure, nothing like this was heard of. Never would a third class warrior be able to see the king face to face or know the monarch's personally. Nevertheless, have them as a close family friend!

Bardock assumed it was his son who was able to achieve the impossible, as his did with his missions. Kakarot lost his memory- from what the scarred picked up at the dinner conversation- and he has been protecting it from evil ever sense! Him and his family have brought this duty to themselves.

'Now... Kakarot and Prince Vegeta are allies... friends; they are willing to protect those who are of their circle of family and friends... along with total strangers and innocent aliens! It is so bizarre to think of such a thing!'

Yet... it wasn't.

Currently in his lying position, Bardock looked out of his window noticing a moonless sky. Oh, how he missed seeing the moon in its different phases. Yes, Saiyan's did revolve their schedules and traditions around the phases and fullness of the moon... but now... it seemed this planet was one of those planets in which didn't have the glorious moon.

It was truly a shame.

Slowly rising and soon sitting in his bed, Bardock looked around the darkened room- only being lit up but the bright shining stars along with the soft glow of streetlights.

He had never been on a planet with so much activity. It was almost as if these humans were so uptight; they needed to slow down with things...

Bardock couldn't help but wince every once in a while when a hocking car would pass by the large building and make noises with would keep him up. The saiyan felt that this would also keep up his highness... along with the others of saiyan blood.

Standing up, now, Bardock stretched his muscular arms and yawned widely as he began his way to the entrance of the room. For now, this was only a one-room apartment- with a bed and bathroom attached. Vegeta's wife promised a better room by the end of this week; she was taking the time to have it remodeled along with other multi-roomed apartments in this complex. Bardock just insisted on having this room. It was something similar to home, but it was much nicer. More comfortable it was also.

Bardock opened the brass doorknob and looked around the halls trying to remember which way led to the stairs. What was that Bulma stated?

He mentally slapped his forehead. 'Any way I would go would lead me to the staircase; this whole floor was circular.'

Bardock shook his head as he began to walk down the halls. 'I can be so stupid at times...'


Bardock couldn't help but have the feeling his son was close. It was almost like a parent trait a father had with his son. It was a shame that this older saiyan never saw his son grow into the fine man he was now.

"Hey! Pops!"

Bardock turned his head to the direction of the voice. He blinked noticing Goku waving him over to the roof of one of the labs outside of the complex. Levitating from his spot on the grass, he lazily flew to here his son was. He noticed two other people with his son.

It was the king and prince.

Bardock landed on the spacious roof and bowed his head to both monarchs. "You're highnesses... King; Princ-"

"There's no need for that, Bardock," replied the prince as he gazed at the older saiyan. "We're on earth, and here the titles don't matter any longer."

Bardock rose his head so slightly to notice the king lightly glare at his son's comfort around the third-class and 'weaklings'. But the son of the king just gave a smirk as he looked into the sky. "If you think of challenging me, old man, then you should prepare yourself for an butt kicking."

The king rolled his eyes as he looked back onto the sky.

"What brings you out here, dad?" questioned Goku as he leaned back against the concrete building. He too was looking to the stars, "Just can't sleep?"

Bardock took a seat beside his son. "Yeah."

"Is it a big change from space?" questioned the earth-raised saiyan.

Bardock nodded his head. "It is. It just seems very... busy with all these humans around."

"I know what you mean," muttered the saiyan prince still looking into the sky. "It was the biggest shock I had to over come when I first made this my permanent home."

Goku laughed as he sat up and turned to both saiyans. "I guess I have the bragging rights to say I have a peaceful environment with a home out in the woods."

Vegeta harrumphed, "Yeah, call it peaceful with that harpy wife of yours. I sill don't understand how you have your hearing in tact."

Goku rubbed the back of his head. "I know I might regret saying this later, but it might be because I have been dead for about seven years and I haven't heard her constant nagging, and recently brought back."

Vegeta loudly laughed as he closed his eyes. "You're wife WOULD kill you if she heard that!"

Goku smiled sheepishly. "Don't let her know I said that."

Vegeta's smirk widened, "I don't know Kakarot. It's good blackmail..."

Goku's eyes widened in horror, "You wouldn't be that cruel! Would you?"

Vegeta's smirk grew just a bit more. "Do you want to bet on that?"

"Not exactly..." muttered Goku as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. " I don't want another pan in my face. And I seriously doubt you would want one too."

"Who says I would get one also?" questioned the prince.

Goku eyed the prince in a serious manner. "She will attack you also when she has that cursed pan out. And!" Goku held up a finger, "You know very well she made it saiyan proof... so it's resistant to any ki attacks or tantrums we throw at it."

Vegeta's lip curled into a snarl as he crossed his arms looking into the distance. "I hate it when ever you're right, Kakarot."

The younger saiyan laughed, "You know that I'm not that big of an idiot as some others think I am. I am actually very smart."

"Then what's 1+1?"

Goku looked like a fish out of water when his mouth opened and closed as he faced Vegeta. Goku then lowered his eyes and scratched the side of his head. "Is it... 11?"

A LARGE, and I mean LARGE sweat drop fell from the side of Vegeta's face as his jaw went slack. "You can't be serious."

Goku laughed as he rubbed the back of his head. "No. The answer is 2."

The king noticed his son and the son of Bardock continue to converse with each other insulting one and challenging each other with different subjects. It was indeed a gift to become a friend with another saiyan since you never knew when they would be killed or destroyed completely in battle.

And it was the strangest thing... Maybe the king would have accepted the fact that his son became friends with the son of an elite... but a third class?

That would have been very laughable on any case at Vegetasei and most likely banned. But from what the older saiyan learned was these two were very much equal in strength, and very powerful continuously challenging each other. He watched them spar, and it was very much over his league.

'Maybe... things really have changed...'

It was just yesterday that he was ruling over a kingdom... and now it was as if several years passed... because his son sat before him arguing with the younger full-blooded saiyan about favorite colors. I have NO idea where that came from... but it did.

The king looked over, and he noticed Bardock staring off into the distance. 'I guess it will be worth a try to try and gain a few friendships... and while on this strange planet.' He did have to push his pride away, but it wasn't like he was lowering himself down to the level of a weak human...

He stood up and walked to the saiyan, he looked down to him, and the king blinked. Why were there no pupils in this saiyan's eyes? And why is he just sitting there, silent as ever and still as a boulder in a canyon?

Goku noticed the king trying to gain the attention of his father. Goku smiled lightly as he looked to his father. "Hey, pops."

Goku looked into the saiyan's eyes.

Bardock's eyes were white.


There was still no movement.



Goku jumped up and walked to the side of his father and lightly shook him on both sides of his arms. "Dad!"

There was still nothing.

Goku shook his head when he noticed no responses from the saiyan from the past. "Vegeta! We need to get Bulma up! Something wrong!"

The saiyan prince didn't need to be told twice as he dove from the tall roof of the building to zoom into his home.

Goku was scare, to say the least, as he continued to try and bring his father to the real world.

It was a shame...

They wouldn't realize he was having a vision till Bardock woke from it...