Prologue: Someday Together

The world seemed to go silent. Anthy brought her knees up to her naked body and wrapped her arms around them, her emerald eyes closed. She heard something…someone calling, faint and far off, but she paid it no mind. Suddenly yet slowly, the darkness surrounding her was broken by a thin ray of light. She allowed her eyes to slowly open…
"Anthy… Anthy…!"
She could hear the voice clearly now, calling out her name.
"Who…who are you?"
"I've come a long way to come and see you…! Please come out!"
The lid to Anthy's coffin was slid further off, and Anthy could see Utena's tear-stained face.
"Anthy…! At last…we meet…"
Anthy stared at the girl before her, and her eyes widened.
"Miss Utena!"
Utena smiled and extended her arm into the coffin. Her sleeve was ripping and her fingers were stained, but her ring shone brighter than ever-in Anthy's eyes.
"Anthy! Take my hand!"
Anthy shook her head a little.
"I can't!"
The two begged each other-Utena, for Anthy to take her hand; Anthy, for Utena to leave her here and go.
"Miss Utena…the swords!" She warned.
"Anthy! Take my hand! And someday…together…"
Anthy watched as Utena's fingers grabbed and groped at the air in the attempt to bring her hand closer. Her eyes filled with tears and she finally let them fall. She hesitated, but then raised her hand to meet Utena's. They touched, and for a moment, Anthy actually thought that everything might work out-here and then. But as her and Utena's fingers laced, everything around them was falling apart. Anthy cried out for Utena as her hand was wrenched away and her coffin plummeted away from Utena.
"Listen. If you ever have a problem, I want you to come to me first. I want us to be friends like that. And someday…together…"

End of Prologue