Author's Note: Well here it is friends, the end of the ride. This has been a milestone of sorts for me as writing it proved to me that I could write a novel length story that was successful. And I want to thank all the readers (9045 hits as of this time), those who because of this story put me on Author Alert or made me one of their favorites. Those craving fluff with a touch of citrus—enjoy but I will say that I have to raise the rating due to the suggestive content of the wedding night. And a sequel is being planned so watch for it.


In the practice hall of the dojo, the festive decorations of white and red cranes and flowers gave the room a whole different atmosphere as everyone streamed in from the ceremony. Tae had engaged several of her staff from the Akabeko to cook and serve so she oversaw the meal preparation and serving in between her duties as nakodo so she saw to the seating of the wedding guests before the bride and groom made their entrance. Finally, freshly dressed with her reception kimono on and his gi changed, Kaoru and Kenshin came to the doorway.

Soon everyone was seated as the musician who had been playing suddenly halted and Danjuro cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Friends, I'd like to announce for the first time as husband and wife, Himura Kenshin and Himura Kaoru!"

The room burst in applause as the newlywed couple came into the room, Kenshin's hand resting on Kaoru's back as he guided her to the head table. They both faced the clapping with humble smiles and nods and as the claps died down, they knelt on the cushions waiting for them. Then Danjuro said a blessing over the meal and all ate, starting with the tomato bisque and whitefish soup, teriyaki, tempura, and pickled vegetables. For dessert, Tae provided a western treat, newly introduced to Japan, vanilla ice cream, which she served with strawberries. Of course, there was sake but in light of little Ayame and Susume, Aoshi and the group from Itikaku Mizu there was also tea. Both Kenshin and Kaoru had a sip of sake as Tae told the gathering of the "families'" backgrounds. It was a bit awkward, since Kenshin's natural family had perished but Hiko's title as the thirteenth Master of the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu lent to the narrative as she spoke.

In conclusion she said, "The joining of these families in this marriage is much more that the joining of two people. It also is the joining of two sword styles, both alike as both are devised to practice katsujin-ken, the swords that give life."

Kenshin and Kaoru both linked hands as they nodded, both honored as they heard Tae continue:

"And I know that if the honorable Kamiya Koshijuro-san had been alive, he would be very pleased to see that his sword style will be able to go on, through his daughter and that she had chosen an honorable man to father his descendants."

The room again filled with applause as with his mouth still full Sano whistled and yelled, "Yeah!" before Megumi nudged him with a sharp elbow to the ribs.

He glared at her askance as he demanded, "What was that for?"

Megumi retorted, "You can be so rude sometimes."

Sano grumbled as he returned to devouring his meal. . . .

At the conclusion of the meal, Kenshin and Kaoru made their farewells as they both left the practice hall and made their way to Kenshin's room. Once to the shoji, before he slid it back, he scooped his new wife up in his arms.

"Kenshin, what are you doing?" Kaoru asked with a giggle.

"You'll see," was his enigmatic reply as they stepped inside to a room that was the perfect setting for a wedding night. A lantern cast a dimly intimate glow on the room that was arranged with vases of red and white roses, perfuming the air with their heady fragrance. The futon was spread out with a resplendent silk blanket that had roses, birds and butterflies embroidered all over it.

"Oh Kenshin," Kaoru breathed as he put her down and she glanced about in awe. "Did you do all this?"

He smiled at her but shook his head, "Iie, tenshi. It was Tae-dono and Misao-dono's doing. They fixed up the room while we were still at the reception and figured we could spend the night then leave for Hakone in the morning." He gestured to the screen where her sheer silk yukata hung. "You can change there and I'll change out here."

"H-hai," she stammered, suddenly shy and a bit afraid as she clutched her shoulders. She was then startled by strong arms slipping around her waist and a warm mouth planting kisses on the nape of her neck. She pulled away but Kenshin took hold of her elbows as his loving gaze pinned her.

"What's wrong, koishii? Onegai, tell me."

Kaoru lowered her head as she murmured, "I-I'm a bit afraid, Kenshin."

He studied her as he responded, "Why? I'd never hurt you koibito, for anything, that I most certainly would not. So tell me."

A tear trickled down her cheek as she whispered, "I've never been with a man in that way and,"

A gentle finger laid against her lips silenced her. "Shhhh, Kaoru-tenshi," Kenshin murmured as he took the same finger and tenderly wiped the tear away. He then took her chin in his hand to raise her eyes to his where his love radiated at her from their violet depths.

"Don't cry, not tonight." As she opened her mouth, he again laid his finger on it as he said, "Do you think that I do not know of your innocence, my Kaoru? I've lived here with you all this time and I've witnessed no man touching you. So rest assured koishii, I promise I shall be gentle and patient with you, that I will."

"I just don't want you to be disappointed," Kaoru said shyly.

Kenshin smiled a slow loving smile. "My Kaoru-koishii, I could never be disappointed in you. You are now my wife and as you have bestowed that honor on me, you have made my dearest dream come true." He cupped her face in his hands and drew her rosebud mouth to his for a soft kiss.

His mouth was warm and insistent as he coaxed hers open to receive him, his tongue darting in and tasting the honey sweetness, savoring her as his hands slid to her hair and the kanzashi fell out, causing the silky midnight mass to cascade down to her waist like a waterfall. His hands then pushed the tresses aside as he began sucking at the satiny ivory skin on her neck as she mewled softly, her insides in turmoil aching with a yearning that burned like a flame.

Kenshin pulled back and whispered in her ear, "Go and get changed and come back. I'll be waiting for you." He gave Kaoru another small kiss as she glided over to the screen in a daze, her head spinning. She quickly took her kimono off and reached for the yukata hanging over the top of the screen.

Meantime Kenshin had opened the window slats to get a breeze to cool his fevered body and allow the light of the full harvest moon to fill the room. He had already doffed his gi and hakama and wearing only his loincloth, the eager groom kneeled gingerly on the futon, his body surging with passion, hard and ready as he waited for his bride to join him.

A few minutes later Kaoru emerged from the screen and approached her waiting husband. Kenshin openly stared as he rose slowly to his feet at the vision of his bride, who had stopped, encased in a moonbeam that was shining through the window. Her sheer yukata floated about her body, which was outlined against the filmy material as the breeze caught at her raven locks, causing them to dance about her. She was an angel, a vision sent from heaven and he was both breathless and speechless as he came to her.

Kaoru lowered her head coyly as she said, "I hope I didn't take too long."

Kenshin just shook his head as the strong emotion made his eyes burn with a warm tint of amber over the violet. He placed one hand on her shoulder and slipped his fingers under the fabric as the other hand worked at the sash, deftly untying it as he freed Kaoru from the garment. The diaphanous silk slipped off her shoulders and down her body, pooling at her feet, as she appeared before him in ivory glory.

"Kirei," he said huskily as he drew his bride to him, his mouth claiming hers as he scooped her up and carried her to the futon. He laid her down and began his tender assault on the soft warm skin, sending electric impulses throughout as his manhood pulsated, raging against the thin layer of his loincloth.

As she responded to his kisses, Kaoru hesitantly reached to touch her Kenshin. She ran her hands on his body, exploring the mystery of her husband as he gently took her hand and helped her in her discovery. His form was dotted with various scars from numerous battles and she hesitated even more, fearful of hurting him.

"D-do they hurt?"

He shook his titian head. "Uh-uh. Don't be afraid tenshi, go ahead and touch me."

"Okay." She continued her exploring as he resumed his passionate caresses.

Kenshin trailed his lips from Kaoru's neck to her bosom, his tongue tasting her as he buried his hands in her tresses, combing them through the strands that spread out behind her head like a black lace fan. The fragrance of jasmine wafted up to his nostrils as her body glistened with sweat, caused by the mutual heat they were generating. Finally, the thin barrier of resistance fell away as Kenshin tossed away his loincloth. Keeping in mind his promise to her, he moved slowly, languorously, as his mouth burned a fiery trail from her swanlike neck to her full breasts, his lone desire to please to his virgin bride.

Kaoru gasped as she felt him gently probe then burrow into her and the pain caused her to take a sharp breath as he penetrated. Kenshin covered her cry with his kisses as he buried himself deeply, losing himself in the velvety folds of his wife, claiming her body as his. Earlier, they had already joined in heart and spirit but now as he reached climax it was the final triad of their union that took place this night and their marriage was consummated.

In the aftermath of glorious, unhurried lovemaking, Kaoru lay on Kenshin's chest, her hair splayed across his shoulder and her arm slung around his neck as he cradled her head with one hand and stroked her cheek with the other. Both were silent as they savored the closeness that until this night they had only been able to dream. But Kaoru like any new bride needed reassurance.

"Kenshin?" she asked as she fingered a stray flame strand.

"Uh-huh," he sleepily replied.

"C-can I ask you something?"

He gazed down into her luminous sapphire orbs. "Anything, koishii. What is it?"

She whispered in hesitation, a delicate blush staining her cheeks. "Is it always like that?"

Kenshin smiled, her innocence endearing her to him all the more. "No. There is always pain the first time. But I promise tenshi, it will be better the next time, that it will." He tightened his arms around her as his smile faded. "I do want to ask your forgiveness of something, though."

Kaoru sensed his unrest as she responded, "Of course Kenshin. What is it?"

"Can you forgive me for turning into the Battousai?"

"What do you mean?" Kaoru asked, confused.

Kenshin sighed as he began, "Earlier, at the shrine as I was fighting Hashimoto, I was the angriest I had ever been."


He continued, "It was unlike anything I had ever felt, even when I fought Jin-eh when he took you. For snatching my joy on the happiest day of my life, I wanted to end his miserable life more than anything."

Kaoru was stunned. "Kenshin I," but he laid a finger on her lips.

"Let me finish. As you ran to me and he tried to attack, I used the Kuzo Ryu Sen on him, but I flipped the blade to the sharp side to take his life. At that moment all I saw was the man who was standing in the way of my happiness and I intended to remove him even if it meant breaking my vow of never killing again."

Kaoru's eyes grew wide as she watched the agony in her husband's expression. He appeared haunted and guilt ridden as he went on.

"But I as I saw you coming to me I remembered how you had kept me from killing Jin-eh and at the final moment, I decreased the power in the attack. So although he doesn't deserve it, Hashimoto lives."

Kaoru leaned up and faced Kenshin, reaching her hand to brush his flame colored bangs back out of his tormented eyes and she said softly, "Of course I forgive you. Anata, you need to let go of the guilt. You didn't take his life."

"But I wanted to, Kaoru. I truly wanted to have him dead by my hand. And because of that, I nearly did not marry you and left to wander again."

Kaoru bit her lip at his revelation. Somehow, her earlier dread was justified as she had correctly ascertained the reason behind his withdrawal during the ride back from the abandoned shrine. "So why did you go through with the wedding?" she asked, averting her eyes.

Kenshin took her chin and raised her face to gaze at her. "Because Danjuro-san made me realize that Kami above is able to forgive me and truly set me free from the guilt of being the Battousai, even when I surrender to the hitokiri within. And with His love and grace, I can learn to not surrender to but instead to overcome the hitokiri."

Kaoru nodded as she said, "I knew that it was bothering you. And I too almost did not go through with the wedding, feeling that you couldn't marry me, as stained as you always believed you are. But Tamiko pointed out some things to me and I remembered something Megumi told me before we all left Kyoto. And that was that I was the only one to bring you back from the battlefield because it was only me you said goodbye to when you left."

Kenshin ran his knuckles gently across her cheek in a slow caress. "It's true you know. In the heat of battle with Shishio, just as he was trying to break my neck, I thought of that night I said farewell to you and the sound of your voice calling to me gave me the will and the strength to break free and defeat him. Megumi-dono is very wise, that she is."

Kaoru nodded as she gazed at her husband in earnest. "Kenshin, I want you to know something. I will always support you, no matter what, your victories are mine and your defeats are mine. What is important to you is important to me and I will do all I can to be by your side."

At her sweet declaration, Kenshin's violet orbs became infused as his heart filled to overflowing with love for his bride. He cupped her face and brought his lips to hers to partake of her sweetness again and the fires of passion between them ignited once more, bringing both into the tender oblivion that reaching the heights of ecstasy provided. The future beckoned and was filled with promise as the moonlight bathed the entwined couple.


Final Note: I want to heartily thank all the faithful reviewers who supported and stuck with this story regardless through life interfering or writer's block: TanukiGirl22, tintin-chan, SailorEarth13, Inferno-Hero, cuz I can, Animegurl144, RedLion2 (my Anime Bud), Jen23(my Kindred Soul Friend),Kenjutsu Priestess, Gypsy-chan, Valese, HawkSage, PraiseDivineMercy, The Honorable Gucci, Amberle-chan, Shaeya Sedjet, Rayne Rhiana, KittyLynne, missashlee28, Clemen, Rod G, nggmlai, my dear friend Sorrowful, and anyone else I might have missed. I'll be working on the plot synopsis for the sequel so stay tuned and once again, thanks! You're all the best.