7- Tricks and Gossip

I entered the room to find Botan and Keiko waiting for me. They had puzzled looks on their faces and exchanged quick glances. I silently changed into my nightwear; a plain white kimono, with a red sash. The material is very light, almost weightless, but it provides warmth under the covers of the futon. Of course, I wasn't aware of the fact that I was smiling.

"So...what's all the smiling about?" Botan asked me, with a light giggle. "Huh? What smiling?" I said, snapping back to reality. I guess they saw me with that goofy grin. What an embarrassment. I was daydreaming about another kiss with Kazuma. I blushed a deep red, my face heating up. "I'm smiling because I...um...I.." I stammered. God, why can't I come up with an excuse? "You were kissed by Kuwabara!!!" they screamed in unison. Their screams turned into a fit of giggles. I really don't get how it was funny. Keiko and Yusuke are always making out, and Botan and Koenma are way into physical contact.

"And that's funny how? I asked, annoyed they were laughing. They stopped laughing, wiping the tears from their eyes. Botan spoke for them. "It's not that it's funny Yukina. It's like, we just imagined you two kissing... that's what makes it funny."

"We never imagined him to be so good a kisser that it puts a smile on your face," Keiko put in. "You guys..." I started. I never finished. The door slammed open and Yusuke stepped in. It was a hideous sight. I'm not saying that he's ugly; he's actually hott, but he was bleeding like crazy. My first impulse was to get up, bring him towards my bed and heal him, but I decided not to. Keiko gets a little protective, if you know what I mean.

Of course, the sight was too much for Botan. She fainted because Yusuke was so bloody. I crossed over to her futon, trying to wake her up. Water does not work. "K-Keiko," Yusuke coughed. He walked with a stagger, his arm hanging loosely. I think it was broken. "Keiko," he said again, blood dripping from his mouth. He collapsed onto her bed, blood staining the sheets. I was still trying to revive Botan when he winked at me. I decided to follow along. "YUSUKE!" Keiko screamed, not realizing how serious his "injuries" were.

I gave up on Botan and walked over to him. "Keiko, I'll take it from here," I said, turning him over and placing my hands on his chest. I glanced up at her face for a brief moment, and saw that she was crying. I concentrated my ki, letting it flow into his body. Yusuke wasn't really wounded, so my ki just flowed over his body. However, some of it snaked its way toward Botan, reviving her. I stopped concentrating my ki, as it was weakening me. I looked up at Keiko and put on an act. "I-I can't heal him. His wounds...they go deeper then physical pain. Not even Genkai would be able to fix this," I say, crying to add drama. Tears slid down my cheeks, forming into the precious Hiroseki stones. They hit Yusuke's face, stirring him a bit. He moans, causing Keiko to cry some more.

"K-Keiko," Yusuke says, his breathing coming in irregular breaths. "You're the only one who can heal me..." he says again, pretending to slip into unconsciousness again. "NO! Yusuke don't leave me," Keiko cries. "Onegai, koi. Speak to me," she says, her voice in a whisper. Yusuke's eyes open again and he reaches towards her face, wincing in pain. Damn, he's a good actor. Did I mention that his blood is really ketchup?

"Listen...you...can...save me if you.... if you...," Yusuke struggles to say. He goes into a fit of coughs, making Keiko gasp. "Yusuke...if I what? What is it I have to do?" Keiko asks, gently placing her hand on his chest.

Yusuke struggled to sit up, and Keiko placed a hand behind his "bloody" back to steady him. He grabbed her hand and placed it on his heart as he looked into her face. "My heartbeat is weak. You can feel it. Help me Keiko." Yusuke coughed again, making his voice hoarse. "HOW?!!" Keiko screams, unable to watch Yusuke "die" in front of her eyes.

I watch as Yusuke slowly closes his eyes, whispers something. His voice is so low, even I have to lean in to hear him say it. "Sayonara, Keiko," Yusuke said, his body going limp. Keiko let go, and just sat there, staring at Yusuke.

"YUSUKE! NO!" I hear Keiko scream as tears run down her face. "Oh my, how terribly dreadful," Botan whispers to me. I nod in agreement. It's so terrible. I would be laughing, but that would give it away. However, Yusuke can't take it anymore. His body starts to shake and he gets up laughing. He's holding his tomach and wiping tears from his eyes. I cover my mouth slightly, trying to surpress a giggle. "Keiko, you should have seen the look on your face. It was a KODAK moment," he said pointing at her.

Keiko's face reddened very uickly. She raised a fist and punched Yusuke in the face. It sent him sprawling across the floor. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" Keiko screams, picking up a broom. Yusuke sits up, rubbing his face. He looks at Keiko and is immediately scared. Hurrying to stand up he says, "Keiko, I was only joking! Come on don't hurt me!"

"GET OUT!" Keiko screams, slamming the broom against the floor. Luckily, Yusuke had already bolted for the door, avoiding the impact. "Stupid jerk. He'll never learn," Keiko says as she turns back to her bed. "And my sheets are all stained!" she says, stomping her feet. "It's only ketchup. Besides, we have extra sheets," I said, taking them off and replacing them. "Arigatoo gozaimasu, Yukina," Keiko said. She sat down on the bed and sighed. "I just can't control that boy. How will our marriage work out?"

"You're getting married?" Botan asked. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was open. Keiko nodded. "Oh my god, that is so awesome! I knew you would someday!" Botan jumped around with joy. She can get like that sometimes. Having Botan around makes the atmosphere cheery. She's a bit of a goof but it's her personality. "...and we have to plan the wedding, and the colors, and the name of your baby...and oh!" Botan stopped jumping around and threw herself on Keiko's bed. "Can I be a bridesmaid?" she asked, hands clasped, eyes sparkling.

"Sure, Botan. You can be the bridesmaid," Keiko said, a bit embarrassed. I don't think she wanted Botan to know just yet. "Hey, can I tell Lord Koenma?" Botan asked, heading towards the door. "NO!" Keiko said. Botan looked at her puzzled. "I'd rather not have anyone else knowing right now," she said, staring at the floor.

I decided to change the subject. "Speaking of Koenma..." I said, motioning for Botan to sit back down. "What exactly is your..uh...status with him?" I asked. She never talks about her relationship with him; she only wants to know about others. "Oh, um...well..." Botan stammered, suddenly blushing. "Why do you always call him Lord Koenma? Why can't you just call him Koenma?" I asked. Maybe I was putting pressure on her, but I really wanted to know. It bugs me. She always calls him Lord Koenma. Wouldn't that annoy him?

" Remember the dress I was wearing? Well, he gave it to me as a gift for being his "best ferry onna." But when I put it on, I didn't fit into it perfectly," Botan said, looking down at herself. "Huh? How. It seemed to fit you fine," Keiko chimed in.

"Well, you see, it didn't fit because I've gained some weight, and I've gained some weight becauseā€¦" Botan hesitated, and looked at the floor. "Well?" I said impatiently. Jeez, it can't be that bad can it?

"IT DOESN'T FIT BECAUSE I'M PREGNANT!" Botan yelled, tears coming to her eyes. I guess I was wrong.