{ Authors Note: Yes, I'm back! I hope everyone enjoys this chapter. I know its been awhile but I will try to update every week. Non of these characters are mine. Enjoy and don't forget to review! }

It's been almost a month since Trish's car accident and she's still in the hospital. Trish laid there in her hospital bed praying each day to god how thankful she is that him for sending her an guardian angle to save her from her near death experience. Even though she would rather be gone from this earth, she feels that god kept her here in this earth for a reason. But reason? She thinks about that day in and day out. So, there lays Trish on bed praying once again to god..

" God, thank you again for sending me an guardian angle to save my life. I know you send him me for a reason but please god give me a sign. Any sign will be good ... please god. I would rather be in heaven with you then be here in this cold world but you choose to keep me here. Please God... One sign that's all I ask for. Plea.."

Her thoughts get interrupted when the door to room opens. A small petite nurse walks in and checks her machine. The nurse gives her slight smile as she writes down something on her clipboard. She puts her clipboard on the top of the table and checks Trish's temperature. The nurse once again grabs her clipboard and beings to write. This wasn't new to Trish, she was use to the day in and day out check ups. The petite nurse walks to the door but before leaving Trish finally talks..

" Thank You"

The nurse just smiles and exits the room. Trish was about to settle herself for a nap until once again the door opens. She stares at the door and waits for whoever opened the door. Stacy Keibler walks; she looks her friend and smiles. Stacy closes the door from behide and sits herself on the recliner that's next to the bed.

" Hey beautiful. How are you?"

Trish giggles softy at Stacy's comment. " I'm okay..better actually." she lets out a small smile.

"That's great! I'm hoping to see you leave this hell hole sometime this week"

" Yeah, I hope so." she replied.

Trish looks down at her hands and then back up at Stacy with a serious look on her face.

" Stace"

"Yeah sweetie? " Stacy answered while putting a piece of Trish's hair behide her ear.

" I know was near death when I came first came to hospital from the accident but how did the doctors save me? All they told me was that I lost alot of blood and I need blood donation but my blood type is very rare. So, how did they mange to save me?" Trish asked her best friend with a serious yet confused look on her face.

" Trish.. I don't really know either. They just told me that someone who thank god had the same blood type as you and that's it."

" So, they didn't tell you who donated the blood to me?"

Stacy nods her "no".

" Damn. I need to find out so I could thank him and repay him for saving my life.."

" I wish I could help Trish, really I do but I don't know how."

Trish sighed and looked at the other side of the room. " Hows everyone?"

" Everyone is good.. Adam is doing great, I'm good, and Chris... well, he's okay."

" What about Stephanie? "

" What about her? " Stacy replied.

" Nevermind.."

Trish rolled her eyes before looking back her friend. Trish was about to speak when the nurse came in once again.

" I'm sorry but visting time is over."

Stacy get's up from the recliner and gives Trish's a kiss on the forhead. " Take care sweetie". Trish nods her head and smiles. Stacy walks to the door and leaves. The nurse was about to leave when all of the sudden Trish calls for her.

" Excuse.."

The nurse walks back into the room and stands next to the bed. " Yes."

" I was wondering if you could tell me the name of the person who donated the blood to me. Please. It would mean alot to me."

" I'm sorry Ms. Stratus but the young man and the doctors would like to keep that private. I'm sorry. Is there anything you needed? "

" No, thank you."

The nurse walks back to the door and exits the room. Trish covers herself up with thin blanket and slowly falls asleep.

Chris walks out of the bathroom to his hotel room with just a towel on. He runs to his table and takes his cell phone off the charger; clicks it open and bring it towards his ear.

" Yeah.."

" Hey Chris, it's Stacy."

" Oh hey Stacy.."

" I'm sorry if I called at a bad time.."

" No, you didn't. I just got out of the shower..But anyways, what's up?"

" Well, I just got back from visiting Trish.." Before she could finish Chris cuts her off.

" Oh how is she?"

" She's better. I think she'll be released this week."

" That's great!" he smiled when he heard the news.

" She asked about accident and how and who saved her life."


Stacy sighed and finally spoked up.. " You need to tell her."

" Yea, I know but I just.." Stacy cut him off.

" There's no but's or just's Chris. Go tell her. She needs to know!"

" Okay...okay! Fine, I'll go to hospital once I get changed." he sighed.

"Okay good! I'm going to let you go, so you could and see her!"

" Bye."

Chris and Stacy both hang up their phones. Chris puts his phone back to the changer and sits on the bed for the few minutes to think. "God, Chris you have to go tell her. She needs to know the truth...She needs to that you..ugh, I can't do it. NO! Chris go! Stop doing this to yourself, if you truly love her then you will tell her! Please god, help me through this.." Chris quickly gets up, grabs his clothes and walks into the bathroom.

Christian walks behide Stephanie and wraps his arms around her. Stephanie pushes him away and gives him a disgusted look. Christian smirks as she walks her walk to the mirror, he walks behide her. Stephanie see's him through the mirror and his sly smirk on his face.

" What?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Whatever.." she rolls her eyes and continue fixing her hair.

"You know, if we are going to work together to get the people we want. We have to get along."

Stephanie turns around and looks at Christian with a smirk on her face. " Your right.."

"Of course I'm right. I'm alway right."

" Uh huh. So, how are you going to get your little Trish?"

" I'll think of something. How are you going to get your "little sexy beast" Jericho back?"

Stephanie walks passes and then suddenly turns around. " I have an idea"

"What's your little idea? " Christian asked.

"I work with little shank Trish and you could work on Chris.. You get what I am saying?" puts up evils smirk on her face.

Christian gets a evil smirks on her face.." That sounds very good...Very good idea."

" Of course it's good I'm a McMahon."

Christian grabs the champagne glasses and hands one Stephanie. They both have their glasses high..

"We celebrate tonight for our great plan.. well my great plan. To get the two people we want in our life's, and we'll do whatever it takes to get them ... whatever it takes." Stephanie smirks and slightly hits her glasses with Christian's.

Christian and Stephanie drink the night away and plan on how they will get Trish and Jericho into their arms and way from one another.

Chris nervously opens the door slightly, the room is pitch black expect the light thats under her bedroom. Chris looks straight. The light beautifully shows Trish's beauty. " God she's so beautiful" Chris thought to himself. He slowly walks to the bed and sits on the recliner. He sits there and watchs her sleep ever to heavenly. After a few moments Trish slowly opens her eyes and stares right into Chris's.

" How are you? "

" What are you doing here?"

" I came to see how your doing.."

Trish couldn't help it but smile in the inside. She happy to see Chris sitting right there next to her, actually caring. Looking into her eyes.. those beautiful crystle blue eyes. God did she miss those blue eyes. No no, she can't give in. He's in the reason why she's here int he first place. It was his fault. Trish breaks the eyes contact and looks straight ahead.

" I'm good."

" That's great to hear!"

" So, hows everything with you and Stephanie? "

" What do you mean?" Chris asked.

" Well, before I got into this accident. I saw you and Stephanie pretty close. Actually you two were actually kissing and the kiss was pretty deep."

Chris felt his heart shunk right down to this stomach. His mind was taking him back to that day. The day when Stephanie kissed him and he refused but she just deepen it. He could push her away because he was frozen in shock.. he couldn't.

" Trish.. listen to me. Nothing is going on with me and Stephanie. Stephanie was the one who kissed, I could push her away because I frozen in shock. Trish, you gotta believe me.. That kiss meant nothing to me. I swear to you, Trish. She means nothing to me."

Trish sighed and closed her eyes. She opens them and looked back at Chris. He's blue eyes staring back at hers made her heart melt. Surprising, she lets out a soft smile on her face and again he melts her heart with his beautiful smile. Chris melted as her beautiful brown eyes stared into his and her smile.. god he loves her smile. Chris finally gets the courage to speak up.

" Trish, I need to tell you something.."

" What?"

" Well, the guy that saved you life.." Before finishing Trish cuts him off.

" YOU KNOW WHO HE IS? WHATS HIS NAME? WHERE CAN I FIND HIM TO THANK HIM??" Trish asked one question after another.

" Trish..that guy was me."

Trish gets a shocked look on her face.. " What?"

" Trish it was me. I donated blood to you..I have the same blood type as you do. I'm the one who saved your life."

" What? Why? How?"

" I did it because I love you Trish. I can't live without you. I need you in my life and if you left, god.. I would have been miserable.. hell maybe even dead. I love you Trish. I love you so much!"

" Chris.."

" Trish, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for this. It's my fault, that your here. I am so sorry."

" Chris!" Trish couldn't help it... He had her heart and she had his..

Chris looked at look with sad eyes. He was about to speak but Trish cut him off.

" Chris, shut up and kiss me.."

Chris leans down and gives Trish sweet kisses on her lips. Only to have Trish deepen the kiss adding tongue. Their tongue tangling with each others, tasting and sharing every sweet kiss. Chris breaks the kiss, catchs his breath and whispers softly to her..

" I love you"

Trish smiles and plants a single kiss on his lips. She looks deeply into his blue crystal eyes, licks her lips. She leans herself to his ear and whipsers softy into his ear..

" Thank you.."

She couldn't say it...she couldn't tell him that she loves him and that just kills her inside. She wants to tell him but she just can't. Well, at least not yet...

{ Authors Note: Yeah, it was short. Hopefully everyone enjoyed. Please review. Bashing is allowed.. it only makes me better. Thank You for reading and take care! XoXo Jenny}