Alright guys, here's the next chapter. Thank you to the three more reviews I got!! You guys rock! Sorry this took longer to update. I've been struggling a bit with some writer's block, and it's throwing me way off. Plus, I had to get my computer restarted to the point that it looked like it was just shipped from the factory! But! I know not to let down my public!

Lemme smack this at ya!

Chapter Three: First Meetings

The snow fell lightly and slowly to the earth as Hatori and Kana walked down the sidewalk. Kana was walking ahead, smiling happily at the fact that she was finally allowed to meet her distant family. Plus, she could see what type of home-life Hatori had. She couldn't wait to meet everyone! She looked back at Hatori and noticed the scared look in his eye. She smiled. What could be so wrong with his family that he was nervous? He hardly seemed the type to be worried about things like that.

'Damn, damn, damn, how the hell did I get myself into this mess?' Hatori cursed in his mind. It was bad enough that Ayame was going to be there, but Shigure, Yuki, and Kyo were planning on stopping by too. Even then, it'd be chaos, but now that they had a woman to worry about. The worst that would happen was if Akito were to find out. But, that'd be disastrous.

In time, they reached the front gate, where the infamous Momiji met them. The boy smiled his usual smile to Hatori, but didn't lose that smile when his eyes rested on the woman beside him. Momiji jumped down from the roof he was sitting on to ask who she was. The woman smiled sweetly. "My name is Kana. I'm ---"

"She's my assistant at the office. She'll be eating with us tonight, so try to behave", Hatori said for her.

Momiji just smiled nicely at her. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Momiji. You're having dinner with us? Ha'ri here's a great cook!"

Kana chuckled as she saw the doctor blush ever so lightly beneath his glasses. Apparently, that was a family nickname that he didn't seem too fond of. Oh well, she'd use it against him later.

While they walked toward Hatori's house, Momiji babbled on and on about how big the Sohma estate was. Hatori chuckled mentally as he glanced over at Kana. She held the same smile that she always did, but only seemed to be half interested in what the child had to say. He asked himself how long she'd be able to keep that up.

Momiji looked up at Hatori, saw the look in his eyes, and laughed. "Ha'ri, you've got the hots tonight, don't you?"

Hatori was thrown off by this comment, and looked at Momiji. "What did you say...?"

The boy chuckled. "You look like you've got the hots, is all. You've got a funny look in your eye, like—"

A fist came down to connect with the top of Momiji's head. They looked to see a familiar orange-haired teenager standing there. "Don't you know how to shut up, kid?" he asked threateningly.

Momiji began crying, although no one seemed to mind it. Besides, Kyo wasn't the one that Hatori was worried about. He looked over Kyo's shoulder to see Yuki and Shigure walking toward them. Kana turned around to, and smiled happily. "Ah, hello there", she greeted, and then turned by to Hatori. "Is this your family, Hatori san?"

Hatori coughed and looked to the side. "Yes, that's Kyo, Yuki and Shigure; cousins of mine, thought unfortunately, I'm expecting more to arrive shortly."

Momiji looked up at Hatori and Kana, smiling again. "If you mean Haru and Ayame, they're already there. They came earlier, so we all sat around, talked, and Haru and I played video games! Kana, do you like video games?"

Kana blinked a bit, about to answer, when Yuki and Shigure approached them. Shigure nodded to Hatori, whom nodded back, then looked at Kana. "And who is this lovely lady, Ha'ri? Is she having dinner with us tonight?" he asked, shaking her hand.

"Yes, she is, and her name is Kana. Kana, that's Yuki and Kyo. Don't mind their spouts; they're just naturally like that", Hatori explained.

Kana blinked again, but smiled anyway, continuing to walk with the group. Hatori stayed behind, walking with Shigure. Shigure smiled slyly at him. "So, Ha'ri, who is she? A girlfriend perhaps? You dog, you."

Hatori looked at him. "No, she's my assistant at the office. And how ironic is that to be called a dog by the dog of the zodiac?"

Shigure chuckled. "Easy, Ha'ri, I was only joking. It's only that I've never heard you be so talkative of our family."

"It was only a warning, because somehow I know that Yuki and Kyo are going to get in a fight. Which brings me to my next point: Make it an effort for you and Ayame to not act up."

"But why? It's fun!" Shigure insisted.

Hatori groaned. "Not if it lands me without an assistant........."

A little pause. Then...

"Or a girlfriend", Shigure added.

For the sake of the others around, Hatori refrained from punching his cousin across the face.


Soon enough, they were all inside eating. Despite a few remarks and insults between Yuki and Kyo; and a small conversation with Ayame and Shigure, which no one really knew or cared to know, what it was about. Hatori was trying his best to contain himself from either shouting at Yuki and Kyo to stop fighting, or to interrupt Ayame's and Shigure's conversation.

Suddenly, Kyo pounded the table. "You know damn well what I'm talking about!!"

"I'm right across from you, idiot, so don't yell", Yuki said calmly.

"SHADDUP!! LET'S GO, RIGHT NOW, RAT-BOY!!!" Kyo demanded.

As Yuki stood, Kana blinked. "Shouldn't we stop them?" she whispered to Hatori.

"No, no, this is normal for them. Although, I can't see why they're doing this with company over.." Hatori said, sweatdropping.

"Yu-ki, take it outside, won't you? We wouldn't want to trash Ha'ri's house", Shigure told him.

Yuki nodded, and walked outside with Kyo. After some silence, there was a loud scream as Kyo came sailing into the house. Hatori's eyes widened as he saw him flying in the direction of Kana. In a desperate move, he pushed her to the floor, letting Kyo sail into the wall. From her position on the floor, Kana stared wide-eyed up at Hatori, who was at a loss for words. From the corner, Ayame and Shigure laughed quietly.


After a few hours, Shigure, Kyo and Yuki left, and soon after, so did Momiji, Ayame and Hatsuharu. ( A/N: Okay, this is like two months since I've typed more, and I forgot that Haru was supposed to be there, too. I'm sorry, I'm too lazy to write him in now, but he will be appearing later in the story! ;-; ) Kana stuck around for a bit to help Hatori with cleaning. As they both washed the dishes, she chuckled. "Well, I have to say, Hatori, your family is quite......"

"Annoying? I know, it's hard", he cut in.

She laughed. "Actually, I was going to say that they're quite nice. Sure, a bit different in some regards......" At this, Hatori tensed up involuntarily. Seeing this, Kana smiled, sweat-dropping slightly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, huh?"

"No, no, it's alright. I agree, somewhat", he mumbled.

They finished washing the dishes, and Kana turned to leave, but then turned back around, smiling. "So, I'll see you at work tomorrow?"

Hatori nodded. "Yes, I should be there."

With that, Kana left. Hatori stayed in the kitchen for a little while longer, then went up to his room. He took off his doctor's coat and threw onto his desk chair, undid his tie, and plopped down onto his bed. He sighed as he stared up at the ceiling, while going through the day's events in his head. Hatori hoped that his dysfunctional family hadn't scared Kana away. But, then again, it seemed like she had enough patience to deal with even the most annoying of people. She even had the deal with him. Which wasn't a very easy task.'re as cold as snow.

Immediately, Hatori jolted up in his bed, and held his head. He sighed, and plopped back down, turning over and closing his eyes. Akito was right: He was like snow that never melts. But, if he ever did melt, what would he become?


Gah, sorry I haven't updated in so long! I've just been so busy with other stuff, and haven't had the inspiration to get back to this! Yeah, I actually considered discontinuing it, but just because I love you all, I won't.

Yes, I do realize that this chapter was utterly and inexcusably short, but I'm lacking inspiration. And, I'm trying to stay up for Wolf's Rain, but am half-asleep at the moment.

As a closing note, TSUBE'S MINE!!!!!

Ahem. Review, please.

~Yiku sama~