Summer Lovin'

By jessebelle

A/N: I'm so sorry it took so long. I've already got the story planned out, but it took a slight detour. This chapter was originally going to be about Draco's first time on a bike and his and Hermione's adventures through the town, but I got lazy and I got a new idea. Therefore, the ending kinda sucks. I'll try to update ASAP, especially now that it's my last day of school and I'm hoping the summer will inspire me. So, I hope you like the chapter and you'll review.

Toodles, jessebelle.

PS. Everyone, have a great summer!


Chapter 9: Bored Now!

"I'm bored." Hermione was sitting sideways on the swinging porch swing, her legs in Draco's lap. Each time the swing moved up, the chains squeaked. Her and Draco had been sitting out here for a while. They'd lost sense of time after the first five minutes. They faced the backyard that, without her crazy relatives running around, was rather boring. It was like watching paint dry, or in their case, watching the grass grow.

Time passed and a while later came, "I'm bored." Draco sighed loudly after his declaration. It was summer, they were trapped at the house, and there was nothing to do. While he enjoyed Hermione's company, right now he was bound to go crazy if nothing happened in the next few minutes.

Unfortunately, the only thing that happened was the swing continued to squeak and Hermione, once again, whined. "I'm still bored."

He thought about making a comment, but that would require the use of energy and at the moment, he didn't have much energy. But, when his time came to say it, he did. "I'm bored."

As soon as he said it, both Hermione and himself could hear laughter behind them. Slowly raising their heads, they saw Jessie standing in the doorway of the sliding glass doors laughing. When she calmed down, she straightened herself and walked out of the house shutting the door behind her. She came to stand in front of the pair and grinned. "Well, what a pair you two make. Let me make a guess, you're both bored and there's nothing to do?" The two teens looked at each other, then back to Jessie, and nodded. She continued to grin. "So, I take it you need a suggestion of what to do this fine day?" Again they nodded. She thought for a moment and nodded herself. "Okay, I got something, but it would require you two getting off that swing and actually doing something. But I don't want to break your routine or anything."

Draco pushed Hermione's feet off his lap. "Well, that's okay cuz we got nothing. In case you haven't noticed, we're-"

"Bored? Yes, I know. Now get off your lazy bums and follow me to the garage."

Stepping into the garage was like stepping into a nuclear war-zone. It was a complete mess. Jessie shook her head and both teens thought they heard her mumbling to herself. Taking a look around, she halted them in their tracks. "Okay, this place is a complete danger-zone, so you two, go stand in front of the garage by the doors. I'll try and find what I'm looking for. If I don't make it out alive; write 'I blame Joe' on my tombstone. Got it, good."

Draco and Hermione looked at each other, then the mess that was the garage and nodded. They walked out and over to the garage doors. Then, they leaned on the side of the garage and waited. They could hear quite a few crashes and bangs, not to mention a lot of cursing courtesy of Jessie. Finally though, just when Hermione opened her mouth to declare how bored she was, the garage door opened and Jessie stood there with a triumphant grin on her face. Each of her hands were on two bikes that were on either side of her.

"Lookie what I found. Now, I'm going to go pack you guys a picnic. The bikes are both in perfect condition, but you can each take them out on a test run. I'll be back." She smiled at the two of them then walked away and disappeared into the house. Hermione and Draco looked at the bikes, then at each other. Neither said anything until Draco asked a question that had been on his mind since Jessie had appeared out of the garage.

"What's a bike?"

Hermione laughed. "It's kind of the muggle equivalent of a broomstick."

Draco looked hopeful. "It can fly?"

She smiled. "No, you ride it. Here, I'll show you." She walked over and grabbed the handlebars of the girlish one. She led it over to the sidewalk and parked it. "Okay, go get the other one."

Draco nodded and retrieved the bike. He brought it over by Hermione. "Okay, what next."

"Okay, now you mount it." She swung her leg over the bike and situated herself on the seat.

Draco stared at the bike I confusion before imitating her. "Okay, this is easy. How does it go?"

Hermione gave him a grin. "Riding a bike takes practice and balance. You'll probably fall the first few times. You ride the bike by pedaling. See?" She kicked the kickstand up and put her feet on the pedals. Keeping her balance, she rode the bike around the yard a bit before coming to a stop next to Draco.

He looked at her, then the bike, before nodding. "I think I got it."

He made sure to kick the kickstand up and did exactly what Hermione had done; unfortunately, he was a little off balance. He fell after a few feet. "Ouch! That hurt!"

Hermione had already parked the bike and was now next to him. "Well, it wasn't supposed to tickle. Here." She helped him stand up. "I know it's hard but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it." Looking at Draco, she could see the determination in his eyes. He didn't reply, but he picked up the bike. Before she could say anything, he was back on it and riding it like a pro. "Draco! You're doing it."

He grinned and came to a stop next to her. "Yep, needed to get my balance is all. This is harder then riding a broomstick."

Hermione nodded. "Well duh, you actually have to do some work."

Draco looked offended. "Hey, riding a broom takes a lot of work."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Yes, because steering it and leaning take so much work."

Draco huffed. "At least I ride a broom, when was the last time you even looked at one, let alone rode one."

Hermione gave him a sour look. "For your information, the last time I rode a broom was, was." Draco gave her a knowing look. "Oh fine, the last time I rode a broom was first year when they made us. I don't like heights."

Draco smirked. "See. Now, let's not argue, this bike thing is cool."

Hermione walked over to her bike. "Yeah, it is."

Aunt Jessie came out of the house with a small backpack. "Here, I packed some things you guys might need. Food, drinks, stuff like that. Hermione, do you know where the bike trail is?"

Hermione nodded. "Yeah, you showed it to us the other day. It's by your old school."

Jessie nodded. "Yup. Just follow that. It takes you everywhere. There are signs if you need directions too. Draco, can you ride a bike?"

He nodded. "Yep, it's like riding a broom."

Jessie smiled. "Good, so you're all set. While I don't think I need to tell you this, I'm going to anyway. Be careful, be safe, and try not to talk to strangers. I want you back before dark."

Hermione smiled and gave her aunt a hug. She put on the backpack and got on her bike. "Got it. We'll see you later then?"

Jessie nodded. "Yeah. Have fun!"

Hermione and Draco both grinned. "We will!"

It was almost dark and Jessie was worried. Her mother had just laughed when she had voiced her concerns and reminded Jessie of the times she took off on her bike and was gone for hours. Then the older woman had left to go to bed. Pops had taken Mike's family camping for the rest of the week so the house was pretty quiet. She had just gotten up to start pacing when she heard laughing and noise outside. She ran to the window and observed Draco and Hermione trudging out of the garage and slowly towards the house. She practically ran into the living room. Jessie turned on the TV and just made her self look comfy on the couch when the door opened and the two teens entered the house.

"Jessie, we're home." Hermione's voice came through loud and clear, but it was obvious the young witch was tired.

"In here." They responded to her voice and both of them entered the living room and plopped unceremoniously onto the couch. "So, how was the bike ride?"

Draco opened one of his eyes and looked at her like she was crazy. He grunted.

Jessie laughed. "That fun?"

He grunted again.

Hermione, though looking better then Draco, which wasn't saying much, looked like she had been strung through the ringer. She laughed anyway. Something caught her eye and she turned her head and raised an eyebrow. She looked back at Jessie. "So, what'd you do while we were gone?"

Jessie managed to conceal her panic. "Well, I got a call from S-somebody. We talked, made plans. I knitted for a while, helped Nana with lunch and dinner. We spent some time talking about old times and I've been watching TV for a while, relaxing."

Hermione and Draco shared a look when she mentioned the telephone call. They'd made it their personal mission to fine out whom her aunt was involved with. Draco then closed his eyes again while Hermione looked skeptically at her aunt. "So, you haven't been a nervous wreck wondering when we were going to get home and if we weren't out there somewhere hurt?"

Jessie stared at her niece in surprise. "What? Of course not."

Hermione gave her a look.

"Okay, maybe for a little while."

Hermione continued to stare.

Jessie broke. "What gave me away?"

Hermione grinned and pointed to the TV. On it was a fishing program. Jessie groaned and they could hear her mumbling about how she should have checked the channel.

Draco finally sat up and stared at the TV his brow furrowed in confusion. Then, he watched as the fisherman reeled in a carp. His eyes widened in excitement as the fish struggled before it was brought into the boat. "Cool!"

Hermione and Jessie rolled their eyes. Jessie smiled at the action. "So, what did you guys do all day?"

Hermione grinned. "Well, it was interesting. We rode our bikes down the bike trail and ended up at that one park, Palmer Park I think it was called. Then we had one of those snow-cone thingys, which was really good by the way. Then we rode on a bit and came home.

Jessie raised her eyes. "Anything else happen?"

Hermione shook her head. "No, not that I can think of."

Jessie nodded skeptically. "Right, well, I'm going to go and make a phone call, the living room is off limits. I'm sure you guys can fend for yourselves?"

Hermione looked over at Draco, who was absorbed in the fishing show. She nodded. "Yeah, we'll be all right."

Jessie smiled. "Okay, good night."

"Night Aunt Jessie."

As soon as the older woman disappeared, Hermione looked outside at the window and noticed the full moon. She nudged Draco. "She's gone, when do we leave?"

Draco reluctantly turned away from the TV. "As soon as this show is over."

Hermione shook her head in exasperation. "You've never seen a fishing show?"

"No, but it's really cool."

"No, it's boring as hell. Well, you can continue to watch this and I'll go get our stuff ready, okay?"

His eyes were all ready back on the TV screen, he nodded though.

Hermione rolled her eyes and quietly headed up the stairs. Ten minutes later she returned with a duffle bag. Draco looked up as she was walking down the stairs. He reluctantly parted from his show and got up. "Do you have everything?"

"Shhh, be quiet and follow me. And yes, everything's here."

He nodded and whispered. "Fine, let's go."

They snuck to the patio door, as it made the least noise and opened it quietly. Then they escaped into the night.

House Points





Okay people, start reviewing. Please mention what house you want to be in or if you want me to sort you. It's just that easy to join in the fun. And, before everyone jumps at once to be a Slytherin or a Gryffindor, remember the Hufflepuffs, they need people too.

Toodles, jessebelle