The Snow King: A Yugioh Fairytale
By: The Kawaii Messenger Of Doom (Jeannie)

Warnings: Yaoi (Males in love with males) Silliness, Minimal OC + slight character bashing. violence and gore (only a teeny bit)
Mandatory legal Disclaimer:

It is so not mine…for one I can't even read Japanese yet or draw.

Archive: Just tell me where.
Summery: A new twist on the classic fairy tale….

The cold winds blew around Winter Castle slamming into the tall, imposing
walls. The castle stood alone in the frozen north overlooking vast desolate stretches of white fields covered in snow that stretched as far as the eye could see. If someone were able to cross the frozen fields and saw the castle at a distance, they might figure the castle was abandoned and would not find out otherwise until it was perhaps to late. The only things that ever came and went were the snowflakes as they drifted in and out of the small windows that dotted long halls which held only the echoes of the storms outside.

Mokuba sulked in the great hall occasionally glairing at the enormous
chamber doors. He was angry with his older brother who had left this morning before he'd had a chance to wake up. It wasn't time for the Season, that was still months away. Even if it was the Season, Seto would take him along, as he always had...but today his brother had gone without so much as a word.

He sighed and ran a hand through his long, spiky hair groaning in frustration. He sprang to his feet and once again paced the empty hall occasionally stooping down to pick up some snow, form a ball with it, and throw it against the walls. He was angry with his brother for leaving him behind. Mokuba stopped his pacing and threw several fistfuls of snow at the large ornate throne.

Just when Mokuba thought the day would never end, the winds blew even more
fiercely than before and the sky darkened to nearly pitch black. His eyes darted to the large wooden doors of the hall as they flew open. In the doorway stood the imposing figure of Seto, king of the Winter. Behind his brother, Mokuba heard the clicking of claws and knew that Seto's pets were making their way to their chambers beneath the castle. The winds calmed as they passed.

"Niisama, You're home!" Mokuba shrieked with joy as he raced toward his
brother, his anger forgotten

"Mokuba" Seto greeted his brother coolly "Have you stayed inside like I
asked you to" His commanding tone was offset by the tight embrace he held
onto Mokuba, who did not see the glimmer of fear that passed through his frosty blue eyes.

"Ni~isama!" Mokuba whined, twisting out of Seto's embrace. "Why can't I go

with you anymore" Mokuba knew there had to be a reason for his brother's sudden uncharacteristic strictness.

"It's too dangerous." Seto said, firmly ignoring Mokuba's pout. If something were to happen to his brother, Seto doubted he'd be able to handle it. After what had happened last night, Seto was not taking any risks and he'd rather be trying to make peace with an upset Mokuba than fear what was happening with a missing one.

"But Niisama…"Mokuba began to plead. Without Seto around there was nothing to do in the castle and he got bored so easily. Thinking hard, Mokuba could not remember doing anything to incur his brother's wrath so it couldn't be a punishment. Mokuba turned to Seto with a stubborn yet pleading glance.

Seto looked at Mokuba thoughtfully. The events of last night had shaken him greatly and he wanted to protect his brother from what had happened, yet if he did not make Mokuba understand, the younger boy would no doubt do something foolish and put himself in greater danger. Without a word the young king sat down on his throne with a grim scowl, it seemed like an eternity before he spoke

"Gale…disappeared last night" Seto began reluctantly. A far off look took
over his icy cobalt eyes; Mokuba shuddered seeing his brother this visibly shaken. Gale was one of his brother's dragons, one of the living vessels of the northern winds created by Seto's hand.

For as long as Mokuba could remember, the dragons had guarded them and been the only welcome gusts in the palace (though the kings of the other seasons would occasionally stop by, but then they were not exactly welcome.)

"One of your Blue-Eyes While Dragons?" Mokuba gasped disbelieving what he was hearing. "Who would be powerful enough to do that? Why would they do that?" Mokuba asked a thousand dreadful possibilities filling his mind. His eyes darted into the many shadows that filled the great hall as if some horrible monster would leap out and devour him whole.

Seto gave a stiff nod of his head as he watched Moukuba's reaction, then gritted his teeth and inhaled sharply "I have no idea but they will pay when I do find them." Seto admitted furiously. Silence followed his proclamation, as Seto sat down on the throne and entered a trance in order to find his dragon. Mokuba sat with his back to the throne and waited in the silence as not even the winds dared to make a sound.


The dripping of water that was far too regular to be natural was the only sound in the vast cave. On one side of the cave a dark red fire heated a black cauldron as it sputtered and boiled. To the right, a table laden with many foul looking items scattered amidst ancient looking books and rolls of parchment. To the left of the cauldron, however lay a pearly white dragon bound to the wall with heavy enchanted iron chains. The dragon slept
fitfully until it heard footsteps coming toward it.

A figure wearing the hooded robes of a traveler emerged from a particularly
dark cavern. As it drew closer light glinted off of several large twisted metal medallions preferred by mages and the ends of long nearly colorless hair. The figure menacingly approached the bound dragon with a large gleaming dagger. The large white beast struggled with its chains as sinister laughter poured from the figures unseen mouth and echoed through the cavernous room. The blade glowed a fierce fiery yellow

"Such a beautiful creature you are!" A male voice said as the figure brought a hand to the dragon's smooth hide. He caressed the skin almost lovingly as he continued to speak. "Though not nearly as beautiful as the one that I'll claim with your death. " the mage said wistfully bringing the blade down over the dragon's heart. Blue blood burst front the pearly creature's body onto the floor where it dissolved with an angry hiss, as the dagger dug eagerly into the dragon's flesh. An earsplitting roar echoed through the cavern even after the soul of the unfortunate dragon's soul had fled this world. Beneath the dragon, a large pool of cold blood began to form.

To all that heard death knell of the dragon, it was the last night they'd know peace for a long time.


"Niisama!" Mokuba called as he bolted up in his bed. All around the keening cries of his brother's dragons silenced even the furious blizzard winds. His door burst open and Seto came running in, ashen and disheveled. He clutched his head furiously while the dragons roared even louder, their voices shaking the castle on its foundations.

"Niisama, what's happened?" Mokuba demanded as his brother grabbed him
suddenly and crushed him to his chest. Mokuba could hear his brother's pounding heart and his ragged breathing.

"…Failed...gone.." Seto rasped as he rocked Mokuba slightly and the dragons
continued to wail. Over the noise, Mokuba heard his brother vow never to let anything happen to either him or his dragons. Neither brother felt so alone and helpless as they had that night.


The mage leaned over his cauldron examining its contents closely. The silvery liquid within seemed almost solid to the touch. "Even better than I imagined," he said cheerfully to the pile of pearly bones and scales that lay beneath rusted iron chains.

With that, he rose and lifted the cauldron off of the table it had been on and poured it into the pool of blue blood that lay beside the dragon's body. It quickly solidified into a shimmering mirror. This mirror however was obviously not an ordinary mirror, for all the light dancing off of its surface the images inside were dark and foreboding. Even if the sun were to be reflected in this mirror it would become dim and ominous, almost as if the mirror itself absorbed the light rather than reflecting it.

The mage gazed lovingly into his creation, his mind drifting towards the demon whose heart he hoped to snare with this gift.
