Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, which is plainly obvious. Anyways, the only thing I do own is my computer and keyboard in which I am using to type up this story.






Hiya! And welcome, to another one of my stories. Hopefully, you'll enjoy this as much as I enjoy writting it. I must admit, this is my first time writting a story using this couple. So, if you do not like the couple Tea/Seto, then you don't have to read it. I'm not forcing you at all. Also, don't flame my story, unless it is to help me out. I will not waste my time with immaturity, if you don't like the couple or how my story goes, it is not my problem at all. But for those who will read, and hopefully like it, have fun reading. Anyways, I will try to keep all the characters in character, for it makes the story a whole lot better, and more captivating. Trying to keep Kaiba certaily is, he is quite difficult, since he never opens up to anyone. Anyways, here is a better plot for you all, and so forth.

Plot: The Seto Kaiba goes to high School at Lakewood High in Domino city. He doesn't get along with anyone, nor does he talk to them or do so. He's your average rich guy and quite egostical. But one day, a new girl arrives at Lakewood High, Tea Gardner. Though, at lunch, someone bets Kaiba that he can't get the young brunette to fall head over heels in love with him and convince her to go to prom with him. Being Kaiba, he takes the bet. Now, Kaiba must get little Tea to fall for him in one month. Will she fall for him? And if so, will he fall for her? And what would happen if she ever found out of their little plan. . .

*Sighs* I know, it's not that intriging or captivating, but, I can't be good at everything can I? Anyways, hopefully, you will give this story a chance. Anyways, enjoy!










The Game Of Love










Chapter One: New School, New Games

She sighed. A sad sigh. Her big blue eyes looked at her reflection in the full length mirror, her new school uniform on her small body. She loathed the uniform. How grotesque it was. A blue skirt, with a pink vest and a big blue bow. Yet, not only were the colors annoying to her, the fact that the skirt was so short, showing so much skin was so exasperating. Surely, no girl would want to wear such a uniform! Yet, she had no choice in the matter. She never did. She was going to attend Lakewood High, a private school, in which she did not want to go, and surround herself with rich, snobby teenagers.

But, her parents wanted her to have the finest of education, and so, here she was. Though, she couldn't fathom why she had to leave her old school and move, leaving what little friends she had in America. She had one month before she ended her last year of High school, yet her parents rejected her plea's to stay for another month. "It will be so much better in Japan, and it would be best if we moved before the summer" her mother had told her. Perhaps she was right in a sense, but she didn't want to start a new school at the end of the year, it was absurd.

"Tea dear, come downstairs, you have to eat something before you start your first day" she heard her mother's blithersome voice call out to her. Tea sighed once again, before leaving her bedroom. She walked down the narrow hallway, a few photographs on the walls of her and her family to make her home look more admirable. That's the way it was with her mother. She always needed to look good, as if she wanted people to envy her 'Perfect' life.

Though her mother's ways was at times idiotic, Tea had gotten used to her mother's behavior. Tea descended the stairs and entered the kitchen, where she watched as her mother put down a plate of toat and a glass of orange juice. "There you are sweetie, my, you look so intelligent in that uniform" she said, smiling at her. "Thanks mom" Tea said, walking over and taking her seat at the table.

She reached for her toast, and began to eat it slowly. "Now Tea. seeing as you have one month of school, you'll have to work quite hard to catch up" her father said, putting his newspaper down on the side and finishing up the rest of his coffee. "I know, and I will" Tea said. That was her father for you. He would be so ashamed if she got a low mark under eighty percent. Hense, why she didn't go out much and have many friends, she was always busy studying, studying to please her father.

When Tea had finished her toast and orange juice, she proceeded to get everything ready. When she was done, she waved her parents goodbye, and left her home.

The sun shown beautifully that early morning on Monday, the sun casting it's rays of sunlight over the small city of Domino. She didn't live far from school, it was only a few blocks away. She continued her way, until she reached the beautiful building, which was her school. At first, she had thought of it as a home, but she then realized all the teenagers wearing the same uniform entering the school.

Standing in front of the large building she couldn't help but agape, as she wondered. The school was beautiful. The fact that someone would make a school like this was unrealistic. Never had she seen a school like this in all her years on Earth. Not only was the school astounding, but the rest of it was aswell.

Slowly she walked up to the school, as she caught some of the looks coming her way. It felt made her feel out of place, as if she didn't belong here. Finally, after the long walk, she entered the building, where just as many teens walked around like the ones outside. Immediatly, Tea was lost. She didn't have the faintest idea as to where the office might be, her mother most of forgotten to have told her. She stood there, knowing she looked idiotic just standing there. She thought for a moment. Maybe, i'll just walk around, and I'm positive i'll find the office sooner or later. She was about to walk on, when she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

Tea turned around to find a guy about her age, possible older standing there. He had the biggest chocolate brown eyes she had ever seen, and pale skin. He had long snowy white hair, and was just a little taller then she was. "Are you new here?" he asked her gently. She could tell he wasn't from here, his light british accent gave it away completely. "Yes I am new. . .are you? I mean, you don't sound as if you are" she stated. He laughed a little. "I was new, I transfered here at the begining of the year, though it is quite odd you come for the last month" he said.

She smiled slightly. "I agree, my parents thought it would be best though, and I had no say in the matter, so I had nothing to do but to comply with their wishes" she said. " I see. Well, I came in and saw you. . .you look quite lost, are you trying to find something?" he asked her. "Yes I am, the office, would you be able to point me into the direction?" she asked. He smiled. "Sure, just go down that hall, you can't miss it" he stated. "Thank you, bye" she said walking away.

She followed his directions, and he was right, no one could have missed it. She walked in and was not at all suprised at how nice it looked. Lovely paintings hung from the walls giving it more of a homy look. She walked up to the counter and waited silently for the secretary to tell her what she needed to do. The secretary typed swiftly, failing to notice the new teen that had arrived.

Irritated, Tea tapped her fingers on the counter, in hopes of getting the woman's attention. It did so, because she looked up, and noticing Tea, she got up to greet her. She was a short plump woman, her redish hair in a neat bun. "Hello there, what can I do for you?" she asked her cheerfully. "I'm Tea Gardener, I'm new here" Tea said politely. "Oh yes, that's right, come this way now, the principal has been expecting you" she said.

Tea followed her into another small room. There wasn't much. A large wooden desk was at the far end of the room, where a man sat in a leather chair, watching her. On the side were bookshelves and on the right side was a little window, which was covered by navy blue blinds. Tea walked up to the desk and waited. "You may leave us now" the man stated and the secretary was gone. "Have a seat" Tea obeyed and sat.

"Now, we've checked your records from your last school, and it's clean. Say's your a good student, with excellent grades, and I should hope you will continue. Now, coming at the last month is going to be hard, for you will need to catch up on a lot. We do not except any acts of stupidity, you are here to learn, and that is what you will do" he said. Tea nodded. "Now, I have your schedule, which I am giving to you know, don't lose it, you will not get another. Now, come with me, I'll take you to your first class" he said.

Tea got up and followed him out the door. He was tall and lanky in a way. His skin was a dark tan and he had short, jet black hair. She followed him up the stairs, and down a hall before he finally stopped. "This is your homeroom, you will have it every morning" he stated before knocking on the door.

Moment's later, the door opened revealing a man in his late thirty's. "Hello" the teacher said, a open book in his hands, obviously in the middle of an explanation. "I've come to present your new student" the principal said. "Oh great" Mr. Scott said, making room for them both to pass. The principal then entered, Tea soon after. " Good morning class" he said. "Good morning sir" the kids said dully. "Now, I will present you with a new student. She has come all the way from America. So don't hesitate to show her around, and make her feel welcomed" he said.

"Now, I have important matters to attend to, so you may take over Mr. Scott" he said walking out of the room. "Well, welcome to our new school Tea. Now, if you could just sit down somewhere, I could continue with the lesson" he said. Tea nodded, and chose the only remaining seat left in the room. It was in the third row, at the very end near the window. Tea took her seat soon, and took out her books while the teacher grabbed a spare book from the back and handed it to her.

Knowing she should listen to the lesson, she couldn't help but look around and see the people she would have to spend a month around. Beside her was a boy with tri-colored hair. Tea raised an eyebrow at this. Never had she seen this before, and she couldn't believe it was natural. He must have dyed it that way she thought. Right from the start she could tell she wasn't going to get along with many of the students here. They looked so stuck up, and she refused to hang around people like that.

While looking around, Tea's eyes laid on the same young boy that had been talking to her earlier that day. Well, maybe i'll get along with him she thought. And right beside him, sat someone looking almost exaclty like him, yet he didn't have that gently vibe as the other. Continuing her gaze, her ocean blue eyes fell on another teen. He had short brown hair, and just like all the other males, wore the same blue uniform. She hadn't been looking at him long, when he caught her staring at him.

He glared at her evilly, making Tea turn away. She sighed and began to listen to the teacher's lesson.


Another long and wasted day he thought annoyed. The day had only gotten hotter and it aggravated him that he had to be here. Wasn't he already intelligent? He knew he was smarter then some of the teacher's here, yet he didn't know why he wasted so much of his time here. He was president of his own company, making millions a day. There was no need for this he thought. Lunch had come, and like every day, he found himself sitting at the same lunch table alone at the back, looking out the window, as his classmates left the school to go out for lunch.

Usually, no one dared talk to him, and he prefered it. He hated his classmates, they were simply stupid, and he didn't need to have to talk to people like that, people who were so beneath him. He was enjoying his solitude, when to his misfortune, someone came and took a seat at his table. Kaiba looked up, glaring angrily at him. "What the hell do you want?" he asked. "Now now Kaiba, we both know that you don't scare me at all" he said with a smirk. "Get out of my face this instant" Kaiba said. "Nah, I like sitting here" he stated.

"Bakura, if you don't leave now. . ." he trailed off, leaving Bakura's mind to wonder of what he could do. Bakura simply rolled his eyes. "So, what do you think of this new girl?" Bakura asked. "She's nothing but another snobby tramp" Kaiba stated. Bakura laughed at his remark. "Perhaps, but she is not that bad, I guess, I have seen worse" Bakura statedt thoughtfully. "I guess, now are you done?" Kaiba asked.

"You know, some have asked her out, and she's rejected them all, quite odd don't you think?" Bakura asked. "No, and you know why? Because I couldn't care less" Kaiba said. "Ha, you act as if you could get her easily, which I highly doubt you can" Bakura said. "That I disagree on, I can have any woman I want, when I want her" Kaiba said. "Woman, they just feel the need to. . .comply with my wishes and such" he added.

"Oh really now? Want to make a bet?" Bakura asked, leaning on the table, a smirk playing his lips. "I don't have time for your pitiful games" Kaiba said. "Oh okay then, I guess the Seto Kaiba couldn't take up to such a challege, can't stand the fact that you'll lose?" Bakura taunted, his voice extra loud so people could hear him, drawing eyes towards them.

Kaiba gritted his teeth. "Like I said, I can" he stated. "Oh really? Prove it then. I bet you can't get little Tea to fall head over heels in love with you and go to prom with you" Bakura said. "An if I win this bet?" Kaiba asked. "Well then, i'll do anything you want for a month and vice versa" Bakura said. Kaiba smirked. "Now why would I need that?" he asked. "Perhaps not, but it would be enjoyable to humiliate me no?" Bakura asked. "I agree, fine your on" Kaiba said.

"Good" Bakura said getting up. "Now, if I were you, i'd get to work, prom is like a month away" he added before walking off, disapearing into the crowds of people.

Great, just great. Now how the hell am I supposed to get this girl to like me? He thought. Whatever, I mean, it can't be that hard can it? Women usually would do anything just for me to say hi. I'm sure this girl will be no different from the rest, that I'm sure.


Tea sat outside on the grass, her new english book in hand as she read it. Her teacher had told her it would be on the exam, and she should try to catch up as quickly as possible. So, with nothing better to do, she began to read.

"Hello there? Catching up I see" she heard the same gentle voice from before. "Oh hey! Yeah. . .it's not that bad though" she said, putting her book down to talk to him. "I guess not, but you will have a lot to catch up on. Do you mind if I sit with you?" He asked. "Sure. . .by the way, what's your name?" she asked. "Oh, sorry, I'm Ryou" he said.

"When I was in class. . .I saw someone, almost exactly like you" Tea said thoughtfully. "Oh, he's my twin brother, Bakura" Ryou said. Surely he couldn't tell her where he was from, she would think he was insane. "Oh. well that's cool" she said. "I guess. . ." he trailed off. "Well, I have no brother's or sister, so it does get lonely" she said. "Yes, I guess I am lucky" Ryou smiled as he took a bite out of his sandwhich.

"Hi Ryou" a cheery voice said. The both looked up to find a short boy with tri-colored hair. "Oh hey Yugi, this is Tea" Ryou said, pointing to her. "Oh hey there Tea, so what's up you guys?" Yugi asked taking a seat. "Nothing much, just eating" Ryou said. "Well, want to duel?" he asked. "Sure, why not" Ryou said, putting his food down an grabbing his deck. "Do you duel?" he asked. "Nope, but i'd love to watch" Tea said.

The two boys, pushing everything aside, shuffled their decks and began their duel, while Tea watch curiously at the different cards, sometimes asking about them.

Kaiba stood there not to far, his blue eyes watching them. Great, she has people around her he thought. Although he could get anyone he wanted, he never asked anyone out before, and it was harder with Bakura standing there. "Well, I can see your about to ask her, this I have to see" Bakura laughed as he walked over to the three teens.

Kaiba watched as Bakura took a seat and looked back at him. Kaiba gritted his teeth. He had to do this or Bakura would win the bet, and that would not happen. Kaiba, deciding to get this over with, walked up to them, still not sure how he would ask.

"Hi Kaiba" Yugi said when he noticed Kaiba standing there, making the other's look up. Oh my God! That's the guy that was glaring at me Tea thought. "Yugi" was all Kaiba said, his eyes looking at each of them. "Want to join us? You can duel the winner if you want" Yugi said. "No thanks, I have better things to do then waste my time dueling a bunch of losers" Kaiba said. "I came here for something else actually" Kaiba said, looking down at Tea, who had already turned away. She didn't need more death glares from him.

"Oh really? And what might that reason be for?" Bakura asked slyly. Kaiba sighed. "Tea, your going out with me Friday night" Kaiba said, making Tea turn around. "Excuse me?" Tea asked, slightly confused. "You heard me quite well, I'm not repeating myself" Kaiba said. Tea glared at him. "Really? Well, you can find someone else to go out with Friday night, because it won't be me" she told him. Kaiba stood there angrily. Who the hell did she think she was?

"I don't think you know who your talking to girl" Kaiba growled. "And neither do you, because my name isn't girl" she replied. Bakra couldn't help but laugh as they talked angily to each other. "I'll call you whatever I see fit, girl" he said. "Well then don't talk to me" she said turning away.

"You idiot, I'll deal with you later" Kaiba said walking away. "What was that all about?" Yugi asked. "I have no idea" Ryou said. "He's the idiot" Tea said angrily. "Well, all I know is, this is not what Kaiba does, he usually hates everyone" Yugi stated. "Well, maybe he's changing" Bakura laughed.


Soon enough, her first day at Lakewood High ended. She was happy to get home, tired from the days events. She was half way down the street, when a long black limo stopped beside her. The window started to open as she watch as Kaiba's face appeared. "What do you want?" she asked him. "Like I said, I want that date" Kaiba said. "Well, like I said, you can't have it" she said, continuing on her way.

"You can't just say no, do you know who I am?" Kaiba asked her. "I do, and I just did say no, so bye" she said, finally arriving at her home and entering her house, not giving Kaiba a second look.

I don't know what his problem is, but he can't just think I'll go out with him because of who he is she thought, dropping her bag on the floor and going up to her room, and hopefully finishing up most of her book.


Kaiba sat at home, his large computer in front of him. "Search Tea Gardener" he told the computer. If he was going to have to win her over, he would have to know what she liked, and also, a bit about her. Seconds later, a profile poped up with a picture of her.

She seems simple enough he thought looking everything over. "Hey big brother!" Kaiba heard from behind. "Hi Mokuba, I didn't hear you come in" Kaiba stated. "Maybe because your looking at a girl" Mokuba laughed. "I doubt it, she's new, and I wanted to know more of her" Kaiba stated, turning around. "I'm sure, anyways, supper is ready! Coming to eat?" Mokuba asked. "Sure, let's go" Kaiba said getting up and following his little brother out.


Tea sat at her usual seat in homeroom, waiting for the teacher to start the lesson. "Hey Tea" Yugi said, taking his usual seat beside her. "Hi Yugi" she said, giving him a smile. "So, did you get anywhere in your book?" he asked taking out his things. "Yeah, I'm getting there" she stated. "Great, well anyways, have you talked to Kaiba again? I mean, after yesterday and all?" he asked.

"Not really. I mean, he talked to me after school, but that was it, I really don't like him" she said. "Not many do, but the girls seem to love him, look now" Yugi said. Tea turned around at the back, to find Kaiba sitting there, trying to read a book while three other girls giggled around him.

"Why doesn't he just tell them to leave?" she asked. "Believe me, he does, I guess they don't know what get lost means" Yugi said. "Probably not, they don't look like they have brains" she said looking back at Yugi. Yugi simply laughed.

"Now class" the teacher said as he walked into the class, putting his black leather briefcase on his desk, and opening it up, taking papers out. "Pop Quiz on last nights homework, if you did it, you should be able to answer the questions simplly. No, you may not use your text books" he said handing out everyone a sheet.

When he was done passing the sheets out, they started their quiz quietly.












Hiya! Well, I know it was stupid to end it there, but I didn't want to make it any longer. Anyways, I thought it was a cool idea, andhopefully you guys do. So, leave me a nice review and tell me what you guys think. I mean, if I don't get enough, i'll know it's not liked and take it off lol. Anyways, hoped you liked it and please leave me a nice review!

So, Later days!

The one and only,
