Disclaimer: I in no way own Yu-Gi-Oh, or the characters. I am just using them for a fic, in a plot I own!
















Heya! Welcome to a never before read chapter of 'The Game Of Love' I am really sorry guys for the lack of updates. Honestly, I was stuck, and I had no idea what to do next with this story really. But with the help of great friends, and ideas, I was finally able to start this well awaited chapter. Thank you so much for all of your reviews, I loved and appreciated them all! As always, sit back, grab a drink and enjoy the chapter!!!


















The Game Of Love

Chapter Seven: Dreams











She sighed softly, as she walked down the long halls. She didn't know exactly where she was, but something told her to walk, and so she did. She had never seen a place like this. The walls, white, decorated with beautiful paintings. Often, she would stop and stare at them, until something nudged her to continue walking the path.

Slowly, she had reached the ending of the hall, which lead to a large oak door. She studied it briefly, before she decided to knock on it, wondering what was on the other side or who was. When no one came to it, she decided to go in herself.

Her hand reached for the doorknob, and with a twist, she opened the door easily. The room was office-like. It didn't hold much, but at the very end, stood a desk and chair. The chair was facing the other way.

"Hello?" she said just above a whisper as she walked towards the chair. When no reply came, she reached out, and turned the chair around, to find someone sitting there.

"I knew you'd come back" he spoke slowly, his smirk on his lips never vanishing, and slightly annoyed Tea.

"You knew I'd come back? I've never been here!" she exclaimed.

He laughed, his cold blue eyes watching her. "Can't get enough of me aye Gardener?" he said mockingly.

She glared at him angrily. "Your just too much" she exasperated. "I'm getting out of here" she said, turning around and began to walk to the door.

"You'll be back," he drawled, not leaving his seat as he watched the brunette walk away.

They both knew she would. Even if Tea didn't think so. . . deep down, she would be back.

Tea blinked a few times, as she sat up from her bed. She shook her head slightly at her dream. Stupid she thought, as she laid back in her bed, not eager to get up and get ready for school.

It had been one week since she had arrived at her new school, and it had been far from normal in her opinion. She didn't mind it much; she really enjoyed learning, and her new friends. But she didn't enjoy Kaiba at all.

"Tea! Get up!" she heard her Mother yell from downstairs. Sighing, she removed the blankets and got up from her comfy bed, to put on her school uniform.

When she was done doing what she needed to do to get ready, she grabbed her bag and descended the stairs, and walked into the kitchen that smelled of bacon and eggs.

"Going to eat something Dear?" her Mother asked her, as Tea grabbed some orange juice.

"No Mom, I'm meeting a friend, and I'm going to be late" Tea said before downing the drink.

"Okay, but remember, your still grounded Tea, so be home immediately after school" her Mother told her, as Tea exited the house, the slam of a door indicating she was gone.

"Sorry I'm late!" Tea said, breathing hard. She had been running since she had left her home, not wanting to be too late.

"It's fine Tea" Ryou smiled sweetly at her, as they began to walk to school. "So, how was your weekend?" he asked, making conversation.

"Long" Tea said. "Stupid Kaiba and everything. . .you know?" she said, smiling at him.

"Yes, he is very. . .cold hearted I suppose. He shouldn't treat you like that anyways," Ryou stated calmly, as they turned the corner.

"I agree. So much has happened, and it's only been one week Ryou. What's this week going to be like?" she exasperated. She couldn't believe it all.

"Yes. . .hopefully this week will be a lot better for you" he said, as they entered the school.

She smiled and hugged him. "Thanks Ryou. Your such a great friend to have here" she said. She pulled away, "Well, I have science now. . .so see you later?" she said brightly.

"Ye-yes" he said, walking away. He hadn't expected her to hug him, and he did like it. He shrugged it off though. Kaiba likes her. . .I don't want to get in his way. . he thought sadly, as he opened his locker.

I mean, I've seen people who've crossed paths with him, and those people turn out regretting it. He'd probably have me killed or something for liking someone he did. . .oh well, not like she would like me anyways he thought, grabbing his history book and heading off to his first class.

His blue eyes darkened and turned cold instantly at what he just witnessed. People, who had been walking by and witnessed the sudden change, had immediately begun to walk in the opposite direction, not wanting to face his wrath.

Kaiba's eyes then laded on Bakura who had just begun walking the pathway to the school. Instantly, he was in front of him, anger clearly on his face, making Bakura smirk.

"What the fuck is your twin doing?" Kaiba hissed through gritted teeth.

Bakura kept his smirk. "What about him?" he asked, as he moved back from Kaiba. "Bad breath" he added.

"Keep your twin away from Tea – if I lose the bet because of him, I'll kick both of your Asses" he threatened, making Bakura raise an eyebrow.

"Ryou? What did you see?" Bakura asked. This could be quite interesting he thought evilly.

"Hugging! How dare that little shit interfere! Keep him away from her, got it?" Kaiba demanded.

"Why do you care? Jealous? My, is the great Seto Kaiba falling for a little girl?" he questioned, making Kaiba's anger rise.

"No! I simply don't need them getting all lovey lovey until I get her to love me and take her to prom, then he can have her for all I care" Kaiba growled. "So, keep her away" he spoke, calming down. He then moved away, the sounding of the first bell ringing, as he headed for class.

Me? Jealous? Kaiba thought, throwing the school doors open angrily. Why would I be jealous over that little shit of a twin brother? And then over her? Ha! He wishes! I would never fall for her – she's simply trash. He thought, opening his locked, the sound of the second bell ringing, signaling he was now late. But he didn't care at all.

I mean, how dare he even think I would have some sort of feelings for the little wench. Does he not realize that's how I have to act? I mean, I refuse to loe this bet! And that Ryou kid will not get in my way – and if he does, he will regret it Kaiba thought, closing his locker and heading for science.

"Now today class, we will be learning about- Ah, Mr. Kaiba, so good of you to join us" the teacher stated, as Kaiba made his way into class, not even looking at the teacher, he walked to his seat and sat down. "Why are you late?" the teacher asked, as he went to his attendant sheet, erasing the A for absent, and putting an L for late.

"That is none of your concern" Kaiba spoke, taking out his books.

"I do believe it is, Mr. Kaiba. This is school time, in which you are in our care. Now, explain to me why you were late" he said; now standing in front of Kaiba's desk.

"I was busy talking to someone about an important matter" he said, glaring up at the teacher.

"Fine, next time, you will get detention" the teacher spoke, as Kaiba nodded in return. I dare you to give me a detention Kaiba thought meanly, as he began to listen to the teacher's instructions for their lesson.

Brilliant! Bakura laughed. This is too good to be true. Maybe, I can try to fix the two up, so I'll win the bet quicker. I knew Ryou was good for something he thought gleefully. And poor Kaiba, I think he is have feelings for her, I see it easily, he just won't admit it he thought.

Bakura looked at his schedule for his first class. History? No thanks he thought, deciding he would skip it. He continued to look at his schedule, showing his next class was gym. He smirked. I have gym at the same time as Ryou, Tea and Kaiba. Perhaps I can make this a lot more fun. . .he laughed evilly, thinking up something to do for his next class.

This is going to be good Bakura thought.

Tea had watched Kaiba enter the classroom, and how he had spoken to the teacher. A smiled had crept on her lips, and she had to hold herself from laughing. How can he talk to teachers like that? And how can they let him? Just because he has money doesn't mean they have to lower themselves to him. They should have more respect she thought, as she watched the teacher walk away from his desk to continue his lesson.

Tea, although her head was facing the teacher, the corner of her eye was on Kaiba. I can't believe I dreamed of him last night! He doesn't deserve to be in my dreams at all. Ha, just proves he's a major ass everywhere she thought, watching him.

How can he be so smart? She wondered. I mean, he doesn't listen at all! Look at him! He's reading a book! I can't believe that man. Though, I do wish I could do that. . .God, I hate him she thought angrily.

She had spent all class not listening at all actually. She had been watching and thinking about Kaiba, and by the end of it, she was pissed off. That bastard! He doesn't even have to say anything and he gets me angry she thought, sighing, as she glanced at the clock. Two more minutes she thought, as she turned her head back to the front of the class.

I still can't believe he read all class she thought in disbelief. I mean, doesn't the teacher care? How can he get away with it? She asked herself.

"Miss Gardener, will you please pay attention? Mr. Kaiba did not find that cure, so you may stop watching him" the teacher spoke, as he wrote the homework on the bored.

"I. . .ye-yes sir" she said, blushing madly. This is so embarrassing! She thought. Soon, the bell rang, and immediately, she grabbed her things and left, not able to sit there anymore.

Kaiba on the other hand simply smirked. Gym he thought tiredly as he looked at his schedule. Fun he thought sarcastically, as he grabbed his things and left the classroom. . .




























So there you have it! A nice long chapter for you guys! I really hope you guys enjoyed it, and again very sorry for the long wait! Thanks again to all who reviewed, I really appreciate it! Hoped you enjoyed it!

Now, review!!!





[I will be changing my name here. So, if you would like so that you don't lose this story, review and leave me your e-mail, and when I change it, I'll e-mail telling you. Thanks in advanced!]