Chaimera: Wilkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome.

Kaz: Uh oh, she's been watching Cabaret again.

Chaimera: Indeed I have, but who cares, this is my very first Labyrinth fic.

Kai: Yeah and it sucks.

Chaimera: What are you doing here? This is not anime.

Kai: ……

Rayne: I think he jealous

Kai: I am not!!

C.C: At least you got him talking.

Chaimera: Well, if your not going to leave you can at least do the disclaimer.

Kai: Chaimera does not own the Labyrinth or any of the characters connected to it. This is not good enough to make her any money don't sue her.

Chaimera: Gee, thanks, you can leave now, C.C

Kai: Hey, that's not fai*****

Kaz: Hee hee, well on with the show


By Caimera

Chapter 1: I need to get away.

Sarah Williams slammed the door to her small 3rd floor apartment and cringed as bits of plaster drifted from the ceiling and settled around and on her. She lent against the doorframe sighing heavily. Man did her life suck. No fairy tales for this girl, no sir. She fought back the sting of angry tears as she made her way through the cramped hall and into the kitchenette/sitting room/bedroom. She collapsed onto the dusty couch giving in to her emotions and she started to sob quietly.

Sarah was 21 and living in a small flat in Boston. She had done so since her stepmother had kicked her out of her house. Her father had died in a car crash 3 years ago. The whole family had taken it hard, but Sarah especially. Now the only person who really cared was Toby. Her stepmother had deemed it the perfect time to evict Sarah. Now she had a hard life with no one to count on but her self. It sucked majorly, but she dealt.

She worked in a bookshop at weekends, waitressing on weeknights and going to auditions during the day. Between her two jobs and the meagre scrapings she got from small parts she, got by.

But her social life, well that was a different story completely. She had no friends to speak of, then she never had been very social.

And guys?

She went for bad guys, really bad guys. In fact that was why she was here right now puffy eyed and horse.

She had just walked in on Pete, her boyfriend of 5 months, completely naked and on top of a completely naked blonde, big fake boobed bitch!!

Sarah growled at the memory. She was so tired of it all.

That was it.

She stood up tall, swiping a stray tear from her face. She needed a vacation!! It had been awhile but she didn't think her friends would mind. She picked her way across the messy room and reached for the phone, coughing slightly. To add to her problems, she seemed to have a permanent bad cough. She put the receiver to her ear and yelled in frustration. The bastards had cut off service again. She threw the phone across the room and listened to it hit the wall and fall to the floor with a dull thud. Sarah sighed as she heard her neighbours on either side bang on the walls, and watched as even more ceiling dislodged itself. Sighing once again she grabbed a handful of change and left for the pay phone down the block. She had to tell work she'd be gone for a week or two.

As she headed back to her flat she thought about everything, her whole life. She wanted to scream that it wasn't fair and throw some more stuff around, but she had grown out of that as soon as she left the Labyrinth 6 years ago. She smiled at the memories of her friends and hurried back to her flat.

Sarah finished packing the small bag on her bed and sat in front of her mirror.

"Hoggle" she said softly "I need you."

She smiled as the image of the dwarf replaced her own in glass. She had been in steady contact with her friends since she had defeated the Goblin King and had even been back a few times. Said Goblin King had even made and appearance on those occasions. But being the Goblin King i.e. cold, arrogant, generally insensitive and mean, he had never stayed long (No matter how much she wanted him to, but she repressed those feelings deeeep down) but she was just grateful not to have been dipped in the bog. "How is ya Sarah?"

The voice brought Sarah out of her musings and she turned from her mirror to face her old friend. "Hoggle!" She bent down to give him a large hug, and after a minute he pushed her of.

"Ok, ok. Enough with the mushy stuff." He sat down on her bed and looked over at her. "So, watcha want with an old thing like me?"

She smiled at him "I need to get away for a while. I need a vacation, Hoggle."

The dwarf raised his bushy eyebrows, but his face brightened. "You wanna come to the Underground?" Sarah nodded enthusiastically.

Hoggle frowned suddenly. "Are you sure its such a good idea, considerin' last time?"

Sarah scowled. "It wasn't that bad!"

"You threw rocks at Jareth until he sent us to the Bog of Eternal Stench."

Sarah smiled briefly at the memory. Damn that had been a good stress reliever. "Well, we were going in that direction anyway. And besides," she continued frowning again. "I had just gotten kicked out of my house, he should have known I was in a bad mood. Its not my fault he's blind to everyone else's feelings."

Hoggle raised an eyebrow and she sighed. "Look, I'll risk it. Even a confrontation with Jareth is better than sticking around this place right now."

"What happened?" Sarah felt the sting of tears again but fought them back. "Um…. Pete and I…. he..Arrrgh, let's just say according to him bigger is better."

"Oh." Hoggle patted her arm sympathetically and she gave him a wan smile. He looked up at her as she grabbed her bag.

"You is lookin' very thin."

"Not helping Hoggle."

"Just commentin'."

She took hold of his hand and Sarah's drab apartment dissolved around the pair and she had a falling sensation. Suddenly Sarah's feet made contact with solid ground and she let go of Hoggle's stubbly hand.

"Anyway, I don't have time to eat, you know how busy I am." She said picking up the conversation while looking around her.

It was a beautiful day in the Underground. The sky was a clear blue fading to dusky red on the horizon where the sun was slowly setting. The castle beyond the Goblin city silhouetted against the sky. They had arrived at the gates of the Labyrinth, where the pair had first met. A soft breeze played with her long dark hair and she closed her eyes, happy to be back. The Labyrinth, despite the hell she went through when she was first there, was one of the few places she felt truly at home.


"My Lady"

Sarah turned at the sound of her name and laughed as she saw her friends coming towards her. Ludo engulfed her in a giant hairy hug, but thankfully released her quickly. Sir Didymus removed his cap and bowed deeply.

"It is a great pleasure to see you once again My Lady."

"Sawah back."

"Indeed my brother, and we could not be happier." He said addressing Sarah once again. She smiled and hugged the both.

"So what are we going to do guys?"

"Well, I was thinking, My Lady…" began Didymus but he was interrupted by a cold voice, which instantly chilled and thrilled Sarah.

"Indeed, what are we going to do?"

End Chap.

Chaimera: Ok so that was kinda short…

C.C: And Kinda crap..

Chaimera: Hey, I'm mildly insulted…….Sorry

Rayne: This better get good or..

Kaz: Or what your going to get your army of fluffy plot bunnies to attack us?

Rayne: You know, that's not a bad idea..

Kaz: Awww shi*e_

Chaimera: Um, oook, please review and give me incentive to write more








