The Calling of Destiny: New Beginnings


The evil pulsed and crackled in the air as a shadowed figure moved amongst the darkness that seemed to consume everything. A darkness so thick that it seemed like as if it were choking you sucking the very life from you. Not even the bravest of souls would venture where this figure happened to be deep in the heart of the demon dimension was the forbidden place. A place where only the dead and the strongest of the demon community lived or would even think to go to.

The figure moved stealthily against a wall, still cloaked in the shadows of its surroundings. After looking around for any other auras or signs of life that could give away the hiding spot of a demon, the figure emerged from the darkness that surrounded it keeping it out of sight. What little light there was cascaded across the person's face to illuminate his features. Steely blue eyes darted over the surroundings, doing one last sweep over the area to be certain that he hadn't missed anything. Now certain that he had not been followed or that any demon was around he stepped fully from his shadowy darkness.

Now standing in the dim light his features could plainly be made out. This man had short, dingy blond hair that was spiked and stuck out at weird angles. He was tall, at least 5'7 and was muscular not bulging out muscular, but he had some definition to him. Wearing an outfit that consisted of a black shirt, black jeans with a silver belt that appeared to have spikes on it; high collar red trench coat, black fingerless gloves and black boots he fit right in with the demon population fitting in wasn't his concern though.

He didn't have to pretend to fit in with the demons because he was one of them. A hybrid, half demon half human, that's what he was. That wasn't his concern tonight though. Tonight he was here to try and find the source of the new power he had sensed a few nights ago a power that seemed to be growing steadily stronger. He hoped that it wasn't what he though it was. Hoped it was just that he sensed something else and his mind just automatically started to think up elaborate things.

Smirking to himself he cautiously started his way down the dimly lit alleyway. His steely blue eyes darted back and forth between the shadows searching for anything that could give away the hiding place of a demon. A dark blur darted above him and he caught the glimpse of it out of the corner of his eye. Reaching over his shoulder he quickly unsheathed his large sword from his back and held it out in front of him. Silently he willed the silhouette to have just been a figment of his imagination, but something told him other wise.

With sword in hand he started back down the alleyway. Look around and the get the hell back out. He kept repeating to himself in his mind as he kept steadily making his way down the almost pitch black alleyway. Reaching the end of the alleyway he looked around trying to decide on which way he wanted to go. He froze suddenly. All the hairs on his neck started to stand on end as, what felt like, something breathing against his neck became apparent to him. Suddenly all his senses became heightened on full out red alert as the sensation of a presence behind him became clear.

The young man jumped away from the wall he had been standing by twisting around in mid air to land on his feet, facing the mouth of the alleyway he had just been standing in. Raising his sword to ready position he gritted his teeth and fixed his eyes on the dim blackness in front of him. Every muscle and nerve became ridged with the sense of a battle coming the adrenaline already starting to pump into his veins. His vision became sharper and he almost had to stop himself from smiling at how much he loved the feeling he got before he did battle.

Before he could get too wrapped up in it, the creature from the alleyway leaped out at him. The man parried the attack and stepped back. He had to force himself to not laugh out loud once he had figured out what was attacking him. The creature that stood before him was no more than a shadow demon a minion to other, higher-ranking demons like himself. The shadow demon was of no threat to him, he used demons of this kind as practice dummies in training. Its only real ability was to take the shape of a person's shadow; being able to take on a few of that person's abilities as its own then.

The shadow demon seemed to have got the message by the look on his face. Quietly it dissolved into the darkness and was gone once more. When it had disappeared, the young man eased from his fighting position and twirled his sword replacing it in the sheath on his back. Getting back to the task at hand he surveyed his surroundings. Deciding which way he wanted to go was harder than he had first thought.

His eyes darted to the left suddenly, now aware of a stronger presence than before with the shadow demon. This presence felt oddly familiar to him. His steely blue eyes narrowed into a glare as the energy he felt kept coming closer to him instead of leaving as he had wished it would. Damn, now how am I supposed to find the source of that power? I can't now, that's for sure. I'll have to come back later. Angered that his search had been interrupted by who ever the energy belonged to, the man walked over to the wall closest to him leaning back against it he became one with the shadows, darting off like a black blur away from the area.

A shadowed figure stood in the alleyway he had just left it seemed to be almost smiling in triumph as it turned and blended in with the shade around it.