Oke doke, this is like my third story. But if you review, I'll tell your fortunes. No joke!! I'll post your fortunes with the updates.

Oh yeah, I own nada. Just some made up people. If you want to use em, go right ahead. I really don't care.

Oh and the story takes place 2 years after the defeat of Andross( Star Fox 64) ; so that means no Dino Planet in it. Sorry sorry sorry for all you fans of it.

Two years, just two years, since Fox defeated his biggest enemy; his kryptonite. It seemed so surreal to him. For years, all he could think about was avenging his fathers' death, and he finally achieved victory. So for two years, they have been taking it easy, living off of the big amount of money they got from the conquer of Venom. Sure, they had a few big missions, but nothing to big.

"Fox? Fox? Fox are you awake?" Peppy whispered, pushing his late best friends son a bit. The 20 year old vulpine laid in bed; still and not moving.

"Fox? Are you up?" The hare continued. Fox heard him all right. He always wondered why Peppy continued to ask if he was awake if he knew he wasn't. By now, this is normal. Fox remembers when Peppy adopted him at the age of 16 because his fathers bereavement. The older man would always wake Fox up this way.

Groggy, Fox looked at the clock. It read 4:25am. God, why is he waking me up? Fox thought. He dropped his head down in to the pillow.

"Fox, I know you're up. C'mon we have a problem. Get up!" Peppy yelled, pulling the comforting blankets away from the boys warm body.

Feeling the cold air, Fox curled into a ball, moaning. "Peppy! What is it?" Fox said.

"We're not in the Lylat System anymore."

Fox head shot up in attention. Every muscle now wide-awake, he jumped up. Only wearing his plaid red boxers, he looked around the messy room for his pajama pants and a shirt.

"What? What are you talking about?" Fox asked, grabbing a plain white tee shirt.

"Yeah, we're no longer in the Lylat System. We must have warped sometime in the night."

"That's impossible. We would have felt something." Fox pulled on his pajama pants. He glanced at Peppy. Wearing his carrot matching pajamas, Fox could tell he just jumped out of bed as well.

"I don't know how we did it. There's something worse too." Peppy said, as they stepped out of the room, running down the halls to the bridge. Falco, wearing his jeans and a shirt; what he wore last night, was already waiting. Slippy was all dressed and looking at the controls. Fox looked around, expecting to see ROB.

"Isn't it ironic how our leader is the last one up in an emergency?" Falco nastily said. Fox just glared at him. This was no time to argue with Falco.

"Peppy? What's worse?" Fox asked, getting ready to go to his chair.

"The controls are all unresponsive." Peppy stated.

"And, let me guess, that includes ROB?" Fox said, Peppy shook his head. "Shit!" Fox yelled, and punched down on the control panel.

"How the hell did this happen? Get Pepper on the line." Fox ordered, anger obviously in his voice.

"Um. . . we can't." Slippy took this one.

"Lemme guess. No communicators either?" Fox said, distress in his voice.

"It seems that the warp shook everything. Sorry Fox." Slippy replied.

"Can't you fix it?"

"I wish I could. When it shook everything, it looks like it encrypted everything as well. And this encryption is foreign to me. If we had ROB-"

"Yeah but we don't Slip." Falco said. "Hey, what about the arwings? We have com links in those."

"yeah yeah!" Fox said, hopefully.

"Tried. Arwings' won't even start." Slippy said, looking down.

"So, basically were stuck?" Fox said, knowing the answer already.

"Yeah, we just have to wait." Slippy said. Fox sighed and started to pace. Peppy was starring off, obviously not with them right there. Slippy went back to work at his attempt to fix things; typical Slip. The young avian continued to sit there, not knowing what to do or say.

"So, how did we get like this?" Fox finally asked, trying to access the ships log.

"Don't even try." Peppy told his young leader.

"Well, just on a hunch, I would say we slipped through a cut in a warp. That's the only way I can think of it happening." Slippy explained, lifting his head up from his work.

"But, we would have woke up." Fox said.

"Essentially, no we wouldn't. See, the way it works is you have to be sleeping in order to go along with the ship. Anyone awake basically disappears."

"Jeez, this reminds me of Langaleers." Falco said.

"Well, I guess we'll just wait and see." Fox said, sighing. He couldn't handle all of this. He just couldn't. He was only 20 years old. He thought when he accepted the position of being leader; he would be able to handle of it like his father did. Now he was having a nervous break down.

Fox glanced at a picture of James McCloud on his desk as he laid his head on the pillow. What would he have done? The great James McCloud would have been able to get out of this situation in a second. Fox's mind whirled with the memories of his infamous father. He was great, smart, and a wonderful loving dad. Longing for his father's advice and warmth, a tear fell down his furry face. Closing his eyes, he felt his tiredness starting to take the best of him . . . ..