I don't need you: Beginnings.

So, it all started with Xander tripping through the Magic Box entrance, all limbs and grins. "Guys! Come quick! Spike is getting his ass kicked by a girl!"

Giles looked up from his book. The others barely bothered. "Spike always gets his ass kicked by a girl," the Watcher pointed out, before returning to his work.

Xander made an exasperated, helpless gesture in the air "This is the part where you're all supposed to jump up and rush outside with me."

"Oh, I suppose we COULD take a break..."

A resounding scream came from outside, and in a heartbeat they were all on the sidewalk, watching in awe as Spike laid face first on the pavement, with a girl straddling his thighs and pinning his hands in his back. A giggle came from Buffy. Willow elbowed her with a scowl she didn't really have the corresponding attitude to back up. Giles himself could barely contain his amusement.

Spike wiggled, trying to worm his way out of the girl's hold.




"SAY UNCLE. I have a book with me, I can stay like this forever!"

Spike just growled and wiggled some more. Xander, enjoying himself silly, addressed the young woman.

"Ah, miss?"


"Well first, welcome to Sunnydale."

"Nice to be here."

"You're straddling a vampire."

She looked at the back of the blond head before replying sarcastically,

"You don't say. And I thought it was a bunny rabbit." She looked back at Xander and the giggle gang behind him. "The forces of darkness not so tough nowadays huh?"

"Well, he's usually a bit manlier than this."

Spike wiggled before replying, "Thanks, mate."

"You an old buddy of his? Someone with a grudge?"

"Not really."

"Then why..."

"Just getting to know my next charge is all." She cut in, raising her head to flick the few blonde strands of hair out of her eyes. She really should have brought a hair band. "Besides, we're only playing."

"This is playing?" Spike managed to spit out. If he hadn't been dead he would be having trouble breathing right now.

"Oh, BITE ME!"

Those two last words were yelled at Spike's head, and she yanked his arms higher on his back, getting a howl of pain out of him.


"Oh, be quiet."

"No respect for the mother country!"



Giles stepped in, stifling his own chuckles. "Children, children. Please. Miss..."

"Gauden. Harriet Gauden but please, call me Higgy. Everyone else does."

Buffy made a face. "For real?" Willow elbowed her again.

"Miss Gauden, I assure you that Spike is not dangerous. You can release him. And thank you for that, by the way. We..." He smirked. "That was enjoyable."

Higgy considered this, and then taking her time stood up. As soon as he was free Spike jumped on his feet and stood at a safe distance, glaring at the girl angrily.

She dusted her trousers casually and shouldered her bag, muttering. "Goddamn Americans..." She turned to head back to her new flat but was intercepted by Xander.

"Wait wait wait. What are you?" Because, hey, she'd just tackled a master (if a little emasculated) vampire.

She looked at him oddly, reaching for an answer. "I'm... a girl?"

"Yes, but what else?"

"Uh... English?"

Buffy perked up. "For real?"

"Buffy, shh!" Willow warned her.

The wheels in Xander's head worked quickly. "Oh. Riiight. Mother country, the accent, the clothes..."

"What's wrong with the clothes?" she asked defensively, looking down at her black faded jeans and tight '99% Angel 1% Bitch' top. All covered in her long leather duster. She lifted the hem of her jeans and inspected her boots carefully. "I don't look that bad, do I?"

"No...so, what are you?"

"I'm...well...at the moment tired. So can we talk about this tomorrow whoever you are? I've had a long flight. I only came to see my next one and it turns out he has a gang. " She ran one hand through her blonde strands and looked pleadingly at the others. "I really need to sleep."

"Sure, I mean we could meet up here tomorrow right Giles?" Willow asked catching sight of the girl's grateful smile.

"Certainly, after we close up we'll have a meeting. I'm actually rather interested in your being here. Not many people would have been able to take on a master vampire by themselves, let alone overpower one into submission." Giles received a scowl from Spike at this statement and immediately refrained from making eye contact.

"Great." Higgy nodded her thanks and began walking away again. She turned mid stride to face the others while walking backwards . "And bring William with you." She turned back round to make her way home, and grinned as she felt Spike trying to glare a hole in her back.

Spike piped up, finally. "If you ask me, we should get rid of her. She's bad news."

Everybody turned to him with their hands on their hips.

Spike threw his hands in the air. "FINE! The girl just ATTACKS me, but sure, fine, leave her to traipse around town like a bloody she-devil." He stormed off in the opposite direction to Higgy towards his Crypt.