I Don't Need You: Endings.

"I'm not comfortable with this breaking and entering thing guys..."

"Oh shut up Angel." Higgy muttered as they neared the entrance. "And would you stop calling it breaking and entering? It's just using out of hours."

"Plus, if you think about it, you two have done much worse than this throughout your existence." DL pointed out as she opened the padlock expertly. Having no fingerprints was a very handy tool when it came to getting what you wanted.

"Yeah but I'm trying to redeem myself here. And breaking and entering is not helping." Angel muttered and stuck close to the back of the group, keeping an eye out for anyone that might see them.

Red smiled and clambered over the front desk that was in front of the door they wanted to go through. "We wont tell anyone." She flicked a switch and was rewarded with a flashing red light going off and emitting a loud siren.

"RED!" all four others yelled and scrambled forward to stop the noise that would give away their position. The young potential rolled her eyes and flicked the switch back.

"Relax guys. It's just preparing the arena for us." She pointed to where the door behind her opened and showed a podium coloured in the three primary colours of red, yellow and blue.

"Silly bint...did you have to make so much noise?" Spike snarled as he sauntered past the girl and inspected the new room. "So...what's this for?" He kicked the podium and waited for one of the girls to explain.

"Just to make the teams even, but we're just playing all against all. So we just need to go straight through." Higgy walked past the two vampires who were inspecting the gadgets along the walls. "Follow me." She walked through one of two doors and into another room to where there were many racks, each holding a jacket of some sort.

DL grinned and slipped on a jacket with flashing red lights on the shoulder and chest. She held the gun with expertise and covered the sensor beneath it. "This is the gun. To shoot, you put your hand here and pull the trigger. You shoot the others and the one who shoots everyone the most and gets hit the least wins."

Higgy smiled and pulled on another red jacket. "Got it? It's easy." She spun her gun round her finger and quickly held it to Red's chest sensor on the red jacket she'd put on. "You hit someone if you get them here," she pointed to a the shoulders, "here," she pointed to the chest again, "and here." She shot Red's gun and Red's gun froze for five seconds before starting up again.

"And that happens if you get shot." Red pointed out and double-checked her jacket was clipped up properly. Spike nodded and pointed his gun to Angel's head. Angel batted it away and shot Spike in the chest on his sensor. Spike pouted and folded his arms to begin a sulk, until Higgy opened the door and countdown began.

15 seconds till activation. It boomed and the vampires turned to find the girls had disappeared through a door into the arena. They both shrugged simultaneously and ran into the smoke and darkness inside.


Spike hid himself behind a wall and waited for the shuffles of feet to disappear. He smelt who it was and found it was DL. She had been hunting for him since they began this game and so far he'd been shot quite a few times. Higgy seemed to be pretty bad player as she was slightly scared of the dark and kept screaming when she saw someone. Also, Red was easy to find. You just had to follow the swear words as she got hit. Only thing he found weird was that he hadn't seen Angel yet.

Running away wont save ya! His pack bleeped to him and shut down for five seconds. How was shooting him? DL had just run past, Higgy was at the other end of the arena screaming, and Red was being shot at as he thought. The only person missing was Angel.

Closing his eyes and focussing on his sire's scent, he tried to pin point exactly where he was. After a few seconds he opened his eyes and found himself inches away from his sire's face. "Bloody hell!" he yelled and fell backwards to the floor.

Angel couldn't help but smirk and shoot Spike again in the chest before running away, knowing his childe was hot on his heels.


"Guys, the rules state NO physical contact..." Higgy printed off their games sheets and was not surprised when she got 2,547 points against everyone else's that were way over 50,000.

"But if you can't keep your hands off each other..." Red grinned and took in the sorry sights before her. Two mature adult vampires both had ripped shirts and scratches over their chests where the playful non-contact game, had become a full on brawl.

"We totally understand." DL happily handed each of them a drink and took in the flat, muscular, toned bodies beneath the ripped shirts. No harm in looking was there?

"Of course, you could have waited till we got home to grope each other's asses." Higgy stated and jumped behind the bar looking for a drink. She needed something to cool her down after that.

"We weren't groping!" Angel growled and stepped away from Spike.

"You saying I'm not gropeable or something?" His childe spoke his mind and pouted. Hands on hips and scowl fixed on his face, he was exactly like a child.

Angel sighed and rubbed his forehead. Spending everyday with his childe was killing him. Sure Spike was a nice enough guy when you got to know him, but everyday with the most annoying vampire on the planet? It drove you crazy after a while. "Spike? Stop being stupid."

"No, I'm serious. Don't you think I'm gropeable?" he was pouting fully now and looked like a sulking child. Which he was. Angel rolled his eyes and didn't even bother to turn around to face his childe.

"Spike, this is a stupid conversation. Stop it."

Obviously, Spike hadn't heard him. "I mean I know you're not a complete poof, but I like to feel wanted. It's not like I have a reflection to check myself over. And I can't see my ass, but I'm pretty sure it's gropeable." The bleached blond tried to turn so that he could check out his posterior and only succeeded in falling over.

His sire looked down at his sulking childe. The younger vampire was sitting at his feet still trying to check himself out. "Spike? I'm not gay, and neither are you."

Looking up at his sire and folding his arms defensively, Spike answered back. "So? If you're not gay then you wont mind giving me a straight answer. Did you really mean I'm not gropeable? Not even a little bit?"

Rubbing his eyes Angel gave in. If he didn't let Spike win now then he'd never hear the end of it. Ever. Spike could hold grudges for a century. He should know. "Fine. Spike you're very gropeable. Happy?"

"No, coz now you're just saying it to make me shut up."

"No, I'm serious Spike." Angel added. Anything to get his childe to shut up. "If I was gay, then I'd ask you out. You are gropeable. You have a very firm ass and a toned body. You're very gropeable."

Both vampires looked up to see all three girls perched on the bar sipping drinks. Two were smiling happily and laughing to themselves, and Higgy was pressing stop on her Dictaphone. "What? It's a Carer report."

She ran after the others who were following the vampires that had just stormed out. "Sure it is Higgy."

"What? Okay, maybe I'm saving it for a rainy day..."


Rain splattered against the huge windows of the airport. There was a constant stream trailing down them and an echoing pitter-patter as the drops fell. The girls were sat in the cold hard seats of the terminal, DL was being quiet flicking through a random magazine she had picked up, and Higgy was sat asking the time every ten minutes. Spike was pacing trying to act like his normal "hard " self but underneath he calm cool exterior Higgy could tell he was crying, Angel was sat looking very much as though he was brooding.

Red sat drumming to the tune of "losing you" in her head as she looked around the collection until her eyes fall upon Angel, she disappeared in to her thoughts, he was so...gorgeous, tall strong, ok so maybe he was a little dead, but he was amazing what she would give to hug him maybe kiss him...

"Do you think there will be peanuts on the flight?" Higgy asked. "Do you think anything at home has changed?" She was trying no to think about how soon they would be leaving her vampire, well...vampires, behind. She didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay and make sure they were safe. But it couldn't be.

DL was flicking through magazines like normal. She wasn't as affected as the other girls, but she still felt some loss when they had to go. She peered over the top of the page to see that Spike was chewing on his thumbnail and pacing back and forth in a continuous circle. "No Higgs. I'm sure everything's the same as when we left."

Angel wasn't really paying attention to the acts of those around him. He knew they had to go, but he thought he could have stayed with Spike a bit longer so he wouldn't feel so abandoned. Of course, fate was against him and Cordy had phoned earlier to say something about Wolfram and Hart being up to their old tricks. He had to get back later on tonight. Without Spike.

"All passengers for flight 501 to London please board now, thank you."

Spike winced as the girls all stood and grabbed their hand luggage. This was it. He was going to be left alone again. Stuck with the Scoobies. Xander would pick on him. Buffy would pulverise him. Giles would no doubt refuse to pay him until he did something useful. He was so screwed.

Red and Angel were talking together now. Spike could've sworn her saw red blush as Angel kissed her cheek gently. He knew the girl had had a crush for a while, but he didn't know anyone could go that red.

Higgy was looking out of the windows and gazing intently at their plane. She really didn't want to leave. Spike looked like he was about to cry when DL went up to him to say goodbye.

"Well I guess this is it Spike." She sighed and pulled him into a one armed hug, which he responded to gratefully. "It's been fun seeing you again." He grinned and laughed slightly to push away the tears. "And just remember that you were always my favourite out of Angelus' Childer. Coz...well...let's face it, you were the best."

"Corse I am. Who could ever be as great as me?" Spike replied and shook her hand formally. "Besides, I had a brilliant Vessel of the spirits looking after me." DL smiled and went over to Angel as Red took her place.

Spike looked down at the young potential. She'd grown up so much over the past few months. She'd become not so scatty as before and she seemed to be able to deal with even more violent situations. Spike was sure she'd become a great slayer.

"Oh Spike...I'm gonna miss you like crazy you know." She threw her bags to the floor and wrapped her arms quickly round his neck to support herself as she fell forwards. Spike grinned and pulled her into a tight hug. Red sniffled slightly and pulled back to wipe her face.

"I'm gonna miss you too Red. You'll be a great slayer, I swear. And plus, it's not goodbye, is it? I'll come visit when I can and you'll come over too." He brushed some hair back past her ears. She smiled shakily and gave him a quick hug before following DL at the boarding site.

Two down, one to go. The blonde had moved from the windows and was saying goodbye to his sire. They hugged briefly and Higgy smirked as she pulled away. Spike shuffled nervously and looked to the floor. He didn't want to say goodbye. And he was pretty sure that as soon as those words came out of his mouth, he would begin to cry.

"Spike?" Higgy bit her lip and stood in front of the young vampire. "You've been the best. I mean it. I've loved caring for you and having you live with us has been great fun. You've looked after us all and we've looked after you back. It was hard at times, and I know on more than one occasion you wanted to kill us, but we pulled through. And now, you're a powerful master vampire. And I'm so proud of you." Spike smiled properly. No smirk, or double meaning. Just smiled.


"Welcome." Higgy grinned and grabbed her bag. "Well, gotta run. See ya." She turned to the others and found Red and DL scowling forcefully at her. Sighing and throwing them her bags, she span round and flew into Spike's arms. The vampire was taken by surprise but didn't stumble. He held onto the girl in his arms and breathed in his final scents of her.

Her hair was shining strongly in the lights and he could smell her perfume from her neck. She was burying her face into his neck and he could feel her tears soaking his neck, and he was pretty sure some of his were sliding down his face too.

"This is the final call for all passengers on flight 501 to London." Spike pulled away and held the girl at arms length. He looked into her blue eyes and saw how upset she was over loosing him all over again.

"That's your flight." He whispered and looked over her head to where the airhostess was looking disdainfully at them.

"I know... I should go." She sighed and gave her vampire a quick hug and kiss on the forehead before turning and beginning to walk down the tunnel. She turned midway and waved at them both. Angel came up beside his childe and waved back at the girl, as was Spike.

"You okay?" He whispered as the door closed on the girl that had changed their unlives.

Spike paused before answering. He nodded slowly and looked up at his Sire. "I guess so." He answered as they watched the girls' plane move towards the runway. They both went towards the airport windows and Spike pressed his head against it. Angel watched him carefully.


"Well...now I've only got the Slayer to kick my arse haven't I?" The plane whirred and clicked so far away from the airport, that only the two vampires could hear it. Angel nodded and smiled at his blue-eyed boy.

"Yeah. But I'm sure Xander will try and kick your ass too." He put his hands in his pockets and felt something there that hadn't been there before. He pulled out his hand and smiled at what Higgy had put in there.

"Yeah. Bet he'll try." Spike sighed as the plane took off. He watched until it was a mere speck in the distance before pulling away and turning to face Angel. "We'd better get home." He wiped his face free of any tear tracks and took the small gift that Higgy had left behind from Angel.

They walked through the airport in step, dusters billowing out behind them. One was smiling as he pulled out his car keys; the other was getting weird looks as he chewed thoughtfully on his dummy.


The first three paragraphs of the airport scene were written by Red herself. Luv ya Red! Without you this fic could never have even been thought of. If you hadn't kept pestering me to update update update I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have. Luv you loads. Remember that.

Thank you to DL too. Without you then I would never had got such a cool character. You're always going on about how you may act nice but you are ultimately evil, well, now more people know it.

Cheers Pepsi for your wicked support and pep talks whilst walking. We've had some cool ideas and I know not all of them got used, but I swear I'm updating as fast as I can!

Thank you to all of my reviewers. Without you I would never have even bothered to continue. This was my first ever fic on , and it'll always be my baby. But now it's all growed up and ready to take on the world! ...Okay, maybe not the world...but it's done! Hooray! Now you guys get to decide what fic you want finished next.