Chapter 17 Kat Returns. Will Kat and Tammy be sent home or will they be stuck in the Buffy Universe forever? Find out on the amazing conclusion of my story.

"Oh, everyone's here," says Wesley. "Well, lets get started."
"We've got nothing," says Fred.

"Fred," says Wesley surprise that she blurts it out before he could have a word.

"That's too bad," says Angel trying to look sad though happy at the same time.

"You can say that again," says Spike getting up from the sofa. " Why don't we dump her out on the street where we found her and see if the portal will open and take her back."

"Spike we are not doing that," says Angel.

"You son of…" says Tammy about to jump Spike for what he said.

"Tammy," says Kat in a stern voice. Tammy rolls her eyes but then pushes Spike without him sensing it and he falls to ground. Tammy laughs. She then gets the angry eye from Buffy.

"Sorry," says Tammy to Buffy. Tammy walks over to Angel who begins to laugh and he quickly turns away so Buffy would not see him.

"Well, I guess we tried everything," says Kat while Buffy helps Spike off the ground.

"Not everything," says Willow. Everyone turns their eyes towards the entrance of Angel's office. "I found the spell Buffy. The one you and Faith cast the first time you guys came here."

"What do you mean the first time they came here?" ask Spike.

"Buffy didn't tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"I knew about that," says Xander. Spike and Angel look at him. "Kat told me and Buffy explains everything else about the spell."

"They did come before. It was during the last days of the destruction of Sunnydale." Buffy walks over to the girls. "They switched bodies with Faith and I."

"I knew you weren't acting like yourself and Faith too," says Spike looking at both Kat and Tammy. "Let me guess. Kat you were Buffy and Tammy you were Faith. It's no wonder I don't like you." Spike gives Tammy an evil smile.

"She really had me fooled," says Angel looking at Kat. Kat smiles.

"That's cause anybody can pull the rug from underneath you peaches."

"Okay so how do we get home?" ask Kat out of the blue. Xander turn his head to her.

"Oh that's easy," replies Willow. "All you have to do is close your eyes, tap your heels three times and think to yourself there is no place like home."

"Are you kidding me," says Tammy.

"Yeah," says Willow with a laugh. Everyone else didn't seem to be laughing. "Gee, Xander can't be the only one to tell jokes."

"Well lets get this started shall we," says Spike. "Sending Tammy back will be the best thing that ever happen to us." Angel glares at Spike. "Well, to me at least. How about it. All the people who want Tammy to go home raise your hand?" Spike raises his hand and so does Kat with a little smirk on her face.

"You little bitch," says Tammy.

"You always hurt the ones you love," says Kat grabbing onto Xander. Tammy pulls her away from Xander and pushes her. Kat then pushes her back.

"Girls stop it," says Xander getting in-between the two. Tammy's hand lands on Xander's chest.

"Wow, Xander you're pretty strong," says Tammy with wicked smile.

"Hey, get your hands off my Xander shape friend," says Kat without even noticing what she just said. Spike is very amuse by her comment.

"Is this a sexual think?" ask Spike to Xander. Xander rolls his eyes and turns to Kat.

"How did you know…" says Xander. "Psychic abilities."

"Yeah something like that," replies Kat. "Will guys just excuse us for a moment." Kat grabs Tammy and pulls her out of Angel's office.

"Look Tammy I think you should just go home. I'm staying here," says Kat.

"Hell no. I'm staying. Why do you get to have all the fun?"

"Tammy my life sucks."
"News flash. My does too. What of it?" The two begin to laugh at what they said.

"I have something good here." They both look through the window at Xander then Tammy looks at Angel.

"I've got something good too. I mean Angel is way better than I thought he would be."

"He really did look upset when Spike wanted to send you home. I think he really cares about you."

"You too I may add wanted to send me home."

"You know I was kidding. And then you go and take the chance to touch Xander."

"I couldn't help it. Those pecks are nice."

"Yeah I know they are." Kat remembers them when the two were together for a couple of months.

"Back to Angel. Okay. So I can't make him happy, but fighting the bad undead and getting a few kicks is not half bad. I could get use to it."

"I'm sure you would, but what if there was a chance that they can send us back? Wouldn't you miss your life?"

"Yeah, I would miss my stuff, but it doesn't matter. I've got the real thing here and don't forget about the witch powers. We're like the Charmed ones but better." Kat laughs at that.

"Tammy we gotta do what we gotta do," says Kat.

"It's not fair," says Tammy.

"Duh," replies Kat. They then decide to return to the office.

"Okay we're ready to get this over with," says Tammy.

"Just one thing," says Kat as she walks over to Xander. Kat takes one of her mood rings from her finger. It has little hearts inside of it. She puts it on Xander's pinky, which is the only finger it would fit in. "So you can remember me." Kat reaches up and kisses Xander on the lips. Kat licks her lips when she releases him. Angel looks at Xander and Kat and didn't notice Tammy grab him un-suspectely. With that Angel got a racy kiss from Tammy that made him fall onto his desk.

"Whoa," says Angel as Tammy releases him.

"Okay I'm ready now," says Tammy very satisfied.

Willow started to explain how she found the spell that will send them back to their world without bringing any badies into their world.

"I understand the spell now. It's pretty simple."

"How do we get back?" ask Kat. Willow looks at her watch.

"Now." She replies. Kat and Tammy disappear and reappear in Tammy's house.

"How did she…She's really good," says Tammy. The girls are back in their world and they are safe. Kat hugs herself and realizes that she is wearing Xander's jacket. She touches it and smells it.

"Well, we're back in Bores Ville," says Tammy getting off her bed and turning the TV off. It is season seven of Buffy on the TV screen and Xander stands there looking at the destruction of Sunnydale without an eye patch. He looks at Buffy and she nods her head and gives him a hug.

The End

Thanks ya all for reading my sequel. There will be another coming up soon. I just need the right title.