DISCLAIMER: Semenaide, kesenaiede, daradaite, yeah, yeah, yeah, all that and more, bud. I don't own Outlaw Star!


A/N: Yello everyone. I finally wrote an Outlaw Star fanfic! I'm so proud of me! *hugs herself* I've never read any Outlaw Star fanfictions myself, but I really felt like I should write one. It all started when I began my own little Anime Marathon, or "Animarathon", as I like to call it. (I have one three or four months or so.) It lasted for three whole days. I stayed up for an entire span of 72 hours (with fifteen minute naps every other seven or eight hours...) and watched every single last one of my anime series in a row, all episodes from beginning to end, closing and opening credits. Well, the last series I watched before I fainted dead away in the living room (~_~') was Outlaw Star and it gave me really, really weird dreams. This fic happens to be one of them. I'm sorry if some parts don't make much sense. I tried to fix it up a little and make connections, but you know how dreams are...

So what you are about to read comes from the deep, dark recesses of my mind. (Actually it isn't disturbing, but more romantic and serious.)

But be afraid.

Be very afraid.

Oh...and enjoy. D


Melfina was sitting in the hull of the Outlaw Star, staring as though entranced at the Gilliam's navigational system.

It almost frightened her to think that she'd been inside there, in the very core of the ship's computer more times than she could count. When she was inside of it, it seemed normal, natural...familiar, even.

But when she stood outside of it, like she was right now...

...It terrified her.

Scared her witless. Why was it that she was able to stay inside of there without any oxygen? For she had found that she didn't breathe when she entered the computer. Something else kept her alive instead of air.

But what was it exactly? She could never really tell. When she entered the navigational system, she wasn't herself in some ways, and yet in others she was more herself than she had ever been outside.

She a state of almost stoicism, acting like the very computer she was surrounded by.

Melfina's large, innocent brown eyes scanned the length of the thick, black metal strips that would draw back the next time she entered the system.

They seemed so...ethereal. Dream-like; things she had heard about in stories. Not wonderful stories, but the frightening, spine-tingling stories she had caught Gene and Jim telling each other sometimes when they were trying to scare one another.

Melfina definitely preferred the fairytale she had once heard a mother tell her small daughter when she'd been strolling through the park here on Sentinel 3 barely an hour earlier.

It had been such a lovely story...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Mommy! Mommy, I wanna hear the one about the princess again!!!

*Melfina watched curiously as the woman clasped her daughter in her arms humorously and laughed.*

Alice, which princess? They're all about princesses!

*This had caused Melfina to smile gently and stifle a soft laugh with her palm. She moved a little closer to the bench that the woman and her daughter occupied in order to hear a little better.*

*The little girl tugged excitedly at her mother's shoulder.*

The princess that was asleep for a hundred years!

*Melfina blinked in a doe-like way a few times, innocently intrigued.*

*The mother nodded and tried to calm the little girl down by settling her in her lap to a satisfied sigh from Alice.*

Once upon a time, *began the woman,* there was a princess who lived in a big, beautiful castle in a peaceful kingdom that was ruled by her father, the king.

*Melfina sighed contentedly as she herself settled down under the tree's shade and listened intently to the woman as she spun her story. She didn't speak with the beautiful intricacy of a professional story-teller, scarce as they were in these days, but her voice and sound patterns were soothing and lovely in their own way. When the tale was over, and the princess was saved and married to the handsome prince, Melfina was a little disappointed and also a little sad.*


*She watched as Alice and her mother sprang from their bench and ran to meet a tall, middle-aged man that was smiling gently. As the woman threw herself into her husband's arms, Melfina felt even more distressed and made her way out of the park and back to the Outlaw Star. For some reason, she felt immensely lonely.*

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Jim's soft call back to reality startled Melfina a little, but she soon recovered.

"Oh, Jim. I didn't hear you coming." Her voice, forever quiet, seemed especially so.

He grinned impishly and vaulted himself up onto the control panel next to her. Out of habit, he absentmindedly rubbed the side of his nose with his thumb once.

"So where have you been today, Mel? Gene and I were looking all over town!"

"You were at the park, weren't you?"

Melfina looked up, startled once more as Gene entered the hull, lacking, for once, his long jacket. His black undershirt was sticking to his chest with perspiration. His hair was flatter than usual, and for the first time Mel noticed that Jim was in much the same condition. She repressed the urge to ask them where THEY'D been.

"Yes," she replied, her voice a little cautious. "Why do you ask?"

"HA! I knew it! Jim, you owe me twenty woolong!" Gene laughed triumphantly.

Jim gave Melfina a quick, despairing, how-could-you-do-this-to-me look, and then grumbled under his breath as he unwrapped a few woolong from his pocket. He tossed the roll nonchalantly over to his friend and partner. "Damn you, Gene Starwind," he yelled. (A/N – I can quote from the anime if I wanna so there! |3)

Gene gave a mocking half-bow and stuffed the money into his pocket, laughing. Out of pure instinct, Melfina carefully studied him. His red hair was brilliantly reflecting the light shining down from the lights that studded the ceiling. His gray eyes were shining with his victory and his smile lit up his entire face.

Melfina suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Her face was burning. The room felt hot and humid and was making her feel a little nauseous. For some reason her chest was aching. Slowly, as not to gather Gene or Jim's attention, (they were still bickering), she raised a hand to her mouth. Just as slowly she slid down off the panel and breathed deeply, trying to rid herself of the feeling deep in the pit of her stomach.

In spite of all her efforts, Jim noticed that she was acting strangely.

"Mel? Mel, what's wrong?"

Melfina looked up into his eyes and saw that his was worried. Swallowing once, she removed her hand from her mouth and forced a painful smile.

"Nothing, Jim, I'm fine," she said, her voice a little faint. "I just feel a little tired, that's all."

Despite her assurance, Jim was not convinced. But before he could respond, Gene was at his side.

"Are you sure, Mel? You don't look so good," he accused, lifting a hand to her forehead. A stream of worry made its way through his eyes. "You feel kinda warm too."

Melfina said nothing, only flushed even further at his touch.

"I'm fine, Gene, really." As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she bit back a gasp as another pang struck her stomach and traveled to her chest.

Unfortunately, Gene noticed and any chance that he would believe her lie faded away. "Yeah right, Mel, you are NOT fine." He stepped forward towards and reached out as though to touch her, but Melfina averted his hands fluidly.

She was afraid that if he got too near her again...she might start crying.


Bum-bum-bum!!!!! Cliffhangers galore, huh? I don't know where the hell this all is coming from, but...Sere liked it, so yeah. *Sere meows* I'll try to be subtle...I really LOVE reviews! *Waggles eyebrows* Okay, maybe not the most delicate way of going about it, but oh well. Rated R for stuff in later chapters. If you, ah, catch my drift. *Waggles eyebrows again* Ja ne.