"Black Cats" By: Jade O'Neal

Spoilers: I don't think so... It takes place somewhere in season 1, but everyone knows the others' secret identities. Justice League ROCKS MY WORLD... Well, maybe not. Rating: PG-13 for violence, adult content, language Disclaimer: DC Comics, The Cartoon Network, Warner Bros., and others I don't know about own these characters. No infringement is intended. Sorry. Please don't sue me. Dedication: To the guy who inspired me; he will never know he did.



Monday (Day 1)

"And that is my plan with the new and improved Gotham Observatory. A way we and our children can reach for the stars." Bruce Wayne gave a practiced smile as the audience of reporters, photographers, scientists, and other billionaires clapped. "Thank you very much."

"Would you mind answering a few questions, Mr. Wayne?" a reporter asked.

"Actually, I'm in a hurry, but do make an appointment with my secretary." Bruce then stepped away from the podium and headed down the stairs. He stopped when a brunette in a light blue dress suit got in his way. She wore a sly smile. To his surprise, it was the lovely Lois Lane, an ex- girlfriend, of The Daily Planet. "Well, hello."

"You wouldn't mind answering my questions, would you?"

Bruce only smiled more. "Not at all. How've you been?"

"Good. Hey, I thought I was asking the questions." She came to him and pulled out a tiny tape recorder. "Hold on, Bruce. Smallville!" she called to her partner. "C'mon!"

The billionaire silently chuckled as Clark Kent came to join them. Although he managed to hide his identity behind his glasses, Bruce knew exactly who the reporter was after hours.

"Mr. Kent, it's good to see you again." He extended his hand and shook Clark's. "Have you two been in town long?"

"Only a day," he answered. "It's nice to see you too, Mr. Wayne."

Lois interrupted. "Now, back to my questions."

"You know Lois, why don't you and Mr. Kent join me for lunch? My treat."

"Oh. Exclusive interview?" Lois nodded. "You've got yourself a date."

Bruce laughed and looked passed the two reporters. Standing near a railing was a slender blonde who he knew all too well. "Could you excuse me for a moment?" He brushed passed the duo and strolled to where the lady stood. "Selina?"

She raised her eyes to meet his and smiled. "Hey Bruce," Selina Kyle greeted. "I haven't seen you in a while. I like this place. You made a nice speech."

He resisted the urge to kiss her red lips and spoke instead. "Where have you been? I know you left town before, but I don't know why."

"I've been moving around a lot." When he gave a disappointed expression, she came closer to him. "I haven't been stealing, Bruce. I've changed."


"That was rude. You'd think he'd show some more courtesy to an old flame," Lois complained.

Clark nodded in agreement but wasn't really listening. He was more interested in why Bruce had left so suddenly.

"I know that chick."

"She does seem familiar. I recognize her too."

"Well you should," Lois stated matter-of-factly. "That gal is Selina Kyle, a k a: Catwoman. She covered the papers a few years ago. I think I did a story on her when she robbed Lex Luther."

Clark narrowed his eyes. "And she knows Bruce Wayne?" The reporter decided to eavesdrop into their conversation with the help of his super hearing. He didn't even have to strain.

"Anyway," Miss Kyle said, "I came to see you. It was the least I could do for what you've done for me."

"You don't have to lie, Selina. You're in town to steal something. You can tell me," Bruce assured.

"For being a friend, you really don't trust my word." Miss Kyle turned away from the billionaire.

Bruce touched her shoulders. "I'm sorry. It's just that –"

Lois distracted Clark. "I'll be right back. I need to make a trip to the ladies' room." He just continued to listen.

"Let's have dinner tonight," Bruce offered.

"I can't. I'm spending time with an old girlfriend. How about tomorrow night?" When he nodded, she kissed his cheek. "Call me."

Bruce then came to stand beside Clark when the girl left. "You listened in, didn't you?"

"Well, it's not everyday that I get to see Batman and Catwoman without their masks," he whispered in response. "So, she declined because she wants to see some friend?"

"She's lying through her teeth."


"Selina's going to go out as Catwoman tonight."

"To rob?"

"No. To see Batman."


When Alfred stopped the limousine outside the observatory, he came around and opened the door for Lois. After thanking both Bruce and Alfred, she left. Clark slid over to the door but made eye contact with Bruce.

"I'll stop by later," he told and then followed his partner. Alfred then shut the door and returned to the driver's seat. He restarted the car and headed toward the Wayne Manor.

"When does Tim come home?" Bruce asked Alfred as he checked his watch.

"Sir, he just left for his field trip this very morning. He will not be returning till Friday evening."

Bruce moistened his lips and ran a hand through his dark hair. "Selina Kyle was a the opening ceremony today."

"Really, Master Wayne? How is she?"

He answered honestly. "I don't know. She looked good. You know, strong and healthy. She claimed that she stopped stealing."

Alfred shook his head. "Do you believe her, Sir?"

"Not at all."


Selina groaned and dropped her suitcase on her bed. She opened it and stared down at its contents. The black Catwoman suit laid at the top of the pile. When she heard a cat's soft meow, her face immediately lit up.

"Isis!" She scooped the beautiful black cat into her arms and planted a kiss on its head. "You darling, little sweetheart. Did you miss Mama today?"

The cat purred, and she let it go. As she pulled out some of her things, she could only keep her eyes on the suit. It almost called to her. It didn't have to, though. She wanted to slip it on.


Bruce clicked onto the next page of the newspaper. For an hour, he had been sitting at the old Batcomputer, searching for any new cases involving Catwoman. The strange thing was that there were none. Not a single robbery in the past two months was similar to Catwoman's style.

First off, none of the robberies showed any sign of Catwoman's doing, and second, nothing that was "Cat-like" had been stolen.

But she had always loved jewels...

She loved anything she could get her hands on.

Maybe Selina was telling the truth, but Bruce still needed real proof.

"Hey Bruce," Clark greeted as he walked down the stairs and into the Batcave. He came over to the computer and read off of the big screen. "Cat- burglar does it again." Clark took off his glasses and placed them on top of his head. "Was that her?"

Bruce shook his head. "The reporter claims that it could've been, but I don't know. That emerald has nothing to do with cats, but that's not a lead. I just have a feeling."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know," he repeated. "It's just not her. She usually has a motive for what she does." He sighed and rubbed his forehead. "It is possible that she had turned over a new leaf."

"But aren't the chances slim?" Clark asked.

Bruce nodded. "Selina craves the night, the danger, and the freedom. It's her escape from reality. She hungers for it."

The reporter smirked. "Sounds like someone I know." Clark scratched the back of his neck. "Are you going to need back-up tonight?"

"No. I can handle Selina. You just handle Lois." Bruce gave a wolfish grin and raised an eyebrow. "You know you want to."

"Yeah, but she's in love with Superman."

"Which also happens to be you. You've got it made, Clark. She didn't find Batman that attractive. Believe me, I know." Bruce stood and walked over to one of his closets.

"Well, how about Selina? Who does she love?"

Bruce stopped in his tracks and turned to face Clark. "I don't know. She likes me as a friend, but she is physically attracted to Batman, even if he has arrested her more than once." He paused and then stated, "Women are fickle."

"But it is our fault. We do have two different personas."

"And the trick is finding someone who doesn't mind."


"What took you so long? I was getting restless." Lois put down the remote and snatched one of the brown bags from Clark. "Did you remember the soy sauce?"

Clark laughed and sat down beside her. "It's all there." He handed her a diet Coke and opened his brown bag. "The traffic was terrible, and the lines were long." He began to mix his chicken and rice.

With a partially full mouth, Lois asked, "What time are we leaving tomorrow?"


"How early?"

"Ten o'clock early."

She sipped her Coke and told, "We'll get lunch on the road."


Catwoman sat on the ledge of a building she knew very well. The Joker's little wench, Harley Quinn, had almost killed her here because Catwoman had ruined his plan to kill Batman. She smirked to herself; he deserved getting arrested. She hated him anyway.

Playing with her whip. Catwoman stared out at the docks. The water was calm and beautiful, just like the dark sky. It was the perfect night. A small breeze kept her cool and slightly gave her chills.

"What are you doing here, Catwoman?" Batman's hard voice questioned from behind the thief.

She grinned and lifted one of her legs to sit on the ledge. Making sure her stiletto heel was noticeable, Catwoman lied down on the cement ledge. When he narrowed his eyes, she gave that seductive smile of hers.

"Go home, Selina."

"Why? You didn't miss me?" She giggled.

"I don't have time for this," he told and turned to go.

She only laughed more. "Of course you do. Otherwise, why the hell would you be here in the first place?" Catwoman stood and took her time walking to him. She placed a hand on his shoulder; he reacted with a quick grasp of her wrist. Batman didn't trust her at all.

He shoved her away from himself and asked, "Why are you here?"

"To visit an old friend."

"You have no friends."

She chuckled. "You're right. I've made enemies with those on the right side of the law and those on the wrong side. Let's see, I'm a thief, and I saved your life. I lost my popularity amongst many people. It doesn't make any sense." Catwoman took a step forward and touched his chest. "And they ask me why I did it." She gently touched her lips to his and kissed him. When she pulled back, she licked her lips. "I say that it tastes to good."

He didn't show any reaction at all. The bat just stared at her. Without notice, Catwoman tripped him, causing him to fall backwards. She then straddled him and once again kissed him with her red lips. He kissed her in return.

Catwoman sat up and begged, "Take me away from this, Batman. Take me away in your Batmobile and drive me to your Bat-home. Throw me onto your Bat-bed and wrap me in your Bat-sheets. Please."

He sat up also. "Something's wrong."

"You're right. You're always right." A tear escaped one of her green eyes, and she crawled off of Batman. "But you don't know who I am. You know Catwoman." She struggled to her feet and ripped off her mask, revealing her face and messy hair. "You don't know Selina Kyle. How can I be two different women who want two different men?"

Batman stood. "You're unstable. Let me help you."

She could feel her hands begin to shake as her heart began to race. Selina didn't know who she was anymore. Nothing made any sense. She took her whip and started to run. Before jumping the roof, she used her whip to latch onto a railing. It allowed her to swing to the next rooftop.


Batman peered into Selina's apartment from the balcony. She was lying on her couch, crying. He was worried because Selina wasn't herself. Something must've happened while she was gone. Because of it, her sanity was hanging in the balance.

Maybe being Catwoman had driven her mad.

He knew exactly how she felt: lost and alone. He needed to help her, but not as Batman. She needed someone who didn't wear a mask.


Tuesday (Day 2)

The phone rang. Selina didn't wake immediately. She didn't open her eyes until Isis licked her face. She stared at her own body; the Catwoman suit still covered it. The phone continued to ring. Selina groaned and lifted the receiver.


"Selina, it's Bruce."

"Oh," she said as she yawned. "What's up?"

"I was going to ask you about tonight. Wow, you sound exhausted."

She slightly laughed. "Yeah. I got in late."

"You have fun at your girlfriend's?"

"What? Oh yeah. She didn't want me to leave." Selina let out a breath and ran a hand through her hair.

"So, do you want me to pick you up at eight? I know this wonderful little –"

"Bruce," she interrupted. "Why don't I just come up to the mansion, if Alfred doesn't mind. I love his cooking."

He chuckled. "I like that plan. Do you need a lift?"

"No. I'll be there at eight."


He straightened his purple suit and placed a flower in the breast pocket. The twisted smile that never left his face only grew wider. He turned on his heal and walked into the next room.

"Good morning, Mr. Joker. Would you like some breakfast?" Harley stood from her seat at the kitchen table and bit her bottom lip in excitement. "I made it myself."

The Joker winced. "Eh – Listen, Harl. I'm too giddy to eat. We've both been waiting so long for this night." When the smile left her pretty face, he shrugged. "We'll have dinner later."

The girl rolled her eyes. "You know something? Ivy was absolutely right! You don't appreciate me. I'm just here for entertainment!"

He groaned. "Oh, not that miserable Poison Ivy again."

"Yes! I slaved all morning just to make you that meal, and you didn't even say thank you!"

A woman's voice interrupted the conversation. "Now that isn't very nice."

Joker turned around to meet the intruder. He began to laugh as Catwoman joined them. "Well hello, Kitten. How are you?"

"Purr-fect." She laughed also. "I'm ready for tonight."


Harley huffed and dropped the dishes into the sink. "They might be too smart for this little trick. What if she doesn't go crazy?"

The Joker narrowed his eyes. "Shut up, Harl. Don't jinx us. That's the last thing we need."


Clark rubbed his head and stared out at the traffic on the highway. There was a ridiculous amount of people on the road, and it was way passed rush hour. Not only was there construction, but there had been an accident as well. Just their luck. They wouldn't get home to Metropolis any time soon.

"Smallville, can you see if we're almost to the crash site?" Lois stuck her head outside the car window. "I can't."

"We have a while yet," he told. When she settled back in her seat, he nervously asked, "So, how was it seeing Bruce again?"

"Fine. Please Clark, I don't even care anymore. You saw the way he looked at that blonde. We never once looked that way at each other." She slightly chuckled. "We were not made for one another." She pulled out her cellular phone. "I really should call Perry. He might want to know that we won't be in till tomorrow."


At about ten after eight, Selina stood outside the Wayne Manor's main door. Using the window, she quickly checked her hair, which she had pulled into a French twist. She straightened her dark brown skirt and her white blouse before Alfred opened the door. She smiled.

"Good evening, Miss Kyle," he greeted formally.

"Hi Alfred." When he allowed her inside, she handed him her coat. "How are you?"

"Very well. Thank you." He then guided her to the dining room... one of the many dining rooms. "Selina Kyle, Sir," Alfred announced and then left.

Bruce stood and walked to Selina. He gave her a hug and took her hand. He told her that they'd eat in fifteen minutes and sat her down in the seat next to his. She couldn't hide her smile when he pulled her chair out for her. He had always been a gentleman.

"So, Selina, is there anything that you'd like to talk about? Anything you'd like to tell me?"

"You think I'm in trouble again," she concluded.

He shook his head. "I'm just worried about you."

"I know."


Bruce poured a little more red wine into Selina's glass and then into his own. The two of them sat on a couch, next to one of the fireplaces in his home. He set the bottle on a table and sipped his wine. His eyes studied the woman who sat beside him. She was beautiful. Everything about her made him grin. Selina had always been his "brass ring." Two bad he wasn't hers.

"Thank you."

"For the wine?"

"No. Well, of course. I meant thank you for being my friend. You are the only person who honestly cares. You've always been there for me." She swallowed the rest of the wine and placed the glass on the end table. "I appreciate everything that you've done."

"Selina, you don't –" Bruce was cut off by a kiss. When she pulled away, he finished his wine with one gulp. "You don't have to stop," he told.

Immediately, she kissed him again. With her cat-like movements, Selina almost became an animal. She ran her hands through his think hair and climbed on top of him. For once, Bruce knew what she wanted from him.


Selina ran her fingers across Bruce's strong chest and pulled the satin sheets tighter around the two of them. She propped her head on her hand and looked down at his peaceful face. He was quite beautiful when he slept and looked calm for once. He did have the tendency to overwork himself. As she continued to study him, she noticed a feature that she hadn't before: darkness.

She sat up in his bed and moved her eyes to the open window. The full moon lit the quiet night that called to the feline inside of her.


Catwoman had no trouble breaking into the Gotham Museum of Natural History. It had been simple. She made her way to the Egyptian artifacts section of the building with ease. Catwoman brought out a cat's eye marble and rolled it across the floor. When it stopped, it gave off smoke and revealed the motion sensor lasers. She just grinned.

To avoid the sensors, Catwoman decided to use her gymnast technique. She started with a cartwheel into a round-off and followed with a back-flip. From there, she did a quick walkover and spun around.

She had ended up just in front of the jade statuette whose eyes almost stared at her. The cat's design was perfect. Every detail was distinct.

The thief glanced over her shoulder and made sure the security camera could see her. She pulled off a glove and touched the glass around the statue. After lifting the glass and placing it on the floor, she swiped the cat and high-tailed it out of the museum.


Go on now... You know you want to...